


参考1)シカゴ日経平均先物 大取終値比 220円高






最後に、この身代金、じゃなかった、賠償金、高すぎんだろw 100億ドルって何だよ。天下のアメリカ様だって、43億ドルですよペナルティ。それで、歴史上最高値の賠償金だと報道されていたわけですよ。100億ドルってなんだよマジでwww 倍ですよ。倍々の賠償金。



参考3)“世界一クールな独裁者”が取り戻した“平和” 中米エルサルバドル現地ルポ




参考4)エルサルバドルの大統領選でブケレが勝利宣言 ビットコイン政策継続へ



GDPで60兆円くらいだろ。4兆円の損失って、GDPの7%やんけ、しかも全部利益。やばすぎるだろw 嘘つくなよマジでwww あんまり批判的な事書くと目を付けられそうなのでこのあたりにしておきますが、とにかく、『真面目にビットコインを法定通貨にしていこうぜ』という途上国と、彼らは、全く、思考も意図も異なるわけですよ。
これ、顛末がどうなるか次第ですが、真似する国家、絶対追随すると思いませんか?『お、なんかSolana、調子良いらしいな、おい、入国管理局に、Solanaのやつが気たらいきなりステーキしろ』、と言って、ガンガン摘発する。入国して、摘発。来なければ、『お、Solanaと一緒に仕事したいんだよ、うちの国でオタクの通貨人気でさあ。ちと幹部とうちの国で打ち合わせしようぜぃ』、みたいなこと言って、呼び寄せる。からの、いきなりステーキです。危険極まりないだろこんなもんwww 誰でも引っかかるわこんなことされたら。馬鹿かよマジで。





【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode:648 The winner of the cryptocurrency seeking freedom, completely defeated by Sovereign

The Nikkei average finally surpassed the 40,000 yen mark in last night's after-hours trading, closing around 40,200 yen. As someone who has been writing about the Nikkei average rising almost every week, seeing Nikkei futures prices above 40,000 yen is like a dream come true – truly overwhelming.

Reference 1) Chicago Nikkei Average Futures: Up 220 yen at the end of the day.

Due to the somewhat soft performance of the USD/JPY, the Nikkei was also dragged down by the declining USD/JPY midway, but still, it's above the 40,000 yen mark. Next week is March, and we have the Major SQ (Special Quotations for Futures) waiting, so it's likely to extend to nearly 42,000 yen. If the USD/JPY spikes, the Nikkei will further rise. The article that warned against the annual double top seems like a lie now, as it's rising at a fantastic speed.

There seem to be some fools selling in such a strong bull market, but it's definitely better to stop... There's a saying, "He who dances is a fool, he who watches is also a fool, if both are fools, why not dance?" Seriously. In fact, there's an unprecedented opportunity to win even if you're a fool, so don't miss out. It's easy to understand that as the market strengthens, the number of circle members increases, and it seems that everyone is quite happy with options, futures, and spot trading. I'll say it again and again, if you're buying, buy the Nikkei Average, Bitcoin, and USD/JPY, just buy them all. Weekly distribution may not cover sudden price movements, but I'll do my best to explain the future of the heated market in a way that's easy for readers of this publicly available article to understand. By the way, growth stocks are also expected to rise with new inflows of funds. First, it's stocks. Only stocks. Then, Bitcoin. Life is stocks and Bitcoin.

I was thinking of writing about the Ethereum update today, but I'll have to change the article urgently. It seems like some serious news has surfaced in the community for the first time in a while. Please take a look here.

Reference 2) Nigerian authorities reportedly detain Binance executives.

This is bad. Like, really bad. So, since we still don't know the full details of the matter, I'd like to speculate as much as possible about the foreseeable future. Let's dive in.

1.The severity of the Nigeria incident

This incident is a "freshly baked" news delivered early this morning, and there is a high possibility of additional information coming in. For now, let's organize the current situation. In simple terms:

・The Nigerian government, along with anti-corruption agencies, police, and the National Security Adviser's office, had initiated an investigation into cryptocurrency exchanges.
・As a result of the investigation, it was discovered that Binance had engaged in fraudulent transactions totaling $2.6 billion (approximately ¥4 trillion).
・Two executives from Binance attempted to enter Nigeria with plans to hold friendly meetings with government officials.
・Upon their arrival in Nigeria, the executives were detained by government authorities and are potentially facing suspicions of currency manipulation, tax evasion, and illegal operations.
・Confirmation from another source suggests that the Nigerian government has demanded a payment equivalent to $1 billion from Binance (ransom?).

This is the situation. Yes. It's serious. It's like stepping into a hornet's nest. I don't know where to start, but first, the fact that they were detained upon arrival, despite having plans for positive meetings with government officials, is incredibly aggressive. It's like getting hit with a steak right off the bat. You arrive and suddenly you're being staked. It's serious. Africa, indeed. Africa at its finest.

Next, they talk about an investigation and all, but in developing countries, the rule of law often doesn't apply, and it's more like "Oh, you, criminal, arrested, charged, guilty," and that's the end of it. Therefore, if Binance doesn't take any action, they'll likely be presumed guilty unless something extraordinary happens. GG.

Finally, this ransom, I mean, compensation, is ridiculously high, isn't it? 100 billion dollars, what's up with that? Even the mighty United States got hit with a $4.3 billion penalty. So, it was reported as the highest compensation in history. Seriously, what's up with 100 billion dollars? It's double. Double the compensation.
In the world, there are a certain number of people who have struck it rich with cryptocurrency and are leading a multi-location lifestyle across various countries. Recently, Africa has been quite popular among these circles, for reasons unknown. Many prominent figures in the cryptocurrency world have settled in Africa. Africa may not be familiar to everyone, but it hosts several countries that receive significant funding from the Chinese government. Therefore, the intentions of sponsors are often woven into government policies and decision-making. While it may spark conspiracy theories among some, wondering whether this incident aligns with the Chinese government's agenda, such as dismantling Binance to bring Bitcoin into their own country under the guise of promoting shared prosperity, it's best to set aside these complexities for now in this discussion.

The healthy relationship between developing countries and Bitcoin is exemplified by El Salvador

When it comes to developing countries and Bitcoin (blockchain), the first person who comes to mind is President Bukele of El Salvador. He boldly declared to make Bitcoin a legal tender, despite opposition from the IMF, the United States, and others. In fact, his government actively bought a large amount of Bitcoin, which has now earned him praise as a hero for significantly reducing El Salvador's crime rate.

Reference 3) "Peace" regained by the "coolest dictator in the world" - Local report from Central America, El Salvador

Of course, it's not just about making Bitcoin a legal tender; it's President Bukele's unique and genius marketing strategies that have significantly contributed to reducing the crime rate. However, it's undeniable that his bold decision to confront the unstable fiat currency and make Bitcoin the cornerstone currency has greatly contributed to today's El Salvador.

There are various historical backgrounds behind why developing countries are developing countries, and there's no one-size-fits-all manual for success. Therefore, in order to promote national development, it's necessary to devise strategies and consider each approach carefully. Among them, the situation of fiscal bankruptcy is a crucial risk for developing countries, and addressing this issue is essential. In the past, many countries have overcome the risk of fiscal bankruptcy by issuing bonds or borrowing US dollars, but El Salvador, under the exceptional leadership of President Bukele, has significantly reduced the risk of fiscal bankruptcy by making Bitcoin a legal tender. While I don't have detailed information as I haven't researched it, presumably, by implementing a tax system that burdens citizens minimally, considering the unrealized gains from Bitcoin and future financial stability, the country has improved. (I'd love to tell this to some other countries, you know.)

In countries with limited resources and financial constraints, like developing nations, making the bold decision to abandon failing fiat currencies and embrace Bitcoin requires tremendous courage from leaders. However, for such constrained nations, this move can be seen as a strategic masterstroke, albeit one that necessitates leaders with tremendous courage. When considering the relationship between developing countries and Bitcoin, adding the example of El Salvador, where President Bukele ultimately succeeded, it's fair to say that he should be lauded as a remarkable leader.

3.The danger of a totalitarian regime as a tool of violence

There were some countries that thought, 'We were inspired by El Salvador, so we might want to change our national currency to Bitcoin,' and just when they were thinking, 'Wow, the world is really turning upside down, how amazing,' the incident involving Nigeria happened. What's terrifying about this is (1) the possibility that the state (sovereign) could ruthlessly infringe upon individuals' property rights, and (2) that such infringement could be justified under the (albeit nominal) pretext of protecting the national economy. In other words, what's frightening is that this model of state-sponsored asset expropriation could escalate and occur in various places in the future. Especially in countries where things might seem a bit unclear to people from developed countries, such as in Central and South America or Africa, being detained upon entry could become a normal occurrence.

For those with some degree of ethics, the typical thought process would be, "For developing countries to thrive, it's not about relying on existing dollar-denominated bonds but rather adopting a new currency as the legal tender." However, for places like Nigeria and other emerging nations where common sense doesn't really apply, the conversation shifts to, "But wouldn't it be quicker to snatch and demand compensation when executives of big players enter the country?" At that point, it becomes unclear whether it's the actions of a yakuza, a mafia, or the state itself as the lines between them blur. Nigeria finds itself in this situation because they're actually doing it, and they have a pretext for it. They can accuse them of tax evasion or other illegal activities, you see.

For example, President Bukele of El Salvador, with overwhelming support, decided to continue the Bitcoin policy, but the unrealized gains at that time were just a little over 500 million yen. It's quite modest, isn't it? Still, it's impressive and admirable.

Reference 4) President Bukele declares victory in El Salvador's presidential election, to continue Bitcoin policy

With all the attention drawn to El Salvador, the current unrealized gains from Bitcoin are just a little over 500 million yen. However, considering that 100 million yen in Bitcoin is just a milestone, it would become 5 billion yen when it reaches 4 billion yen. That would be 20 billion yen. It's like saying, "Wow, investing seriously was a good decision, everyone!" It's a truly earnest and adorable story.

On the other hand, in Nigeria, they invite Binance executives for a "positive meeting," but once they arrive, they're immediately detained, and they say, "Hey, Binance, if you don't cough up 10 billion dollars, your executives won't be returning alive." That's a whopping 1.5 trillion yen in one blow. Profit. This is way too crazy, isn't it? I mean, a loss of 26 billion dollars? Seriously? Is Nigeria that big of a country?

Reference 5) Federal Republic of Nigeria


The GDP is about 60 trillion yen. A loss of 4 trillion yen is about 7% of the GDP, and it's all profit. That's too crazy, seriously. Don't lie, seriously. I'll stop around here because being too critical might attract attention, but anyway, developing countries that say, "Let's seriously make Bitcoin our legal currency," are completely different in their thinking and intentions.

 Depending on how this unfolds, don't you think other countries might follow suit? Like, "Hey, Solana seems to be doing well. Hey, tell the immigration office to nab any Solana folks." They'd crackdown aggressively. Arrest upon arrival. If they don't come, they might say something like, "Hey, we want to work with Solana, it's popular with our crypto geeks. Let's have a meeting with their executives in our country." And then, bam, arrest. It's extremely dangerous, isn't it? Anyone would fall for this. Seriously, it's absurd.

If it's a decently major project, you can pretty much gather personal information about the Founder and the people around them, right? Of course, being a nation, you can gather far more diverse information than just trivial data from private companies. If, say, there was support from the Chinese government, then all the Chinese spies around the world would be like, "Hey, this company is holding a ton of Bitcoin right now," providing information, and then you could go from immediately arresting executives to seizing their Bitcoin. Even though I don't think the Binance-Nigeria incident could happen, hypothetically, if they managed to get all the compensation, that would mean they could secure nearly 160,000 bitcoins. That's like, "Wait, seriously?" Even BlackRock's ETF would be surprised. A bug where developing countries' governments could arbitrarily seize most of the issued bitcoins from private companies, this is pretty dangerous, I think. So, CZ, after the struggles with the US, please keep fighting with Nigeria. Really, hats off to you. I sincerely hope no harmful precedents are set by this violence apparatus.

4.The culmination of a totalitarian regime's rampage

If, hypothetically, the Nigeria incident doesn't result in full payment, but rather extortion from key players like Binance, similar events will undoubtedly occur in other developing countries. Naturally, private enterprises, not being fools, will refrain from casually meeting with government officials and instead conduct all meetings online or in the metaverse. However, to some extent, if a company's projects are being recognized internationally, some minimal meetings with foreign officials may be necessary, making it quite difficult to completely avoid being targeted. As a result, moderately developing nations will "legitimately" plunder private companies' Bitcoin holdings. And who will be furious? That's right, the United States. The U.S. will be furious. Consequently, the sovereigns of emboldened developing nations will face some form of economic retaliation from the United States, the European Union, and perhaps other members of the coalition of advanced rule-of-law nations like Japan and Singapore, resulting in a thorough beating. Meanwhile, private enterprises, with their aspirations of "restoring property rights and establishing a global currency through blockchain," will find themselves increasingly targeted wherever they go. Consequently, they may decide, "If we're going to face such risks, we might as well deal with the strict regulations in the United States," or perhaps opt for, "Let's do business in Japan, despite the high taxes." In other words, there's a high likelihood that the Bitcoin accumulated from around the world in the blockchain community will ultimately be fully absorbed by powerful sovereigns (advanced nations) through a process akin to a respiratory two-step of bodily assimilation. It's not just talk; this is undoubtedly the path we're headed towards.

Looking at it this way, one can truly appreciate how ingenious the national strategy of the United States is. First, military power. Then fear. Violence. Followed by justice and law. What's the moral justification? The establishment of a free society (though in reality, it's not really that free at all).

The United States is often portrayed as a country that upholds the Statue of Liberty, symbolizing freedom, but in reality, it's a nation of the opposite, of destruction. It imposes the ideals of freedom and democracy on other countries (which from their perspective, is anything but freedom), and then says, "Hey, you, because you're annoying, you're a slave from tomorrow," or "Hey, you, because you're yellow, here's a nuclear bomb." Hearing this, as a country that suffered nuclear attacks, one can't help but think, "Seriously, if you keep underestimating us, we'll have to hit you back." But behind the forceful press of the United States lies military power, supported by semiconductors, data centers, and advanced intelligence, which ultimately, albeit not perfectly, maintain the world order. Ultimately, it's only the violence (military power) of the United States that can stop the rampage of countries like Nigeria or authoritarian regimes, and the conditions for unleashing that violence are backed by well-established laws (such as securities laws). These laws maintain a line of compromise, acknowledging that it's necessary to protect investors, so even someone like CZ from Binance didn't dare to provoke the United States by refusing to pay hefty compensation.

From the perspective of the United States, Japan is a country that they could care less about as long as it fulfills its role as an ATM. However, the sovereign bodies established by the United States are relatively tolerable compared to countries like Nigeria, where the level of civility is low enough to summon someone and immediately apprehend them. In regions where the United States has influence, such as in Europe and Asia, laws are integrated to some extent, there's a common language, and although there may be frustrations, they are still manageable. At least it's more tolerable than dealing with a country where the civility is so low that they resort to such drastic measures as summoning and apprehending individuals on a whim. Doing business in regions under the influence of the United States is much easier, comparatively speaking.

Blockchain was supposed to be just blockchain, a technology that simply records the trajectory of humanity, but then Bitcoin emerged as a reward for transaction validation, and Bitcoin began to consume existing fiat currencies. Of course, those who invested in Bitcoin from the early days all became billionaires, creating unimaginable wealth, and these affluent individuals believed that "Bitcoin is the best currency to redistribute the world's wealth." They ventured into developing countries, collaborated with governments, and worked to bridge the gap between developed and developing countries.

However, as some developing countries ignore the desires of the affluent and resort to absurd measures like "just seize anyone who owns Bitcoin and demand ransom," it becomes imperative for influential nations like the United States, Japan, and other advanced country coalitions to intervene and put an end to the tyranny of these developing nations. Consequently, private enterprises and individuals holding substantial amounts of Bitcoin will establish themselves in orderly nations and refrain from ever entering developing countries again. That's how the narrative unfolds.

As I wrote in my own book, in essence, blockchain is divine. It's simply there, an existence akin to a mirror, reflecting the future of humanity like a sacred jewel. It's not that blockchain itself is remarkable, but rather the infinite possibilities (randomness) it offers humanity that constitute its ingenious revolutionary technology. Blockchain is divine, and humanity is entrusted with harnessing its potential. Whether for good or for ill, it's up to us how we utilize it.

Without further updates, it's hard to say, but if Binance conducted substantial business in Nigeria, then there should have been citizens who benefited, who became wealthier. Binance merely serves as an intermediary connecting blockchain and Nigeria. If there are complaints, it's akin to saying, "You (the state) should create your own exchanges like Binance." Attacking Binance, which serves as a conduit, is completely off-base. Citizens want to use it, but if the state doesn't provide it, and Binance fills that gap, then Nigeria's criticism amounts to nothing more than baseless complaints.

I understand that the country may lack funds, but rather than resorting to extortion from Binance for Bitcoin, it would be better to incorporate them into national projects through collaboration. However, they choose not to. Why? Because people are weak to greed. And what happens then? They lose to countries that can control their desires. Who are they? The United States and other advanced nations. If this continues, the wealth gap between advanced and developing countries will widen. The disparity between the rich and the poor will also grow. While blockchain technology inherently has the power to correct and bridge these gaps, once again, it's the foolishness of those who use it (nations) that ends up tightening the noose around their own necks. Despite the potential for developing countries to surpass advanced nations and overturn the world by selecting Bitcoin as their national currency or collaborating with popular businesses (private enterprises), their low moral standards prevent them from enduring short-term hunger. Ultimately, blockchain is divine, and nations that misuse it against divine will can only face the consequences. When we witness such trivial incidents, it prompts a sense of discomfort, wondering how many more times the world must perish before achieving a state where global wealth is equalized and the wealth gap is eliminated—a utopia that could have been realized if not for the base nature of humanity.

"Revolutionary" MATSUDA GEN will reveal all the truths that can now be spoken.

This is a membership (circle) recommended for the following individuals:

  • Those interested in the genesis and truth of WWB, its current status, and future possibilities.

  • Those curious about the background and truth behind the birth of WWX, as well as its future outlook.

  • Those who want to know why c0ban was placed on the whitelist.

  • Individuals interested in cryptocurrency market forecasts (BTC, ETH, and others).

  • Those who want to understand why it became possible to register a cryptocurrency exchange business that was once deemed impossible.

  • Individuals who would like to hear opinions and insights about the experiences gained through running a publicly-listed company.

  • Those who are interested in joint ventures among members.

  • Those interested in cryptocurrency mining setup and operation.

  • Individuals looking for free drops of digital coupons issued within the community.

  • Those seeking advice on fundraising (listed or unlisted) and public relations/investor relations (for listed companies).

  • Individuals who want to learn how to effectively convey a company's value (stock price) to the market, along with its actual performance.

  • Those in need of support related to overall corporate management.

  • Individuals facing existential dilemmas in navigating the underworld of the business world that lies ahead.

"Released on August 23, 2018! MATSUDA GEN's new book on blockchain and cryptocurrency themes has been published by KK Longseller.

A new era of "capitalism," rewriting "values" and "ways of life." The new economic system for good people to win is born here.

With the proliferation of blockchain, we rethink "empathy," "inspiration," "compassion," "forgiveness," and "respect."
Thanks to the spread of blockchain, will we live in a world where "good people receive money even without working?"
Currently, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are primarily treated as speculative commodities, but in the future, they will play their intended role as real currencies.
The true identity of cryptocurrency is the unalterable digital data called "blockchain."
Just as the Internet has significantly changed people's lives until now, blockchain will also, in the near future, transform people's lives into new forms, along with new technologies like AI.
Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

▼Purchase the book here▼

"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

▼Purchase the book here▼
