


参考1)【詳しく】日銀 植田総裁「大規模金融緩和策は役割果たした」


参考3)三菱UFJ銀行 普通預金の金利引き上げへ 年0.001%を年0.02%に

参考4)日経平均、連日の最高値 「同意なき買収」が呼ぶ株高







皆様はベトナムに旅行したことはありますか?ベトナムの通貨といえばベトナムドンです。試しに、一万円札をベトナムドンに両替すると、1,640,000ドンになります。164万ドンですね。つまり、100円で、16,400ドンです。分かりにくいことこの上ない。例えば町中でベトナムの伝統食フォーを食べようとすると、『40,000ドンです』とか言われます。もう、高いのか安いのか、さっぱりわからない(実際は250円くらいで安いです)。こういう通貨って、他の国でもありますよね。例えばカンボジアのリエル。インドネシアのルピー。カンボジアに至っては、リエルが弱く、通貨単位がわけわからなすぎて、米ドルが普及しています。もはや米国ww 実は韓国も、ウォンってかなり分かりにくいですよね。1万円で、9倍くらいだったから、9万ウォンだったかな?9万ウォンって、高く感じますよね。でも実際は、1ウォンあたり、たったの0.1円弱だったりします。




そもそも、一昔前は、ゆうちょ銀行とかで4%とか金利が付いてたんでしょ?それなら、預金は最高だよね。今は?20倍上げて、0.02%。『おめえ、人の人生、なめてんのか?』の世界になっている。それなのに、預金しかしない。それは、自らが望んで破産願望がある、としか思えない。だって、日銀が利上げするって言ってんのに。中央銀行だよ?我々の数億倍頭のいい達人たちがそう判断したんだよ?円が紙くずになるに決まってるじゃねえかそんなもんwww 何故、それを御大層に、預金に預けっぱなしにするのか、意味が全くわからない。『インフレが苦しい?スタグフレーションがきつい?知るかそんなもん。年金?払えるわけねえだろ馬鹿が算数できねえのかてめえらは。さっさと円を売りなさい。そして外貨にさっさと変えましょう。資産運用しないやつは人にあらず。欲しがりません、殖やすまでは』、というトレンドが、これから走るはずだよ。政府主導で。円高になったら製造業が騒ぐ。円安になったらサービス業や輸入業者が騒ぐ。政府も激おこでしょう。馬鹿を相手にしてられないモードに、そろそろ入る気がするけどね。










【 2018年8月23日発売!ブロックチェーン、仮想通貨をテーマにした松田元新著がKKロングセラーさんから出版されました】
「いい人がお金に困らない 仮想通貨 新時代のルール 」

そして今、ICO(Initial Coin Offering:イニシャル・コイン・オファリング/新規仮想通貨公開)という仕組みが稼働を始め、ビジネスの世界も大きな変革が始まっています。

Episode:651 Ueda Bank of Japan, with excessive news leaks, beautifully stops the monetary easing policy with a soft landing, breaks through the bubble, and rushes straight a way to GO forward dreaming 360 yen for USD/JPY

This week, there was a much-anticipated policy meeting of the Bank of Japan. I was thinking, "It's probably going to be more or less as leaked in the news," and indeed, almost all the policy changes were in line with the leaked information. The market remained steady, vividly accepting the end of the monetary easing policy that has continued since Abenomics without any significant fluctuations.

Reference 1) [In detail] BOJ Governor Ueda: "Large-scale monetary easing has fulfilled its role."

"Interest rates are determined by the market." Yes, that's exactly right. I fully agree with Governor Ueda's views. As the term "policy rate guidance" suggests, the influence that central banks have on interest rates is merely to "guide" them to some extent. While negative interest rates had the effect of killing off foreign investors engaged in bond shorting, given the existence of bonds riskier than Japanese government bonds worldwide, there's no longer a need to induce low interest rates through negative rates. I honestly didn't think we could quit monetary easing policy so brilliantly. The only thing that leaves a bitter taste is that the means to achieve this was through bold leaks to the Nikkei newspaper, which leaves an unpleasant impression as a policy of central banks in advanced economies.

Reference 2) "Halting ETF purchases is an appropriate decision," says Minister of Economy and Finance Shindo.

The Bank of Japan's ETF purchases, which have long troubled sellers, as well as J-REIT purchases, will now be suspended. This is also a deeply felt moment. Anyway, with this, Japan's monetary easing policy is considered "normalized."

Wait, wasn't the stock market supposed to go down? Wasn't the yen supposed to strengthen? It's nothing but a "there you have it" situation, but even if the monetary easing policy is stopped, the rise in Japanese stocks won't stop. Because, it's inflation after all. And stagflation will accelerate from here. While the world is effectively in a depression, we're entering an era where only assets like stocks are skyrocketing. Or rather, it's the end of fiat currency, the "end of fiat capitalism," and the dawn of "digital asset capitalism."

Now, what's important is the market outlook going forward. Japan is once again descending into a world with interest rates. Interest rates will gradually begin to rise from now on. Naturally, as bond yields rise, interbank interest rates will also rise. Interbank interest rates will increase the interest rates that companies borrow from banks, as well as mortgage rates and auto loan rates. Already, a certain bank has announced a corporate strategy in response to interest rate hikes.

Reference 3) Mitsubishi UFJ Bank to Raise Interest Rates on Ordinary Deposits from 0.001% to 0.02%

Wow, eliminating negative interest rates has resulted in a 20-fold increase in deposit interest rates! Incredible, Japanese banks. They sure move fast. Now, with this change, if you deposit 1 million yen, you'll earn 200 yen in annual interest! 200 yen. Are you kidding me? And wait, before this, it was only 10 yen, the interest rate. 10 yen on a deposit of 1 million yen. In a whole year. What's up with that? The average deposit interest rate in the world is around 3-4%. You can't overcome inflation with this kind of rate, seriously, what a joke.

So, in the future, interest rates will continue to rise. However, in Japan's case, there's an unequal treaty called the "Japan-U.S. Interest Rate Differential," established by the Japan-U.S. Joint Committee, which states that failure to adhere to it will lead to the nation's demise. Therefore, for the time being, interest rates are likely to rise gradually from the current low levels.

From the perspective of the hamburger nation that dominates Japan, the situation of "high yields on yen deposits" is absolutely, absolutely, absolutely unacceptable. Because, you see, money flows from all over the world into Japanese yen. And when that happens, the yen strengthens. And when that happens, America can't repay the money it owes to Japan (the U.S. bonds held by Japan). And then the dollar crashes. So, you see, a strong yen won't come for a while. Absolutely not. Anyone who says or thinks otherwise needs to go back to basics and redo their math and basic social studies. There's no way the yen will strengthen. Even considering supply and demand logic, the current state of monetary policy, the Japan-U.S. Joint Committee (mystery), the fate of U.S. bonds, and all other factors, it's just not going to happen. Do you think a parent company would let its subsidiary make a profit and then allow only the subsidiary to escape from a global recession? That's not how it works. You suck out everything you can when you can, then you throw away the rag. That's the truth of the world. Unfortunately.

Perhaps until the Bank of Japan's policy meeting, there was some lingering concern about the possibility of the yen strengthening and Japanese stocks plummeting. I thought this was about a 1% chance, but even so, there was still about a 1% risk. However, with Governor Ueda's brilliant, or rather, forward guidance and proactive news leaks, a soft landing of perfect, unparalleled, and flawless quality was achieved. Let me emphasize this. I'll write something important here.

Negative interest rates have been abolished. This means short-term bonds will no longer be induced into low-interest rates. What about yields? Will they rise? Of course, they'll rise, you fool.

Yield curve control (YCC) has been effectively abandoned. In other words, the policy of controlling interest rates to keep them low has ended. What about yields? Will they rise? Of course, they'll rise, you idiot.

This is the final question. The Bank of Japan has ceased new purchases of ETFs. JREITs are also no longer being bought. What about stock prices? Real estate prices? Will they rise or fall? If you think about it logically, you'd expect them to fall, right? But they went up. There are various reasons for this (details to follow), but they went up. This is a fact. It's the truth. The Bank of Japan stopped new purchases of Japanese stocks. Despite that, the Nikkei Average went up. And it hit an all-time high. This is an absolute fact.

Reference 4) Nikkei Average Hits Record Highs for Consecutive Days: "M&A Without Consent" Drives Stock Prices Up

In other words, logically speaking, following the Bank of Japan's policy decisions, Japanese stocks will rise, yields (interest rates) will rise, the dollar will rise, and real estate prices will rise. Naturally, prices will rise, and taxes will rise.

As for salaries (disposable income), you might expect them to rise, but they will actually decrease (tears). Why? Because as stock prices rise, foreigners will buy large amounts of Japanese stocks, leading to drastic changes in ownership and increased pressure on the Keidanren (Japan Business Federation). This will result in the revision of labor laws, making it easier to lay off employees. As a result, salaries will plummet. This era is undoubtedly coming.

In the future, the Japanese yen will undergo accelerated depreciation. Even if annual income were to increase by 10%, disposable income would decrease by 10% if a foreign exchange loss of 20% were incurred. If asked how much further the USD/JPY rate will rise (or how much the Japanese yen will fall), 360 yen will likely become the next milestone. This would indeed be akin to the Ueda Shock, rather than the Nixon Shock. While Governor Ueda has demonstrated remarkable leadership, there's a concern his name might become associated with negative connotations. We hope this won't be the case, but the scenario of the USD/JPY soaring towards 360 yen is now increasingly undeniable. Therefore, today I would like to extensively explain the "Japanese Yen Debasement Plan" from the perspective of the Japan-U.S. Joint Committee. Let's get started.

1.Strong Currency Countries vs. Weak Currency Countries

Do you know which country has the strongest currency in the world? Is it the United States? Canada? Switzerland? The United Kingdom? Nope, none of those. The correct answer is Kuwait. The Kuwaiti Dinar is the strongest currency in the world. Surprising, isn't it?

Reference 5) Top 10 Most Valuable Currencies in the World in 2024

By the way, in second place is Bahrain, and in third place is Oman. Most people might be thinking, "Where are those?" For many Japanese and Americans, these countries may not ring a bell, but they are familiar to Europeans on the continent. Yes, they are all oil-producing countries. The fact that these three countries are all major oil producers is something to take note of.

For reference, the US dollar (USD) ranks 9th, the Euro is 8th. The Swiss Franc, often considered one of the strongest, barely makes it to 7th place. And as for our beloved Japanese Yen, it's, of course, nowhere to be found. It's not even in the running. It's like having bad reception on a PHS phone.

By the way, I also found a ranking of the weakest currencies in the world, so I'll list it here as well.

Reference 6) Top 10 Weakest Currencies in the World in 2024

Interestingly, Southeast Asian countries are unexpectedly ranked in this list, with Vietnam, Indonesia, and Cambodia following. When considering what they have in common, there are various factors, but an important commonality is that they are not "purely democratic countries." Well, that's a bit of a harsh reality. In other words, there seems to be a common trend that socialist-oriented countries tend to have weaker currencies.

As a side note, in terms of trading volume in the foreign exchange market, the Japanese yen, US dollar, and euro always dominate as the strongest currencies. However, it's important to note that currency strength doesn't necessarily equate to liquidity. It's just that the rankings based on the cross-dollar rates of currencies listed on this reference site provide relatively accurate reference values for "which currency is stronger."

To make it a bit easier to understand, I'd like to discuss why Vietnamese currency stacks up so much in the next section.

2.Why Does Vietnamese Currency Accumulate So Much?

Have you ever traveled to Vietnam? When it comes to Vietnamese currency, it's the Vietnamese dong. For example, if you exchange a ¥10,000 bill, it becomes 1,640,000 dong. That's 1.64 million dong. So, 100 yen is equal to 16,400 dong. It couldn't be more confusing. For instance, when you try to eat Vietnamese traditional food, pho, in town, they might say, "It's 40,000 dong." You'll be left wondering if it's expensive or cheap (actually, it's around 250 yen and quite cheap). This kind of currency exists in other countries as well. For example, the Cambodian riel and the Indonesian rupiah. In Cambodia, the riel is weak, and the currency unit is so confusing that the US dollar is widely used. It's practically the US (ww). Actually, even in South Korea, the won is quite confusing, isn't it? It was about 9 times as much as ¥10,000, so was it 90,000 won? 90,000 won might feel like a lot, right? But in reality, it's just a little less than 0.1 yen per won.

Many people may wonder, "Why are currency units so complicated?" The answer is simple: hyperinflation. For example, in Southeast Asia, the Asian currency crisis began with the Thai baht collapse in 1997. South Korea even experienced national bankruptcy in 1997, requiring IMF intervention. In essence, you can say that "the currency of countries that have once faced economic collapse or similar situations due to an inability to overcome inflation in the past has messy digits in their currency units, leading to bulky banknotes and confusion." In some African countries, for instance, there are humorous anecdotes about needing briefcases full of cash to buy lunch. This also fits the definition of weak currency countries having confusing currency units.

Conversely, in strong currency countries, the digits are often simple and easy to understand. Take the Singapore dollar, a permanent resident in the strong currency rankings. How about that? 1 dollar equals 110 yen. It's expensive, but easy to understand. Then there's the Malaysian ringgit. The country where Prime Minister Mahathir famously maneuvered to escape the Asian currency crisis by backing out of the interbank market and calling for "blockade of market economies with neighboring countries!" One ringgit equals 31.5 yen. Not to mention the US dollar, euro, Australian dollar, and New Zealand dollar, all of which allow for reasonable purchasing power when it comes to 1 unit of currency, or 1 dollar, in terms of yen. These countries can be considered strong currency countries.

Now, let's talk about Japan. What can you buy with 1 yen? Back in the day, there used to be something called "5 yen chocolate" at nostalgic candy stores for those from the Showa era. The cheapest item in the candy store used to be 5 yen. I wonder if they still exist now? Since 5 yen chocolate is now the cheapest thing in the candy store, there were times when kids who only brought 5 yen chocolate for school trips, especially in public elementary schools, would be teased as "you're poor" by their friends. It's unpleasant. There are many mean people, especially in the countryside.

Next in line was Felix gum, which cost 10 yen. It was the kind with lottery tickets inside, and getting a winning ticket was always exciting. While it lasted quite a while in terms of flavor, I always ended up swallowing the gum. After being scolded by the school teacher for swallowing gum, being told, "Swallowing gum is the same as swallowing a plastic bag," I stopped swallowing gum. However, whenever I ate Umaibo and gum together, I always ended up swallowing the gum without fail. If you understand this anecdote, I'll certify you as a member of the Showa generation.

Yes, Umaibo. It cost 10 yen. A divine snack bestowed upon us by the gods. It had fantastic cost performance. Just 10 yen. You could get 10 of them for 100 yen. With 300 yen for a school trip, you could buy 30 Umaibo.

Even such beloved dagashi (cheap candies) from the good old Showa era, now face the storm of inflation (stagflation), and it seems that the prices of all items are gradually increasing.

Reference 7) "Japan's Oldest Dagashi Shop" Hit Hard by Rising Prices! Umaibo, Mochitaro, String Candy, Bubble Gum... Lamentations of the "Famous Grandmothers"

In essence, what I'm saying is that the fewer items you can buy with 1 Japanese yen, the poorer the country (Japanese yen) is becoming. Look at the dollar. One dollar. It's 151 yen. What can you buy? You can buy a lot. Juice, snacks, vegetables. In terms of items. The same goes for the euro. And the British pound.

"So, what can you buy for 1 yen?" Nothing, really. That means the currency is weakening. Back in the day, Japan had a unit called "sen." Not "zeni," but "sen." 1 sen, 2 sen, like that. When we had that, the Japanese yen was relatively strong. Actually.

Reference 8) When Did Money Less Than 1 Yen Stop Being Used?

Since this gets into rather esoteric territory, I'll skip the discussion on how currency units were denominated, but essentially, Japan was hit by atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, turning into scorched earth. This effectively reset the economy to zero. Then, afterwards, it was like, "Well, what else can we do?" So they started printing yen like crazy. That led to hyperinflation, and they said, "No one uses sen anyway, so let's just round up the units," and they passed a law called the Small Denomination Coinage Law to unify the yen. At that time, the yen was much more valuable than today's 1 yen, so there were many things you could buy for 1 yen. But as we moved into the later Showa period and then into the Heisei era, inflation (including economic growth) gradually accelerated, and the value of 1 yen decreased.

Basically, as a principle of economics, or rather, currency, "the economy should grow infinitely and it should." Whether that's a good thing is debatable, and now that blockchain has emerged, there's a hypothesis that "maybe we don't need an expanding reproduction economy right now?" But that's another topic, so I'll skip it here. Essentially, the principle of modern economics is that the economy grows and should continue to do so.

Economic growth essentially refers to when (1) wages increase, (2) prices rise, and (3) tax revenues increase. Therefore, it's only natural to say that 1 yen is now more valuable than it was 100 years ago.

Nearly 100 years ago, there was a unit even smaller than 1 yen called "sen." This was because the currency power of the Japanese yen was strong and prices were relatively weak. I don't know if there was a global index like the CPI at that time, but back then, the Japanese yen had strong purchasing power parity. However, with inflation accompanying economic growth, the situation has now changed to a world where you can't buy anything with just 1 yen, as they say, "It's not for kids to play with." In other words, the yen has weakened in relation to prices, indicating a continuous situation of the yen being weaker against prices.

"What exactly can you buy with the smallest unit of your country's currency?" This question can determine the strength of a currency based on the variety of items one can purchase with it, while a currency with fewer (or zero) items available for purchase is considered weak. As for the Japanese yen, there are hardly any items available for purchase with 1 yen, and even those purchasable with 10 yen are nearing zero. This indicates that yen depreciation will accelerate, leading to a time when the minimum unit to buy something could be around 50 yen or 60 yen. Essentially, this suggests that the yen has weakened by nearly six times compared to the modern yen.

3.Japan: Where People Are Routinely Throwing Money Down the Drain

Governor Ueda is undoubtedly a capable individual, and it goes without saying that the Bank of Japan and the Ministry of Finance have many highly skilled personnel. So, individuals with intellect far beyond that of ordinary people are making judgments (conclusions) like, "Oh, prices will rise from now on. Interest rates will also rise. Regards." And it happens exactly as predicted. In other words, the yen becomes even more worthless. Things you can buy with yen become fewer and fewer. Because highly intelligent and capable individuals have made such judgments. It's like hearing from a super elite who attended cram schools like Nichinoken or Sapix from morning till night, aced the insane junior high school entrance exams, and graduated top of their class from the University of Tokyo. It's obvious that's how it's going to be, right?(www)I mean, even if you think about it normally, inflation will continue to rise, and the yen will depreciate.

"Everyone is being deceived right now. Every year, you're being skimmed off more than 10% of your money through the banking system," if you say that, people will just think, "Huh? Are you out of your mind?" But in reality, Japanese yen left in bank deposits is turning into worthless paper every day. Therefore, keeping savings in the form of cash is equivalent to "throwing money down the drain" every year. Holding onto Japanese yen has become risky money. Ironically, it's a sad reality.

First of all, didn't postal savings banks used to offer interest rates like 4% in the past? If that's the case, depositing money was the best option, right? And now? They've increased it twentyfold to 0.02%. It's like living in a world where they're saying, "Are you mocking people's lives?" Yet, people still only deposit money. It seems like they have a desire for bankruptcy themselves. I mean, even though the Bank of Japan is saying they'll raise interest rates. It's the central bank, right? Our hundreds of millions times smarter experts have made that judgment, haven't they? It's obvious that the yen is going to turn into trash, isn't it? Why put it grandly into savings without doing anything else? I just don't get it at all. "Suffering from inflation? Stagflation hitting hard? Who cares about that? Pension? You can't afford to pay, idiots can't do math, can you? Just sell the yen quickly. And quickly convert it to foreign currency. Those who don't invest their assets are not human beings. We won't ask for more until we multiply our assets," that trend is likely to take off from now on. Under government leadership. When the yen strengthens, the manufacturing industry complains. When the yen weakens, service industries and importers complain. The government must be getting really angry. I think it's about time we enter a mode where we can't deal with idiots anymore.

4.Why the United States Won't Allow Yen Appreciation

Simply put, Japan is a subsidiary of the United States. So, if the U.S. says do it, we do it, and if they say die, we die. That's it. And the United States won't allow yen appreciation. It will depreciate the yen. And not just any depreciation, but a strong one induced by them. That's all. This concludes the discussion.

As for why the United States is so wary of yen appreciation, well, they have a historical trauma about it. Let's take a brief trip back to the bubble era to understand this trauma a bit.

Reference 9) Rockefeller Center

Reference 10) Plaza Accord

Well, to put it simply, it's like this. The US, not unlike Gian, I mean, America, said, "Hey, your currency is too weak, causing the dollar to be too strong. It's causing problems for exports. So, raise your currency, you idiots," at the Plaza Hotel in New York. It was an order. So, the people of the world went, "Ah, I see," and started raising their currencies. And what happened? The Japanese yen, which was less than 200 yen at the time, soared to 128 yen (laughs). Now, you'd think that with the yen appreciating, the domestic economy would cool down, but nope! The Bank of Japan stepped in again, heating up the economy with its low-interest-rate policy (aka quantitative easing), and the companies that benefited from the strong yen started to recover. This led to a boom in financial engineering, where companies could invest with low-interest rates and high returns (old WW), which in turn fueled a frenzy bubble, especially in real estate.

Then, riding high on the wave, or rather, carried away by it, Mitsubishi Estate went so far as to buy the Rockefeller Center, making moves like, "With the price of Japanese land, we can buy up all of America," which ticked off America. So, they made Japanese lawmakers enact and legislate the Law Concerning the Total Amount of Loans to control the lending, effectively crushing Japan's bubble. By the way, there's even a conspiracy theory that the stringent 8% capital adequacy ratio required by the BIS regulations (Basel Accord) at the time was set up to crush Japan's bubble, as it was a ridiculously high figure (at that time, banks had already extended a large amount of loans, and their capital adequacy ratio was declining). It was a chaotic way to burst Japan's bubble. After that, it was a free-for-all, with vulture investors like Ripplewood Holdings, devouring Japanese banks and securities firms until they were completely weakened, leading to the lost decade, which then became the lost 20 years, and now it's become the lost 30 years, and here we are.

In essence, the United States has a trauma. "If the yen appreciates, these yellow monkeys will get out of control," they think. So, they absolutely won't allow the yen to appreciate. "But wait, wasn't the yen appreciating during the Lehman crisis?!" you might ask? Nope, nope, that's just an amateur analysis. During the Lehman crisis, the situation in the United States was seriously dire, so they issued a massive amount of US bonds and raised funds in yen through yen appreciation. It was so bad, it felt like the end of the world. Therefore, the yen appreciation during Lehman and the yen appreciation after the 3/11 disaster were exceptions. For instance, if you borrow $100 million at a rate of 70 yen to the dollar, it's 7 billion yen. But when it's time for the US to pay Japan back, if the exchange rate is 100 yen to the dollar, it means the dollar has strengthened by over 40%. So, if the settlement is in yen, it would only be around $4.2 billion. In other words, in reality, the US can write off its debt to Japan (by setting the exchange settlement rate the same as the yen loan rate). So, there's absolutely no reason for the yen to appreciate. It's unthinkable.

5.On the Acceleration Rate of the Dollar-Yen Exchange Rate

Finally, let's sketch out a scenario from a broad perspective on how far and at what speed the yen depreciation (dollar appreciation) might progress.

Starting at 360 yen this year. That's unthinkable. The dollar-yen rate will rise gradually but surely, pushing the yen lower. Firstly, it's crucial to see when we break the immediate ceiling at 152 yen. Once breached, it'll quickly soar to 155-160 yen. If it extends beyond the range of 160 yen, the focus will shift to 180 yen, half the pre-Nixon Shock level of 360 yen. Surpassing 180 yen will mark a clean milestone at 200 yen, then progressing to 220 yen, and the yen depreciation, with almost no significant pause, will accelerate.

Now, you might ask, "How long will this take?" As mentioned earlier, during the Plaza Accord, the Japanese yen surged from 200 yen to 128 yen. Subsequently, the yen continued to appreciate, eventually reaching around 90 yen. In less than eight years. Now, think about the reverse scenario, the yen depreciation version. It's happening. Already. If we consider that the yen, which was over 2.4 times stronger during the bubble era, is now going to become over 2.4 times weaker, then pegging it at 150 yen would precisely hit the mark at 360 yen, the pre-Nixon Shock level of the dollar-yen exchange rate.

Reference 11) Historical exchange rate of the US Dollar/Japanese Yen (1980-2024)

Of course, the market is a living entity and is significantly influenced by the current era, economic policies, and emerging nations. However, considering that in less than eight years, the yen became 2.4 times stronger during the bubble era, a simple calculation (division) suggests that a 30% annual yen depreciation would continue. 30% of 150 yen is 195 yen (almost 200 yen). If this trend continues each year until reaching 360 yen, some might think, "Won't the dollar be worthless at 360 yen?" Yes, I think so too. Eventually, we wouldn't even be surprised if someone says, "It's 720 yen, 1,080 yen for a dollar." At that point, there won't be anything you can buy for 1 yen, or even for 100 yen. Japan will proudly join the ranks of developing countries like Vietnam or Cambodia.

As for how long this will take, while there are many uncertain factors, it's not like we're believers in hyperinflation, so I don't expect it to happen in just a few years. It will likely take 30 to 40 years for yen depreciation to continue steadily. At that time, the Nikkei average may also rise to 300,000 yen due to inflation, but in terms of purchasing power parity, it would be essentially worthless. Moreover, it's unclear how many of the constituents of the Nikkei average at that time will be Japanese. It's conceivable that the majority will be listed companies owned by foreigners, a future that may faintly but surely be visible.

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Enterprising newcomers to the cryptocurrency industry predict the future of cryptocurrencies!

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"Released on January 6, 2018! We have published the first book in Japan on the theme of ICO, co-authored by MATSUDA GEN. It reveals the essence of cryptocurrency services and ICOs, along with the strategies of various companies!

This book, a triple collaboration between Roger Ver, known as the "Bitcoin Jesus" and CEO of bitcoin.com, Kanemoto Kaneto, and MATSUDA GEN, delves into the future that cryptocurrency will undoubtedly bring closer.

  • Why will the world change with cryptocurrency?

  • How is Wowoo trying to change the world?

  • What will happen to nations?

  • What will happen to currency?

  • What will happen to our lives?

In the 20th century, when personal computers and the internet began to spread in society, only a very small number of people realized that these technologies would fundamentally change human life. At this point, blockchain is in a similarly revolutionary position, often considered "too groundbreaking to easily comprehend."
First and foremost, we want you to understand the specific use cases of blockchain. Bitcoin also uses blockchain technology. Therefore, every transaction, from whom and to whom, and for how much, has been recorded since 2009. Moreover, since these transaction records cannot be altered later, it is impossible to steal or embezzle cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrency may seem suspicious to many because it is invisible. However, backed by blockchain, it is actually much more resistant to fraudulent activities than physical cash. Furthermore, cryptocurrency is a disruptive innovation that could significantly shake the role of conventional financial institutions like banks and securities companies.
Now, the ICO (Initial Coin Offering) mechanism has started to operate, and the world of business is undergoing a major transformation.

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