




What do you think is the single biggest problem that Japan will face in the year 2050?

In my opinion, the single biggest problem that Japan will face in 2050 is the declining birth rate. It was expected a long time ago that this problem would happen soon or later. However, many politicians procrastinated about it and didn’t take serious measures to solve it until now. Therefore, it has become unavoidable. I think that the following problems will happen in Japan.

Firstly, due to the birth rate declining, it is said that in the year 2050 the population of Japan will have shrunk by 30M people, which will lead to a problem for scaling down the Japanese market economy.

Secondly, even now many seniors still live in the countryside. They have their own houses and rice fields working as farmers. Yet, these will be abandoned because there will not be many people who want to live there to take over their business.

Lastly, Japan has not clearly mentioned yet that it will allow foreign workers to support its decreased workforce in the future. I don’t think that by 2050 robots will be replacing a majority of our jobs. As a result, Japan will suffer from its low workforce.

In conclusion, I think that Japan will face all of the problems listed in 2050.


birth rate 出生率

procrastinate 先延ばしにする

in the year 2050 the population of Japan will have shrunk by 30M people
will have shrunk未来完了形を使って表現しています。

scale down 規模が縮小する

seniors 高齢者(65歳以上)

take over their business 家業を継ぐ

workforce 労働力


