特別定額給付金 Special Flat Rate Payments


Finance Minister Aso on the reissuance of the "special flat-rate benefit" of 100,000 yen per person in response to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. It's not taxpayer money, it's government debt. The idea of using taxpayer money is wrong. The idea of using taxpayers' money is wrong. Does it mean that we are going to increase the debt for you and your descendants? I read an article that said, "I'm not sure how to do this, but I'm going to write about it.


And I don't understand what Minister Aso's reason is saying either. I'm not sure why they released it last time and not this time.  And I don't understand what Minister Aso's reason is saying either. Many people are unemployed in Corona and unable to pay the mortgage on their homes.


In the first place, I can't believe that someone who thinks that debt is evil is a minister. Money is a promise. Money, from its very inception, is a debt. A simple explanation would be to understand that when a farmer builds a house, he promises the carpenter that the wheat will be harvested in the fall to build the house, which became a monetary transaction.


A real politician would say, "I'll take care of it. Please leave it to me. I'll take care of it. It's not your descendants' debt. It's the government's debt.  I guess I'm a stranger when I hear these lines.  You can declare a state of emergency and still get your own paycheck. And they are determined not to take responsibility for their own actions. It sounds like something a corporate treasurer would say, not a national leader.


The evil is not debt, but interest and compound interest. Einstein said it was the greatest invention of mankind. Many people don't understand the supreme irony of that genius; p


In the first place, all national budgets are probably debt. Now, I hope that irresponsible and self-centered people who are reluctant to give people the money they need to survive will leave politics as soon as possible.
