






What do we seek in the idea of India joining the IEA?:February 27th(Tuesday)

The International Energy Agency (IEA), established in 1973 in response to the first oil crisis, requires membership in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the parent organization of IEA, as well as a commitment to maintain 90 days' worth of domestic oil reserves based on import quantities.

In 1973, about 62% of the world's energy demand was held by OECD member countries (the so-called advanced country club). However, by 2020, this scenario had reversed, with non-OECD member countries accounting for approximately 62% of global energy demand.

It is evident to anyone observing that the IEA, created 50 years ago based on energy supply and demand as well as international political economy during the first oil crisis, cannot function seamlessly in today's energy supply and international political economy.

Approximately 25 years ago, I dedicated my doctoral thesis, "Energy Security in East Asia and Energy Scenario Analysis" (submitted to Kyoto University in 2002), to the study of energy security. In the realm of energy security research, I devoted considerable time to simulation analysis considering energy demand, energy source choices, and constraints related to decarbonization (CO2 emissions).

Based on such experiences, I believe that attempting to solve contemporary energy security issues by incorporating India or China into the existing framework established in 1973 is fundamentally inappropriate.