


1. 岸田政権の強みは外交政策につきる。国際政治における日本のプレゼンスは,ようやく日本の経済力に見合う程度になった。これは,ひとえに岸田首相・政権閣僚と首脳陣の力量によるところが大きい。





Political Stagnation Leads to Long-Term Stagnation Through Poor Policy:June 16th (Sunday)

Japan's 213th Ordinary Diet Session was convened on January 26 of this year, and with one week remaining, it is scheduled to end on June 23. It lasts for 150 days. I am neither a government-supporting scholar who makes a living by defending the government nor an anti-government scholar. Keeping my distance and striving to remain unbiased, I would like to express my personal opinion as frankly as possible from a neutral academic standpoint.

  1. The strength of the Kishida administration lies solely in its foreign policy. Japan's presence in international politics has finally risen to a level commensurate with its economic power. This is largely due to the capabilities of Prime Minister Kishida, his cabinet ministers, and their leadership team.

  2. However, the regained presence of Japan in international politics has, conversely, led to an increase in diplomatic agenda items unrelated to Japan's national interests, as Japan aims to contribute beyond its national power. Furthermore, Japan's subservience to the United States, whose hegemony has weakened in international politics, has become even more pronounced.

  3. Japan's domestic economic, fiscal, and financial policies are incoherent. Representative examples include the following points: the laissez-faire interest rate and exchange rate policy leading to yen depreciation, the ongoing and unstrategized continuation of gasoline subsidies, which are essentially financial aid for the decarbonization transformation of petroleum wholesalers, the reduction of electricity subsidies and the increase of renewable energy surcharges, meaningless flat-rate tax cuts, the widening income gap between large corporations that can raise wages and small and medium-sized enterprises that cannot, resulting in an overall decline in real wages across society, superficial and rhetoric-based measures for addressing the declining birthrate without examining the fundamental issues and without concrete strategies, and the widening regional disparities between municipalities that can promote free education and those that cannot, among others.

  4. Under the Kishida administration, the issue of money in politics remains unresolved, leading to a decisive situation of public distrust and disillusionment with politics. The majority of the public is astonished by the content of the amendments to the Political Funds Control Act.

I would like to point out that the public's distrust and apathy towards politics will, through the poor policies decided in this current Ordinary Diet Session, have long-term negative impacts on Japan's economic and social spheres, potentially becoming the root cause of long-term stagnation.