







Disaster Response Measures in Response to the Japan Meteorological Agency’s Nankai Trough Earthquake Advisory “Attention for Massive Earthquake” Announcement and Calls from the Government and Local Authorities:August 11th (Sunday)

On August 8 at 7:15 PM, the Japan Meteorological Agency's Earthquake and Volcanic Division issued the "Nankai Trough Earthquake Advisory (Attention for Massive Earthquake)." On August 10 (Saturday), the Japan Meteorological Agency released "Nankai Trough Earthquake Related Explanation Information (No. 2)." The Japan Meteorological Agency is responsible for issuing such advisories and related explanation information, and in response, the government and local authorities are expected to provide specific disaster response instructions.

However, there is concern about whether the government and local authorities are currently providing concrete disaster response instructions. The information available on the websites seems to consist only of template-like statements, similar to pre-disaster responses for temporary typhoons. It includes securing safety around one's environment (securing furniture, ensuring safe places, etc.), stocking up on food and drinks for evacuation, preparing emergency carry bags, rechecking methods of confirming safety and communication, and revisiting evacuation locations and routes.

On the Kyoto City website, it states, "The Nankai Trough Earthquake Advisory (Attention for Massive Earthquake) does not entail pre-evacuation. In addition to reviewing earthquake preparedness on a daily basis, let's prepare to evacuate immediately if an earthquake occurs." The Cabinet Office’s “Disaster Information Page” lists the content for "Preparation for Immediate Evacuation After an Earthquake" in four categories: (1) Quick evacuation measures and preparation, (2) Indoor measures, (3) Prevention of fires and spreading fires, and (4) Preparation for evacuation life after an earthquake, with detailed points listed under each category.

In category (4), "Preparation for evacuation life after an earthquake," it mentions: (1) Stocking up on water and food in larger quantities, (2) Preparing simple toilets, (3) Preparing spare batteries for mobile radios and phones. These preparations are generally expected to be done by individuals, with variations in support from local governments.

Since the Japan Meteorological Agency's "Nankai Trough Earthquake Advisory (Attention for Massive Earthquake)" was issued on August 8 at 7:15 PM, 72 hours have already passed, and the self-help efforts of the public in preparing for evacuation life after an earthquake are beginning to impact economic and social activities.

In Kyoto City, for example, the supermarket Fresco, which has numerous stores in the city, has been out of rice since yesterday. Today, when visiting the Takagi Sanjo store, which is crowded with customers preparing for the Jizo Festival, rice was also out of stock. Not just rice, but the supply of disaster prevention goods in emergencies (isn't the Nankai Trough Earthquake Advisory (Attention for Massive Earthquake) an emergency?) should be managed responsibly by the government.