



 私は「エネルギー経済と持続可能な発展(sustainable development)」を研究テーマとする研究室を2009年に京都産業大学で開設して,持続可能な発展を前提としたエネルギー経済のあり方について研究を続けている。経済の発展,環境保全,エネルギーの安定供給の3つの課題をいかに解決すべきかは安全性の確保が前提とされなければならないし,これらの取組みは持続可能性(sustainability)が前提とされなければならない。


Only four and a half months left this year:August 17th(Thursday)

Risshū (which fell on August 8th this year) has passed, and each day, the daylight hours are getting shorter. However, the lingering summer heat until Autumnal Equinox (September 23rd) is unusually harsh this year. We have entered a period with four and a half months left in the year.

Lately, due to the acceleration of global warming, there has been a growing concern that the four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter) might turn into two seasons (summer and winter). There's speculation that the periods of spring and autumn will become shorter. Will the time when fields of rapeseed and wisteria bloom become shorter? Will the harvesting period for autumn crops like colorful leaves and rice be abbreviated? Additionally, with the frequent arrival of typhoons and the prevalence of linear rainbands, some regions are hit by rainfall several times the monthly average in a single day, leading to flooding. On the other hand, there are places where rivers dry up due to scarce rainfall, causing water shortages in fields. Such effects are clearly due to climate change.

In 2009, I established a research laboratory at Kyoto Sangyo University focusing on the theme of "Energy Economics and Sustainable Development." Since then, I have been researching the approach of energy economics based on sustainable development. The resolution of the three challenges of economic development, environmental conservation, and stable energy supply must be predicated on ensuring safety, and these endeavors must be rooted in sustainability.

About 164 years ago, humanity began adopting large-scale oil extraction techniques, constructing a materially abundant modern civilization known as the hydrocarbon society. Initially limited to advanced nations on Earth, this society now encompasses over half of the world's 8 billion population. While the call for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 is heard from only a handful of advanced countries, worldwide supplies of hydrocarbons (coal, oil, natural gas) continue to increase. Coal consumption in China and India keeps setting new records. It's astonishing that we only have one planet to live on!