
コロナウイルスの感染拡大を受けてお困りの語学講師の皆様への支援プロジェクト | 株式会社フラミンゴ

*English is below



















Support project for language teachers who are in trouble due to the spread of the coronavirus | Flamingo Inc.


Thank you for always supporting Flamingo. It is thanks to everyone that our service is still running today. By the way, we received a request today via message. And so, Flamingo is launching a project to help people who are in distress. By all means, please share this project with people who are having trouble around you.

Currently, language schools in Japan are being closed one after another as the coronavirus virus spreads. As a result, many people who work as language teachers are worried that it may be difficult to secure the necessary living expenses. Because many people work on shifts, they cannot get paid while the school is closed. 

Flamingo is a company that coexists with our language teachers. During this time, we decided to release this project, thinking about what we can do to contribute even a little. If you find this project valuable, please share it with those in need around you.

Contents of the project

The contents of the project are as follows.

1) Promotion of side business using Flamingo
Now that the language schools are closed, people who want to learn foreign languages are in trouble. Working as a teacher at Flamingo can help such people. We hope that you will be able to play an active part while observing the hygiene guidelines provided by our company. If you are interested, please download the app and proceed with the instructor registration.

・ How to be a teacher on Flamingo

・ iOS:

・ Android: 

2) Sharing videos on the latest foreign language learning theory

The methods for learning foreign languages ​​are evolving every day. It is very difficult to learn new techniques in this uncertain environment. However, we are glad if you can pick up some new tips for your future students. This time, we asked a popular teacher on Flamingo to record a video on the latest foreign language learning theory. We hope you will watch the video and refer to it.

・ Video (Youtube): 
