

(English below.)



Arrived at Haneda Airport first time in a half a year. I was so tired because of long flight from Toronto via Minneapolis, kind of humidity and noisy conversation between a Chinese guest and a grand crew who walked exactly the same speed as me. So I couldn't avoid them. I just went through the newest face authentification system with no-emotion, and rush to the taxi stand after luggage claim and customs.

I felt like cry at the moment with missing Toronto and my long adventure. I had realized I came back to my hometown again.  I feel like to awake from my dream. After arriving at home, I called some places such as my family, telecom and energy company to ask to provide their services again. Finally, I got a snap.

I'm going to start writing what I see, feel, think in my long long vacation in Canada. 

#Toronto #Canada #トロント #カナダ #留学 #大人留学
