
Recent product selling trends in the market.

During and after the covid phase new types of product selling techniques are developing.

Due to these recent trends it has become important to keep up and try to sell the products how the recent generation likes it.

Working in retail requires being up to date with the recent trends. And at Regeta we are also adopting to the growing needs of the customers.

Ø  Selling products through Live.

Although this type is not famous in many countries still today, but Singapore, Malaysia, China, etc. has a huge profit using Live selling platform.

Now a days we can see a number of new companies emerging in the related field.

Regeta also got a chance to work with one of the leading companies in Singapore and present our products Live.

The whole process was interesting and new to us. We were contacted by this company from Singapore who do live on a professional scale with a group of influencers.

They shared how they wanted to show Regeta’s products because they personally have good experience with the brand.

We had a meeting with the person in charge and got to know more about the whole process.

We discussed about the products they wanted to present Live and the price point. The place and the arrangements that need to be done from our side.

We had our first Live last year at our Tokyo store. The Live is shown on Facebook and Telegram.

We were not sure how well it will work but to our surprise for a Live broadcast for around 2 hours we got the order of 300 pairs.

It was a great hit. Selling 300 products in 2 hours is a big thing. The customers loved our products and were happy with the quality.

It is a wonderful chance to explore the latest trends, see how they work and get to experience it. 

The after service is a little bit time consuming but it is worth it.
Some people order wrong size, some products face problems due to the international shipment.

We need to resend the products after receiving the claims. We are doing 1 or 2 Live per season with the company. Regeta’s products are loved every time.

Ø  Selling products on Instagram.
We came across one more type of online selling technique which has become famous during covid which is Instagram shop.

Many young people have moved to opening shops on Instagram and selling products to their followers.

This is an easier way as we have a person in charge who orders the products that are getting good response on Instagram. He is just like our other distributors.

I know which products that person is interested in so we try keeping the required products in stock.

We are also doing OEM production for him as per his viewers taste. This OEM production is not possible with Live stream sales as the company which is involved cannot take responsibility of the bulk products.

The Instagram shop works with reel and how a person shows his/her products on the feed. How people see the products and get attracted to it.

The shop holder can ask the customer preference on the Instagram story and order the products from the brand accordingly.

These new ways of buying and selling products are increasing among young generation of many countries. Although it seems new and impossible in other countries.

We are working on increasing our sales for both traditional and new ways.

Know more about Regeta in our note below:





