
David Shrigley: Mayfair Tennis Ball Exchange レビュー

The English text is after the Japanese text.

Stephen Friedman Galleryでの「MAYFAIR TENNIS BALL EXCHANGE」は、英国人アーティストである、David Shrigley (デヴィッド・シュリグリー)によるインスタレーション作品の展示です。彼は独特のドローイングスタイルと、日常の状況や人間関係を風刺した作品で知られています。

I'm sorry, 2021


Exterior view of the MAYFAIR TENNIS BALL EXCHANGE exhibition




(原文: “The whole idea of trade is that you’re exchanging one thing for another. Particularly in the age we live now, where we have these things are available to trade which don’t exist. It only exists notionally. It’s kind of like all money only exists notionally in a way. But we’ve got even further where the products that money buys only exist notionally as well. We’re very familiar with that in the world of art.”)

Installation view of the MAYFAIR TENNIS BALL EXCHANGE

ここで彼が「交換」という行為に着目し、物理的に存在しない概念的なものの価値への応答として作品を制作していることが見て取れます。つまり、展示されているテニスボールがすべてまとめて売ったとしてもお金にはならないが、目に見えない概念的なものの価値によって、テニスボールは現代美術の地位に昇華されているのです。それはまた、私たちの(例えばお金で)交換するものが物質的な価値を持たないことが多々あるという事実への応答でもあるのです。これに対して、彼が肯定的な意味で返答しているのか、否定的な意味で返答しているのか、ここではそれを判断することはできません。 空虚な交換を批判しているようにも見えるが、本当の価値は即物的なものではないことを暗示しているようにも見えるからです。





蔵内 淡

【展示情報 Exhibition Information】

Stephen Friedman Gallery

【参考文献 References】

David Shrigley's artist website



David Shrigley: Mayfair Tennis Ball Exchange Review

British artist David Shrigley is known for his distinctive drawing style and works that make satirical comments on everyday situations and human interactions. The MAYFAIR TENNIS BALL EXCHANGE at Stephen Friedman Gallery is an exhibition of installation work by him. It is a very simple installation, consisting of a shelf on the wall covered with tennis balls. From a distance, the work seems to be nothing more than a bunch of balls, but as the title suggests, the audience can bring their own tennis balls and exchange them for the ones on the wall. There is also a pen in the gallery, where the audience can take one of the tennis balls from the wall and draw something on it. When they have finished, they can put it back on the shelf and get badges.

The stupidity of Exchanging Tennis Balls

Needless to say, tennis balls are consumables. If you use the same ball over and over again, it will deteriorate. Tennis balls are also very inexpensive. It is obvious that a tennis ball that has been used by someone else has little monetary value anymore. Now I want to focus on the pointlessness of exchanging tennis balls. The nonsense of bringing tennis balls from home (or from a particular place) to the gallery in order to exchange them for tennis balls. An empty procedure for a worthless exchange. This is akin to paying £2 for a bus fare to go to a shop where a £4 sandwich is half price. It seems to me that this empty procedure is happening in every aspect of our daily lives. Today we have a desire to be more efficient than we used to be, to use our time and money as effectively as possible. However, we often do things that are completely inappropriate to that desire in situations where we cannot see them or pretend not to see them. This dilemma, which we overlook or are unaware of, is something I felt through this exhibition.

In the video about this exhibition, he mentioned: “Particularly in the age we live now, where we have these things are available to trade which don’t exist. It only exists notionally. It’s kind of like all money only exists notionally in a way. But we’ve got even further where the products that money buys only exist notionally as well. We’re very familiar with that in the world of art.”

Here we can see that he has focused on the act of exchange and has created his work as a response to the value of conceptual things that do not exist physically. In other words, even if all the tennis balls in the exhibition were sold, it won't be a big money, but it is the value of the invisible conceptual object that elevates the tennis ball work to the status of contemporary art. It is also a response to the fact that some or many of the things we exchange (with money, for example) might not have value. It is hardly possible to determine whether he is replying to this in a positive or negative way. It seems that he is criticising empty exchange, but on the other side, it seems that he is implying that real value is not immediate.

Taking a Piece of the Work Home

It goes without saying that this exhibition is interactive. The audience can leave their own traces in the exhibition space and at the same time take part of the exhibition home with them. This reminds me of the work of Felix Gonzalez-Torres. His work is quite minimalistic, where fortune cookies and candies are stacked on top of each other and the audience can take them home. However, there is a big difference between his work and that of Shrigley. In Gonzalez-Torres's work, the audience can take a piece of the work home, but there is no trace of the audience's presence in the exhibition space; the only thing that is reflected in the exhibition is the decrease in the number of candies that the audience takes home. In Shrigley's work, there will be an obvious trace. Or perhaps it is better to say that it is up to the audience to decide whether there will be an obvious trace or not. The audience can write their own names on the tennis balls or draw graffiti on them. However, since they are not obliged to write their names, the assumption is that anonymity has been guaranteed. I could think of this as being similar to the social media system. In social media, a certain level of anonymity is guaranteed, but individuals have the right to reveal their real name and address (although few people will reveal their address). In other words, each individual's choice is reflected in the small framework of the tennis ball and in the entire exhibition space. And if you look at the exhibition from a bird's eye view, you will notice that each tennis ball reflects the collective.

Earlier, I mentioned that tennis balls in this particular exhibition seem like a metaphor for social media. It is also similar in that audience can get a badge if you write something on the tennis ball. It's the social media equivalent of reacting with likes, reposts, and comments. Reactions on social media are one of the reasons why many people are addicted to it. Reactions from others often satisfy our need for approval. On the other hand, social media can also be a source of anxiety for us. If you don't write anything on the tennis ball, you won't get this badge. When you see so many people writing and getting badges, you might feel like you are missing out. I think this is a good illustration of the psychological impact of social media. It can be interpreted as a simplified version of the anxiety of being independent from society and left out of it. Here, the badge acts as a symbol of achieving recognition. Participating in society and following it is one of the ways to be rewarded by those in power. The neat arrangement of the tennis balls also suggests authoritarian intimidation to exclude dissenters, to become a cog in the wheel of society and not to deviate from it.

Dan Kurauchi

All works in these pics are © David Shrigley.
