
English lesson review #2024/4/30

DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★Coffee Roastery in Finland Launches AI-Generated Blend ①What are your thoughts on "AI-conic"? Would you like to try it?  おもしろい!トライしたい。  The taste of coffee changes depending on the beans and how you

    • English lesson review #2024/5/1

      DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★McDonald's Releases Billboards that Smell Like French Fries ①What are your thoughts on the new McDonald's billboards? I often hear that smell is what we remember most. ②Do you think other companies

      • レアジョブ2024/4/30

        JAPANESE STORES What’s your favorite store in Japan? I like shopping at Tokyo station.It's an office district, but it's surprisingly compact and convenient with many stores.I think they have a selection of sophisticated and trendy items.

        • English lesson review #2024/4/30

          Swim and Scrub: Olympic Triathletes Prepare for Dirty Seine ①What are your thoughts on the levels of pollution in the Seine? I thought there were similar problems everywhere. ②Do you think more could have been done to prepare the Seine fo

        English lesson review #2024/4/30

          English lesson review #2024/4/29

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★World Book Day: Are People Reading More? ①What are your thoughts on the findings of these studies?  I think fewer people are reading books because alternative entertainment has increased.   ②Do you

          English lesson review #2024/4/29

          English lesson review #2024/4/26

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★Tesla to Cut 10% of Workforce After Downturn in Sales ①What are your thoughts on Tesla's plans to lay off 10% of its workforce?  I can trust him because he clearly communicates his plans for the futu

          English lesson review #2024/4/26

          English lesson review #2024/4/25

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★Nigerian Chess Master Plays Record 60-Hour Chess Marathon ①What are your thoughts on Tunde Onakoya's achievement?  ほこりに思う。一方、チェスに詳しくない。日本人はオセロをよくします。60時間も続けてプレイするなんてイメージできない。   ②What do you imagine

          English lesson review #2024/4/25

          English lesson review #2024/4/24

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★Tasty or Toxic? The Truth About Mold in Cheese ①Have you tried any of the cheeses mentioned in the article?  I like camembert cheese and gorgonzola.When you eat Camembert cheese with honey, it become

          English lesson review #2024/4/24

          English lesson review #2024/4/23

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★Ba Na Hills: Vietnam's Cheesy, Unmissable Tourist Spot ①What are your thoughts on Vietnam's Ba Na Hills?  I definitely want to go there someday  いつか絶対にいってみたい ②Have you been to Vietnam before? If so,

          English lesson review #2024/4/23

          English lesson review #2024/4/22

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★Uniqlo: Family Business to Fast Fashion Giant ①What are your thoughts on the origins of Uniqlo?  I think it's a good idea to take a global perspective.  グローバルな観点を取り入れるのはよいアイデアだと思う ②Do you ever buy

          English lesson review #2024/4/22

          English lesson review #2024/4/21

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★Japanese Company Turns Beer Waste Into Paper ビール粕を紙に変える日本企業 ①What are your thoughts on Kitafuku's paper made from beer waste?  Kitafukuのビール粕を使った紙について、どう思いますか。 very nice idea! The change of viewpoin

          English lesson review #2024/4/21

          English lesson review #2024/4/20

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★Japan to Launch Wooden Satellite This Year 日本、今年木造衛星打ち上げへ ①What are your thoughts on the LignoSat satellite?  人工衛星リグノサットについてどう思いますか。 very nice idea! More people are thinking about things that are g

          English lesson review #2024/4/20

          English lesson review #2024/4/19

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★Survey Finds Japan's Most Popular Sushi Toppings 日本で最も人気のある寿司ネタ、調査で判明 ①What are your thoughts on the findings of Maruha Nichiro's kaiten-zushi survey?マルハニチロの回転寿司に関する調査結果についてどう思いますか。   ②Do you like

          English lesson review #2024/4/19

          English lesson review #2024/4/18

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★BBC Names 5 Countries with the Best Work-Life Balance BBC、ワークライフバランスが最も優れた5カ国を発表 ①What are your thoughts on the BBC's list?   occupied by European countries. ヨーロッパの国が占めている。 ②Which of the co

          English lesson review #2024/4/18

          English lesson review #2024/4/17

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★Japanese Manga Sales Hit Record High in 2023 2023年、日本のマンガ売上が過去最高を記録 ①What are your thoughts on the recent boom in manga sales?   最近のマンガの売上の増加についてどう思いますか。  Certainly, electronic comics are perfect fo

          English lesson review #2024/4/17

          English lesson review #2024/4/16

          DMM英会話の復習です。英語の言い回しにアドバイスあればご指摘いただきたいです★Istanbul Airport Hires Therapy Dogs on duty:勤務中 veterinarian:獣医 ①What are your thoughts on Istanbul Airport's therapy dogs?  Nice idea.Most travelers must be tired from the long flight and layover.

          English lesson review #2024/4/16