
English lesson review #2024/5/1


McDonald's Releases Billboards that Smell Like French Fries

①What are your thoughts on the new McDonald's billboards?
I often hear that smell is what we remember most.

②Do you think other companies will start using billboards that smell?
If it smells good

③How often do you eat at McDonald's? What do you usually have there?
I avoid it because it's high in calories.

④Would you rather get free burgers or donuts for the rest of your life?
Donuts are also high in calories

⑤What do you think are some of the most tempting food smells?
 The smell of baking bread.I'm so happy when I'm at the bakery

⑥What are the biggest fast food chains in your country?

⑦How often do you get takeout?
 Don't get takeout often

⑧Are there any healthy fast food options where you live?
 I think it is subway.It contains a lot of vegetables

⑨What fast foods would you have a hard time giving up?
 Fast food is addictive

⑩What's the best meal you've had at a restaurant recently?
 Look back at the photos
