
English lesson review #2024/4/26


Tesla to Cut 10% of Workforce After Downturn in Sales

①What are your thoughts on Tesla's plans to lay off 10% of its workforce?
 I can trust him because he clearly communicates his plans for the future, so it can't help it.

②Are Teslas popular where you live? Why do you think that is?
 No,Japanese car company are many. 

③Do you know anyone who owns an electric car? Would you consider buying one?
 People around me don't drive electric cars.
 I want to ride it when it becomes more common.

④Do you think EV sales will increase over the coming years?
 Many people have become interested in environmental issues.
 On the contrary, companies should encourage this movement even more.

⑤Would you invest in Tesla if you had money to spare?
 No,I want to invest in a food company

⑥How has your company changed over the past few years?
 salary has increased,Highlights its contribution to the environment 

⑦Who are some of the longest-serving employees at your company?
 founder's secretary, 

⑧Has anyone resigned from your workplace recently?
 My senior in this March.Life is long so he would like to experience different companies.

⑨Which of your colleagues would you be the most sad about losing?
 my junior. she is attached to me
