
English lesson review #2024/4/25


Nigerian Chess Master Plays Record 60-Hour Chess Marathon

①What are your thoughts on Tunde Onakoya's achievement?

②What do you imagine playing chess for 60 hours straight would be like?
    I want to play games just for fun

③Do you play chess? If so, who taught you? If not, would you like to learn?
 ハリーポッターでチェスをしているのを見た。Is chess common in foreign countries?

④What's the most exciting competition you've watched recently?
 Do you have any recommended sports to watch?

⑤Which of your friends or family is the most passionate about their hobby?
 I like playing golf, but I don't really like watching it.

⑥What sports or games were you into as a child?
 I was in the track and field club.I was a sprinter.I prefer running long distances now.

⑦Who were your sports idols when you were growing up?

⑧Do you enjoy playing board games? What are your favorites?

⑨What's the longest amount of time you've spent playing a game in one sitting?
 I get bored,I can only stand it for 1 hour
