
Episode 21 会社の業績が傾いた

Hello everyone, and welcome to my English learning podcast. Today, we'll be discussing the topic of "Declining Company Performance." In this episode, we'll explore some possible reasons behind a company's sluggish performance and the downsides of reducing the number of employees during a downturn.

Small Discussion Question 1
Can you suggest some factors why a company's performance may become sluggish in general?

Sample Answer 1
Well, there could be several factors contributing to a company's sluggish performance. Economic factors, such as changes in market demand or increased competition, can have a significant impact. Internal factors like poor management decisions or lack of innovation can also play a part. Additionally, external factors like global economic conditions or changes in government policies may affect the company's performance. It's important to analyse these factors to understand why a company's performance is declining.

Small Discussion Question 2
What are some downsides of reducing the number of employees when a company is experiencing a downturn?

Sample Answer 2
When a company faces a downturn, cutting back on the number of employees may seem like a quick solution to reduce costs. However, it's important to consider the potential downsides. First, reducing the workforce can negatively impact employee morale and productivity. It may also lead to an increased workload for remaining employees, potentially affecting the quality of work and overall efficiency. Moreover, downsizing can result in a loss of valuable skills and expertise within the company, making it harder to recover when the situation improves.

Let’s see today’s vocabulary.

First, we have "downside(マイナス面)." The downside refers to the negative or disadvantageous aspects of a situation or decision. For example, "The downside of living in a big city is the high cost of living."
Next, we have the phrase "cut back on(~を削減する)." To cut back on means to reduce or decrease the amount, quantity, or frequency of something. For example, "To save money, she decided to cut back on eating out at restaurants."
Moving on, we have "sluggish(停滞気味な)." Sluggish means slow, lacking energy, or not performing with the usual speed or efficiency. For example, "After a long day at work, she felt sluggish and lacked motivation."
Another term is "downturn(低迷)." A downturn refers to a decline or reduction in economic or business activity. It indicates a period of negative growth or a downward trend. For example, "The company faced financial challenges during the economic downturn."
Lastly, we have the verb "downsize(人員・サイズを小規模にする)." To downsize means to reduce the size, scale, or workforce of something, typically a company or organization. For example, "The company had to downsize due to financial difficulties."

That brings us to the end of today's episode on declining company performance. Even if you are not directly involved in company management, it is important to be aware of several factors that can indicate whether a company is on the right track or the wrong track. Thank you for listening to my podcast, and I hope you found this discussion helpful. Stay tuned for more episodes coming soon.

