
Episode 20 新聞の購読

Hello, everyone. Welcome to my English learning podcast! Today, we'll be focusing on newspaper subscriptions. In this modern society, some people say that the role of newspaper is not really significant as it used to be. However, do you prefer its tactile experience that newspaper has to offer? Let’s see today’s small discussions.
Small discussion question 1:
While internet news is readily available online, do you think subscribing to a newspaper is still worth the cost?

Sample answer 1:
That's an interesting question, isn't it? While it's true that we can find news for free on the internet, there are still merits to having a newspaper subscription. Firstly, some individuals find pleasure in the tactile experience of flipping through physical pages and feeling the paper in their hands. Moreover, newspapers often provide in-depth analysis and feature articles that may not be available online.
Small discussion question 2:
In general, newspaper subscriptions are on the decline. What do you think is the underlying reason behind this trend?

Sample answer 2:
With the prevalence of smartphones, tablets, and laptops, people have easy access to news at their fingertips. Especially, younger generations, who have grown up in the digital age, tend to prefer obtaining news online rather than through traditional print media. These online news platforms have enables us to reach the information on the spot because of its overwhelming speed. However, it's important to acknowledge that newspapers still have got distinct qualities that cannot be replicated in the digital platforms.
Let’s see today’s vocabulary.
First, we have "tactile(手触り感覚のある)." Tactile refers to the sense of touch or the ability to perceive things through touch. For example, "This book provides a tactile reading experience for individuals who are visually impaired."
Next, we have the phrase "readily available(すぐにでも利用できる)." Readily available means easily accessible or obtainable without much effort or delay. For example, "In the digital age, information is readily available through the internet."
Moving on, we have "flip through pages(ページをめくる)." To flip through pages means to quickly turn the pages of a book or magazine, browsing or scanning through the content. For example, "She enjoyed flipping through the pages of her favourite novel to find her favorite passages."
Another term is "at one's fingertips(すぐに手に届く)." At one's fingertips means to have something easily within reach or readily accessible. For example, "With smartphones, we have a wealth of information at our fingertips wherever we go."
Lastly, we have the word "replicate(再現する、複製する)." “Replicate" means to recreate or reproduce something with the same or similar characteristics, qualities, or experiences. For example, "This experience cannot be replicated in the online platform."

That concludes our today's episode on newspaper subscriptions. Whether you prefer scrolling through headlines online or savoring the tactile experience of a newspaper, there's no denying the importance of staying informed. Remember, it's all about finding what works best for you. Thanks for tuning in and see you soon in the next episode.

