
Episode 28 新入社員の研修

Hello and welcome to my podcast! Today, I’ll be talking about new employee training. Whether you’ve recently joined your team or you are someone considering joining the team, this topic offers valuable insights into what to expect in the onboarding process.
Small Discussion Question 1
Let's start with our first question: "What are some examples of staff training for newcomers?"
Sample Answer 1
New employee training can take various forms. It often includes a mix of orientation sessions covering company policies, software familiarization, and team-building activities. Hands-on experience and job shadowing also play a key role, helping newcomers get used to their roles in a practical setting.
Small Discussion Question 2
"Do you think that off-the-job staff training is unnecessary?"
Sample Answer 2
I wouldn't say it's unnecessary, but on-the-job training does tend to be more directly applicable to the tasks at hand. While off-the-job training, such as seminars or workshops, can offer valuable insights and broad knowledge, I'm skeptical about their effectiveness for newcomers unfamiliar with the business field.
Let’s see today’s vocabulary.
Firstly, we have the 'onboarding process(新人研修).' The onboarding process refers to the comprehensive orientation and integration period when a new employee joins a company. For example, "The onboarding process included training sessions and meetings with various team members."
Next, we have 'hands-on experience(実地体験).' Hands-on experience refers to practical learning by actively engaging in tasks or activities. For instance, "The internship provided valuable hands-on experience in marketing by allowing the students to run actual campaigns."
Moving on, we have 'off-the-job training(勤務外研修).' Off-the-job training occurs away from the usual work environment and might involve workshops, seminars, or courses. For example, "The company offers off-the-job training opportunities to enhance employees' skills and knowledge."
Another term is 'job shadowing(先輩の仕事を真似すること).' Job shadowing involves observing and learning from an experienced worker in a particular role. For instance, "As part of the internship, I spent a week job shadowing the senior project manager to understand their daily responsibilities."
Lastly, we have 'task at hand(抱えている仕事).' The 'task at hand' refers to the specific job or duty currently being addressed. For example, "Let's focus on the task at hand to meet our project deadline."
That wraps up our discussion on "New Employee Training." The onboarding process is an invaluable part of welcoming new employees and integrating them into the company's culture and practices. If you have already received a job offer and are set to begin working next April, why not dedicate yourself to studying English in the meantime? Thank you for joining my podcast. See you soon!


