
Episode 44 4月の新生活

"Welcome to my English learning podcast. Today's theme is 'New life in April'. As you can see, March as a time for farewells and April as a time for new beginnings. We will also look into the tradition of Hanami, or Cherry Blossom Viewing."

Small Discussion Question 1:
"Let's start with our first question: What does March and April mean to Japanese people?

Sample Answer for Question 1:
In Japan, March signifies farewells and April heralds new beginnings. Unlike other countries, where the school year starts in September, in Japan, it begins in April. This is also true for company calendars, with staff reshuffling being the norm during this time. Above all, the approaching Cherry Blossom season serves as a symbol of this transition."

Small Discussion Question 2:
Tell me about the tradition of Hanami, or Cherry Blossom Viewing.

Sample Answer for Question 2:
When the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, parks become filled with Hanami-goers. Some weather forecasts even report on the status of cherry blossoms in various locations. It's time for welcoming new folks. But it seems that Hanami tradition with company members is becoming unpopular these days but some companies still host Hanami as a corporate event. While the tradition is becoming outdated, it's still not uncommon for new employees to secure spots for Hanami gatherings. The proverb 'Hana yori dango' (Dumplings rather than flowers) originated from Hanami, reflecting the focus on Hanami food rather than the blossoms themselves."

Let’s move on to the vocabulary section.

Firstly we have the word 'signify(表す、示す).' Signify means to convey or indicate a meaning or message, often through symbols, actions, or words. For example, “The ringing of church bells traditionally signifies the start of a wedding ceremony.”
Our next term is 'herald(到来を告げる).' To herald something means to announce or proclaim it, often as a sign of something significant to come. For instance, “The rainy season heralds the uncomfortable and unpleasant summer season.”
Moving on, we have the word 'folks(人々, 仲間:スラング).' Folks is a slang referring to a group of people. For example, “My folks are coming over for dinner tonight, so I need to tidy up my house.”
Now, let's explore the phrase 'become outdated.' This refers to something that is no longer considered current or relevant due to changes in technology, fashion, or society. For instance, “With advancements in technology, traditional paper maps have become outdated.”
Lastly, we have the verb 'originate(起源する).' To originate means to have its source or beginning in a particular place, time, or situation. For example, “The custom of exchanging gifts during the festive season originates from ancient traditions.”

Adapting to a new environment is really hard and expends a lot of energy.
Just relax and go with the flow.
Hope you have a good start in April.

