
Episode 26 ホテルの選び方

Hello and welcome to my English podcast! Today, we're going to have a look at a topic that's essential for any traveler - how to choose the right hotel. With so many options available, it's important to know what factors to consider when selecting your accommodation.
Small Discussion Question 1
Do you think that recent accommodation fees are soaring?"
Sample Answer 1
Yes, indeed. Over the past few years, the cost of staying in hotels has been on the rise. Factors like inflation and increased demand for travel after the pandemic have contributed to the trend like this. I have heard that business persons on their business trips are struggling to find affordable hotel in Japan as well.
Small Discussion Question 2
What criteria do you have when choosing travel accommodation?
Sample Answer 2
When I'm choosing a hotel, several factors come to mind. Location is a key consideration. On top of that, I also look at guest reviews to get an idea of the hotel's quality. Amenities, such as Wi-Fi, breakfast, and parking, are important as well. Ultimately, it's all about finding a comfortable place to relax.
Let’s see today’s vocabulary.
First, we have "soar(急に上がる)." To soar means to rise or climb quickly and with great strength. For example, "The stock prices soared after the company announced record profits."
Next, we have the phrase "be on the rise(上昇している)." If something is on the rise, it means it is increasing or becoming more prevalent. For instance, "The interest in renewable energy is on the rise due to environmental concerns."
Moving on, we have "criteria(基準)." Criteria are specific standards or conditions used to evaluate or judge something. For example, "The selection criteria for the scholarship program include academic achievements and community involvement."
Another term is "key consideration(考慮すべき重要な事柄)." A key consideration is a crucial factor or aspect that should be carefully thought about when making decisions. For instance, "When choosing a college, cost is often a key consideration for students and their families."
Lastly, we have the phrase "it's all about something(全ては~である)." This phrase is used to emphasize the primary focus or importance of something. For example, "When preparing for a job interview, it's all about showcasing your skills and experience."
That's all for today’s discussion. Whether you're a budget traveler or looking for luxury, knowing how to pick the right accommodation is key to a comfortable trip. Thank you for joining us on this podcast. I hope to see you soon in the next episode.

