
Episode33 就寝前のルーティーン

Hi! Good evening! Tonight, we're diving into the world of bedtime routines. What we do before hitting the sack can impact our sleep quality. Let's explore some habits and what to avoid for a good night's rest.
Small Discussion Question 1
Let's start with our first question: "What do you normally do before going to bed?"
Sample Answer 1
I tend to spend a lot of time scrolling through my smartphone before bedtime, but I've realized that it's not the healthiest habit. Lately, I've been trying to replace that habit with activities such as reading or meditation. These new routines help me relax and prepare for a restful night's sleep.
Small Discussion Question 2
"Is there anything you don't recommend doing before winding down to sleep?"
Sample Answer 2
Before hitting the sack, it's best to avoid spending too much time on screens. Screens obviously emit blue light that can disrupt our body's natural sleep processes, especially when it's closer to bedtime. So, I try to limit screen time before turning in to ensure a better night's sleep.
Let’s see today’s vocabulary!
Firstly, we have 'hit the sack(寝に行く).' This phrase means to go to bed or go to sleep. For example, "After a long day at work, I can't wait to hit the sack and get some rest."
Next, 'scroll through(スクロールして見る)' means to move through information or content on a digital device, usually by moving your finger along a touchscreen. For instance, "She likes to relax by scrolling through her social media feeds."
Moving on, 'restful(休まるような)' describes something that promotes relaxation or provides a sense of peace and calmness. For example, "The serene garden provided a restful environment for yoga."
Next, 'meditation(瞑想)' refers to the practice of focusing the mind and achieving a calm mental state, often for relaxation or spiritual purposes. For instance, "He starts his day with meditation to clear his mind and reduce stress."
Lastly, 'screen time(画面を見る時間)' indicates the amount of time a person spends looking at a screen, often referring to time spent on digital devices such as phones, computers, or TVs. For example, "Doctors recommend limiting screen time before bedtime for better sleep quality."
OK! Now, it’s time to go to bed! Remember, finding a relaxing routine that works for you is key to a restful night. Thank you for listening! Sleep tight and sweet dreams!


