
Episode 22 じめじめした梅雨

Hello everyone, and welcome to my English learning podcast. Today, we'll be talking about the topic of "Damp and Humid Rainy Season." During this time of the year in Japan, we often experience the muggy and wet weather associated with the rainy season.

Small Discussion Question 1
Can you suggest some activities during the rainy season in Japan?

Sample Answer 1
When it's rainy and humid outside, there are still plenty of activities you can enjoy. You can take this opportunity to explore indoor attractions such as museums, art galleries, or indoor theme parks. Well, there is a new Harry Potter Museum that has opened in Tokyo. It's also a great time to catch up on your reading, watch movies or TV series, or indulge in some indoor hobbies like painting or cooking.

Small Discussion Question 2
"Do you think the situation of the rainy season in Japan has significantly changed over the last few decades?"

Sample Answer 2
The rainy season in Japan has always been known for its damp and humid conditions. While it's difficult to determine significant changes over the past few decades, some people argue that the rainy season has become more unpredictable in recent years. There may be variations in the timing, duration, and intensity of rainfall. Climate change and other environmental factors could potentially contribute to these changes.

Let’s see today’s vocabulary.

First, we have "damp(湿った)." Damp refers to something that is slightly wet or moist, often due to humidity or condensation. For example, "After the rain, the ground was damp, so we had to be careful not to slip."
Next, we have the word "muggy(蒸し暑い)." Muggy describes the weather when it is hot, humid, and sticky, making you feel uncomfortable. For example, "It was a muggy day, and everyone was seeking relief from the heat."
Moving on, we have the phrase "indulge in((自分を甘やかして)~を楽しむ)." To indulge in something means to allow oneself to enjoy or take part in something pleasurable or luxurious, often without restraint. For example, "During my holiday in Hawaii, I like to indulge in delicious food and relax on the beach."
Another term is "over the last few decades(ここ数十年で)." This phrase is used to refer to a specific period of time, indicating the changes or developments that have occurred during that time. For example, "Over the last few decades, technology has advanced rapidly, transforming our daily lives."
Lastly, we have "intensity(激しさ)." Intensity refers to the degree or level of strength, power, or force of something. It describes the extent or magnitude of a particular quality or characteristic. For example, "The intensity of the storm was evident as strong winds and heavy rain battered the area."

That brings us to the end of today's episode on the damp and humid rainy season in Japan. We discussed some activities to enjoy during this time and the potential changes in the rainy season's characteristics over the years. Remember, even during rainy days, there are still plenty of indoor activities to keep yourself entertained. Thank you for listening to our podcast, and I hope you see you soon.

