
Episode 19 リモコンのバッテリーが切れた

Hi, everyone. Welcome to my English podcast! In today's episode, we'll be discussing a common situation: "When the Remote Control Battery Dies." So, let's get started!

Small Discussion Question 1:
When your remote controller's battery is running out, do you tap it strongly to activate it?

Sample Answer 1:
Well, I must admit, when my remote controller's battery starts running low, I've actually given it a tap a few times. Surprisingly enough, it has worked on a couple of occasions. But you know, it's not exactly a foolproof method. The best thing to do is to grab some fresh batteries and replace the old ones for consistent performance. Tapping might be a quick fix, but having spare batteries at hand is always the wiser choice.

Small Discussion Question 2:
Do you have a stock of spare batteries at home?

Sample Answer 2:
Having a stock of spare batteries at home can be quite handy, especially for devices like remote controllers. It's always a good idea to keep some extra batteries on hand so that you can quickly replace them when needed. This way, you won't have to worry about running out of batteries and can continue using your devices without any interruptions.

Let’s see today’s vocabulary.

First up, we have "run out of battery(電池が切れる)." To run out of battery means to deplete the power of a device or object that uses batteries, rendering it unable to function. For example, "My phone ran out of battery, so I couldn't make any calls."
Next, we have the phrase "surprisingly enough(驚くことに)." Surprisingly enough is used to express that something is unexpected or contrary to what you might assume. For example, "Surprisingly enough, she won the race despite she had a fever last night."
Moving on, we have "foolproof method(間違えのない、確実な仕組み)." A foolproof method refers to a process or solution that is designed to be completely reliable and incapable of failure, even for those lacking experience or knowledge. For example, "The instructions provided a foolproof method for assembling the furniture."
Another term is "quick fix(応急措置、その場しのぎの措置)." A quick fix refers to a temporary or expedient solution to a problem or situation. It is a remedy that provides immediate results but may not address the underlying issue. For example, "Using tape as a quick fix, he repaired the broken handle on the suitcase."
Lastly, we have "handy(手元にあって便利な)." Handy means useful, convenient, or easily accessible when needed. It describes something that is practical and helpful in various situations. For example, "Having a small knife is handy for various tasks during outdoor activities."

In today's episode, we’ve discussed what to do when the battery in your remote controller is running out. Instead of tapping it strongly, it's recommended to replace the batteries with fresh ones. Additionally, keeping a stock of spare batteries at home ensures that you always have backups ready for use. Thank you for tuning in to today's episode! See you next time!

