
Episode 23 都市部の渋滞

Hello, and welcome to my English podcast. Today, we're diving into the bustling world of "Urban Traffic Congestion." If you've ever visited a busy city, you're probably familiar with the frustrations of being stuck in heavy traffic. Let’s see today’s small discussion talks.
Small Discussion Question 1
Have you ever visited a city with a severe traffic jam?
Sample Answer 1
Absolutely, I visited Bangkok 5 years ago and the city is a prime example of urban traffic congestion. I remember my trip there vividly. The traffic in Bangkok can be incredibly dense, especially during rush hours. Even a short trip across town would turn into a multi-hour journey. The city's numerous motorbikes, tuk-tuks, and cars dominate the spaces on the road, making it a challenging place to travel.
Small Discussion Question 2
What do you think could be done to reduce traffic congestion in cities?
Sample Answer 2
Reducing urban traffic congestion is a pressing issue, and cities worldwide are exploring innovative solutions. One notable approach is congestion charging, a system where drivers are required to pay a fee for using certain roads or areas during peak hours. London, for example, has successfully implemented congestion pricing.
Let’s see today’s vocabulary!
First, we have "prime example(典型的な例)." A prime example is a typical or outstanding instance that represents a larger category or concept. For example, "She is a prime example of a dedicated and hardworking student."
Next, we have "dominate(支配する)." To dominate means to have control, influence, or authority over something or someone. For instance, "In the business world, large corporations often dominate the market."
Moving on, we have "pressing issue(喫緊の問題)." A pressing issue is a matter or problem that requires immediate attention and action due to its significance or urgency. For example, "Climate change is a pressing issue that demands global cooperation."
Another term is "congestion charge(渋滞税、通行料)." A congestion charge is a fee imposed on vehicles for entering certain congested areas, typically in urban centers, to reduce traffic congestion. For instance, "The city implemented a congestion charge to encourage the use of public transportation."
Lastly, we have "implement(実施する)." To implement means to put a plan, system, or decision into effect by taking practical steps to make it a reality. For example, "The government decided to implement new policies to improve healthcare access."
That wraps up our discussion on "Urban Traffic Congestion." It's a challenge that many cities around the world are faced with. We've explored some strategies to alleviate traffic congestions, including congestion charge. Thank you for listening and I hope to see you soon.




