
random thoughts either in Japanese or Engli…


random thoughts either in Japanese or English


Self-Pep Talk 自分に葉っぱをかける

To be honest, I don’t particularly feel and love what most people say and do and they don’t have what it takes to indulge in my sense of humour either. Sometimes I just say hi and talk about nonsense with people I barely know to avoid feeli

    • A perfectionist is basically a shitty magician. 完璧主義者は下手くそな手品師

      *スクロールすると和訳あります。 This is partially about me, partially about people I’ve met, and the rest is my imagination. I could go on about what it’s like to be a HSP and a perfectionist but this is just the preface of my recent random thoughts.

      • 1/2中年の危機

        「中年の危機」という言葉があるが、その半分くらいの年頃、20代半ば〜後半の私や友人は社会人になって数年経ち、自分の人生をどう過ごしたいか、何を頑張るかみたいな話をよくする。びっくりするくらいみんな同じような話をするし、そういうお年頃だという人もいた。 なんだろう。Z世代がどうとか世の中は言っているが、それはデジタルについていけない人たちが他を理解するための「ラベル」で、アイデンティティーなんかではない。同じテレビ番組を見て、同じ音楽を聴いて「流行り」が明確だった世代からする

        • Words to motivate myself

          Being surrounded by aesthetically pleasing art works and giving thoughts to pop culture and ideology issues just make you a wannabe. And I’m fully aware of that fact so when some see me as a creative person, it just makes me realise I’m oth

        Self-Pep Talk 自分に葉っぱをかける

          Starting Anew

          This is totally a guilty pleasure and I have been ashamed to tell people that I grew up watching soppy American movies dreaming that one day I’ll be just like the main character who struggles as a teenager but then has a happy life in colla

          Starting Anew

          Sleep disorder

          From my notes on March 25, 2016 3:26 how do people fall asleep shut my eyes to numb my skin should i count the electric sheep guiding light to darkness will you take me in by dawn the sun comes out you leave me as i yawn

          Sleep disorder

          Material World

          was it only on my conscience to fake smiles is it the fate upon us to wake up from our dreams sucking up for recognition living up to expectation don’t tell me to start living don’t really care about winning i just wanna know how to be

          Material World

          Meaning of Life

          I’ve kept this essay as a draft for a year. I wanted make changes but reading it made me aware of how much I’ve changed so decided to leave it as it was. Are you intend to commit your life to work? Or is it just a temporary situation to pr

          Meaning of Life