

what's up y'all
I ?? go to Starbucks to get me a goddamn ?? coffee
I need something keep me up all night cuz I'm downloading 9G ?? porn 
and I need something keep my adrenalin up
so I go myself Starbucks ????
Let me see the main menu they hand me the main menu
I can't understand one word what they talking about on the main menu
they saying all kinds of stuff mocha chocolate frappuccino ....
clinic, needles, white girl's titties
Idk what da hell you talking about
you gotta better understand ???? bus stop then a damn main menu at Starbucks
I thought this was the place to serve coffee 
they sell everything else  they supposed to be selling
they serving ah ice cream they serve ah sandwiches 
???? damn woman asked me 「Excuse me sir, would you like a cookie? 」
No bitch, I want some coffee
A woman looked at me and she ?? say 「Oh what's that?」
Bitch you don't know what coffee is 
this isn't Starbucks? you don't know what coffee is
this is the coffee chain
that's like me going damn Macdonald's and saying 「Hey man Give me a big mac」
and nigga looking back at me and say 「Wtf is a hamburger」

I said 「Hey excuse me woman, coffee is what makes you up all day. coffee is what you supposed to be selling」
the girl ?? say 「Oh yeah we are out of coffee」how da hell you outta coffee
then the girl gonna(?) say 「Okay I'll give you a 30% discount if you get the latte」I said 「Fine, Ima get the latte den」
I said 「what's the total?」
the bitch ?? looking at me and said the total 「14 dollars」
what da hell!?
14 dollars for freaking latte!?
I never spent 14 dollars in my life unless there was a asian prostitute give me a hand job in the porn party  


This black dude is classic ! :D

