
Tears like Niagara Falls

When I’m reading a book or watching an episode of a Netflix show or a movie,  I come across these raw human emotions between characters. And sometimes those raw emotions hit me in the heart or gut or wherever it is, and it starts to ache badly, and before I know it, tears start to form in my eyes and my nose starts to sting a little and then voila.. it’s like my eyes turned into Niagara Falls… does anyone else experience this too?

When I was in my teens and even in my 20’s, I never really cried while I was reading or watching something. Some books did make my heart ache but I would never cry reading.. But now, I just can’t be unaffected. I’m like full out crying… it’s not something beautiful and I prefer not to be seen when this happens. But why does this happen? Does this mean I have had enough life experiences to understand more human emotions now? Or am I just an emotional mess?  

Honestly, I really don’t know. And this is just something I thought while I was wiping away those big tears earlier but, I always felt like I didn’t have enough experience to write something good enough for others to read. Like I wasn’t enough. But may be those tears mean that I’m enough now, that I’m ready. I’m just going to write. I feel like I’m ready. 

