
【ショーン・ライダー】英語版ウィキペディアを日本語で読む【Shaun Ryder】


Shaun William George Ryder (born 23 August 1962) is an English singer/songwriter and poet.


As lead singer of Happy Mondays, he was a leading figure in the Madchester cultural scene during the late 1980s and early 1990s.


In 1993, he formed Black Grape with former Happy Mondays dancer Bez.


He was the runner-up on the tenth series of I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!.

『I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!』の第10シリーズでは準優勝を果たした。

Early life(生い立ち)

Shaun William George Ryder was born on 23 August 1962 in Little Hulton, Lancashire, the son of nurse Linda and postman Derek (who would later become Happy Mondays' tour manager).


By the age of 13, he had left school to work on a building site.


Musical career(音楽活動)

Happy Mondays(ハッピー・マンデーズ)

As Ryder was singer for Happy Mondays, his struggle with drugs led to the band's initial break-up in 1992.


The film 24 Hour Party People featured the (semi-fictional) story of Ryder's youth and the life of Happy Mondays whilst signed with Factory Records in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

映画『24 Hour Party People』は、1980年代後半から1990年代前半にかけてファクトリーレコードと契約していたライダーの青春とハッピー・マンデーズの生活を(半フィクションで)描いたものである。

In the film, Ryder is portrayed by Danny Cunningham.


Ryder has taken part in two reformations of Happy Mondays (1999–2000 and 2004–present).


He has also released a solo album, Amateur Night in the Big Top, to a mixed critical reception.

また、ソロアルバム『Amateur Night in the Big Top』をリリースし、様々な批評家の評価を得た。

In 2000, following the Big Day Out Festival in Australia with Happy Mondays, Ryder stayed on in Perth, Western Australia with Pete Carroll, who had a record label called Offworld Sounds.

2000年、ハッピー・マンデーズと共にオーストラリアで開催されたBig Day Out Festivalの後、ライダーはピート・キャロルと共に西オーストラリア州パースに滞在し、彼はOffworld Soundsというレコードレーベルを持っていた。

While in Perth he recorded Amateur Night in the Big Top, an album of punk electronica with Carroll, Shane Norton, Stephen Mallinder from Cabaret Voltaire and Lucky Oceans from American country band Asleep at the Wheel.


UnCut called it, "exhilarating stuff. Another wildly implausible Ryder comeback" while Ministry of Sound said it was "A remarkable album. The most vitriolic lyrics this side of Dylan's 'Ballad of a Thin Man' and Sex Pistols 'EMI'".

UnCutはこれを「爽快な作品」と評している。もうひとつの荒唐無稽なライダーのカムバック」と評し、ミニストリー・オブ・サウンドは「驚くべきアルバムだ」と述べている。ディランの『Ballad of a Thin Man』やセックス・ピストルズの『EMI』を凌ぐ、最も暴力的な歌詞だ」と評している。

The album was recorded quickly during a few late night sessions in Carroll's garage studio during an extremely hot Perth summer.


The album was subsequently released on Offworld Sounds.

アルバムはその後、Offworld Soundsからリリースされた。

In 2004, Happy Mondays reunited to play a comeback gig called "Get Loaded in the Park" on Clapham Common, with only original members.

2004年、ハッピー・マンデーズは再結成し、オリジナル・メンバーのみでクラップハム・コモンで「Get Loaded in the Park」というカムバック・ライブを行なった。

Two years later they released the single "Playground Superstar", featured in the football film Goal, which was released after Bez had won Celebrity Big Brother.

2年後、BezがCelebrity Big Brotherで優勝した後にリリースされたサッカー映画Goalにフィーチャーされたシングル "Playground Superstar "をリリースした。

In 2007 Happy Mondays produced the album, Uncle Dysfunktional.

2007年、Happy Mondaysはアルバム『Uncle Dysfunktional』をプロデュース。

In 2009 he made a cameo appearance (Ryder later revealed that it was also a non-speaking role) as himself in Channel 4 drama Shameless.


Black Grape(ブラック・グレープ)

In 1995 Ryder launched his new project, Black Grape.

1995年、Ryderは新しいプロジェクト、Black Grapeを立ち上げる。

Its first release, It's Great When You're Straight...

その最初のリリースである『It's Great When You're Straight....

Yeah, topped the British album chart for a week.


However, the follow-up album, Stupid Stupid Stupid, did not achieve the same critical nor commercial success, and the group split in 1998.

しかし、続くアルバム『Stupid Stupid Stupid』は批評家からも商業的な成功からも見放され、1998年にグループは解散した。

The group reformed briefly in 2010, and released a single in 2015.


In August 2017, the group released Pop Voodoo, their first full album since 1997.

2017年8月、1997年以来となるフル・アルバム『Pop Voodoo』をリリースした。

Other work(その他の作品)

Ryder collaborated with Intastella in 1993 and in 1996 he worked with Jerry Harrison, Tina Weymouth, and Chris Frantz on No Talking, Just Head.

ライダーは1993年にインタステラとコラボレートし、1996年にはジェリー・ハリソン、ティナ・ウェイマス、クリス・フランツと『No Talking, Just Head』で共演した。

1997 Ryder featured on the Agent Provocateur album Where the Wild Things Are on track "Agent Dan" the track was also released as a single and remixed by Propellerheads.

1997年、RyderはAgent ProvocateurのアルバムWhere the Wild Things Areのトラック「Agent Dan」に参加、このトラックはシングルとしてもリリースされ、Propellerheadsによってリミックスされた。

He appeared on British tenor Russell Watson's 2001 debut album The Voice, lending his vocals to a cover version of the Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé song "Barcelona".

2001年、イギリスのテノール歌手Russell Watsonのデビューアルバム「The Voice」に参加し、Freddie MercuryとMontserrat Caballéの曲「Barcelona」のカバーバージョンにボーカルを提供した。

In 2004, Ryder had a voice acting role in the video game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in which he played Maccer, a washed-up, masturbation-addicted musician who was planning a major comeback tour.


Ryder appeared in Peter Kay's "Is This the Way to Amarillo?" charity music video in 2005.

2005年には、ピーター・ケイのチャリティ・ビデオ「Is This the Way to Amarillo?」に出演。

Also in 2005, he collaborated with Gorillaz on "Dare", a song on their Demon Days album.

また、2005年にはGorillazのアルバム『Demon Days』の収録曲「Dare」でコラボレーションを行った。

Chris Evans stated at the 2006 Brit Awards that the song was originally called "It's There", but was changed as Ryder's thick Mancunian accent made him pronounce the word "there" as "dare".

2006年のブリット・アワードでクリス・エヴァンスは、この曲はもともと「It's There」と呼ばれていたが、ライダーの濃いマンカーン訛りによって「there」を「dare」と発音してしまったため変更された、と述べている。

In 2010 he supported The Charlatans on a UK tour, as well as one-off headline show at the Assembly, Leamington Spa.

2010年にはThe CharlatansのUKツアーに同行し、Leamington SpaのAssemblyで一回限りのヘッドライン公演を行った。

In November 2011 Ryder played saxophone onstage at the Barbican in York as a special guest in Jools Holland's Rhythm and Blues Orchestra for the Sky television series First Love.

2011年11月、ライダーはヨークのバービカンで、スカイのテレビシリーズ「First Love」の特別ゲストとして、ジュールズ・ホランドのリズム&ブルース・オーケストラのステージでサクソフォンを演奏した。

Other work(その他の作品)


Ryder wrote a column for the Daily Sport, in which he commented on current events and celebrities.


The column was ghostwritten with journalist John Warburton, who would write a book about the Happy Mondays reunion in the late 1990s, and co-credited it to Ryder.


He said he "didn't really have anything to do with it at all," explaining that Warburton had approached him to write a biography.


Ryder said he was not interested in the idea at the time, but allowed him to accompany the band on tour and document the proceedings.


In 2011, Ryder published his autobiography, Twisting My Melon: The Autobiography.

2011年、ライダーは自伝『Twisting My Melon』を出版した。The Autobiography)」を出版した。

It was optioned by Granada Television and writer Danny Brocklehurst enlisted to write the screenplay.



In 2004 he was the subject of Richard Macer's BBC3 documentary Shaun Ryder: The Ecstasy and the Agony.

2004年にはリチャード・メイカーがBBC3のドキュメンタリー番組『Shaun Ryder: The Ecstasy and the Agony』に出演している。

Ryder was a contestant on the tenth series of ITV's reality game show I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! in 2010, where he finished second behind Stacey Solomon.

2010年、ITVのリアリティゲーム番組『I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!』の第10シリーズに出場し、ステイシー・ソロモンに次いで2位となった。

In January 2011 Ryder appeared on the first series of the ITV programme That Sunday Night Show, and again on the second series in September 2011.

2011年1月にはITVの番組「That Sunday Night Show」の第1シリーズに出演し、2011年9月には第2シリーズに再び出演した。

He collaborated with fellow I'm a Celebrity contestant Stacey Solomon at the 2011 National Television Awards.

2011年のNational Television Awardsでは、I'm a Celebrityの出場者であるStacey Solomonとコラボレーションを行いた。

In 2013, Ryder hosted the television show Shaun Ryder on UFOs on The History Channel UK.

2013年には、イギリスのヒストリーチャンネルで「Shaun Ryder on UFOs」という番組の司会を務めた。

He has a lifelong interest in UFOs and claims that he has personally encountered space aliens, stating that he saw a UFO for the first time in 1978.


Two years later, Ryder has appeared repeatedly on the panel of RT UK's News Thing.

その2年後、ライダーはRT UKのNews Thingのパネルに繰り返し出演している。

In October 2016, he appeared on Would I Lie to You?.

2016年10月、『Would I Lie to You』に出演。

In 2017 Ryder appeared on Celebrity Juice as a member of Fearne Cotton's team.

2017年、ライダーはFearne Cottonのチームの一員として『Celebrity Juice』に出演。

The next year he starred in ITVs 100 years younger in 21 days and appeared on Celebrity Mastermind, with the specialist subject of Manchester.

翌年にはITVs 100 years younger in 21 daysに出演し、Celebrity Mastermindにマンチェスターの専門テーマで出演した。

In August 2020, Ryder appeared in BBC Two comedy Mandy created by Diane Morgan in which he portrayed a fictional version of himself.

2020年8月、ライダーはダイアン・モーガンが制作したBBC Twoのコメディ『マンディ』に出演し、架空の自分を演じた。

Personal life(個人生活)

Ryder has six children.


For some time, he was addicted to heroin, saying he overcame it by taking up cycling.


Ryder contested contracts he drew up with his Black Grape management team, compiled in 1993.


Following his dismissal of the company, they sued him for £160,000.


The income from his £30,000 a year Daily Sport column went solely to cover his costs.


His appearance on I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here! (2010) and a £130,000 book deal financed Ryder out of the contract.

I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!」(2010年)に出演。(2010年)への出演と13万ポンドの本の契約により、ライダーは契約を解除した。

Ryder was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia later in life, saying in the 60s and 70s there was "no such thing as learning difficulties".


"When I was at school they didn't know about ADHD, there were just four sets, one being the brightest and four being crowd control"...


so "for the first 40-something years of my life I didn't know I had it [ADHD]".


In 2021 he took part in Channel 4's Stand Up and Deliver; mentored by Jason Manford, he developed his own stand-up set.

2021年、彼はチャンネル4の「Stand Up and Deliver」に参加し、ジェイソン・マンフォードの指導を受けながら、自分のスタンドアップ・セットを作り上げた。

Manford explained in an interview “Shaun’s got severe ADHD, so remembering things, collecting information and taking on new thoughts, it’s been a real challenge."


Ryder took part in Channel 4's Fame in the Family; where Ryder discovered three long lost relatives, Tracey and James had the most direct blood connection, both second cousins.


Ryder left school unable to read the alphabet.


“But, y’see, there’s different ways of learning. I was 26 years old when I learnt the alphabet. My girlfriend at the time taught it to me through singing, and I learnt it in five minutes. It also helps me to learn when I have a stress ball in my hand, it’s called fiddling. When I have nothing in my hand, I can’t take anything in. I can’t retain any information."

