
【トニー・ウィルソン】英語版ウィキペディアを日本語で読む【Tony Wilson】


Anthony Howard Wilson (20 February 1950 – 10 August 2007) was a British record label owner, radio and television presenter, nightclub manager, impresario and a journalist for Granada Television, the BBC and Channel 4.

アンソニー・ハワード・ウィルソン (1950年2月20日 - 2007年8月10日)は、イギリスのレコード会社のオーナー、ラジオやテレビの司会者、ナイトクラブのマネージャー、興行師、グラナダテレビ、BBC、チャンネル4のジャーナリストであった。

As a co-founder of the independent label Factory Records and founder-manager of the Haçienda nightclub, Wilson was behind some of Manchester's most successful bands, including Joy Division, New Order, and Happy Mondays.


Wilson was known as "Mr Manchester", dubbed as such for his work in promoting the culture of Manchester throughout his career.


He was portrayed by Steve Coogan in Michael Winterbottom's film 24 Hour Party People (2002), and by Craig Parkinson in Anton Corbijn's film Control (2007).

彼は、マイケル・ウィンターボトム監督の映画『24 Hour Party People』(2002年)でスティーブ・クーガン、アントン・コービン監督の映画『コントロール』(2007年)でクレイグ・パーキンソンが演じたように、その名を知られるようになった。

Depending on what he was working on, he would switch between alternate versions of his name.


For example, when he was being a serious formal and respectable persona, such as certain TV presenting appearances, he would use "Anthony H Wilson", or for example when reporting for Granada Reports he was referred to as "Anthony Wilson", otherwise he would go by "Tony Wilson" most commonly while on Factory Records business.


Early life(生い立ち)

Wilson was born 20 February 1950 in Hope Hospital, Pendleton, Salford, Lancashire, to Sydney Wilson and Doris Knupfer, and moved to Marple, near Stockport, Cheshire, at the age of five.


After passing his Eleven plus exam, Wilson attended De La Salle Grammar School in Weaste Lane, Pendleton, Salford.


He developed a love of literature and language, ignited by a performance of Hamlet at Stratford upon Avon.


Wilson started his professional career in 1968 at the age of 17, working as an English and Drama teacher at Blue Coat School in Oldham.


He later graduated with a degree in English from Jesus College, Cambridge.


Broadcasting career(放送作家としてのキャリア)

After his graduation in 1971, Wilson began as a trainee news reporter for ITN, before moving to Manchester in 1973, where he secured a post at Granada Television.


He presented Granada's culture, music and events programme, So It Goes.

グラナダの文化、音楽、イベント番組「So It Goes」のプレゼンターを務めた。

Through the 1970s and 1980s he was one of the main anchors on Granada Reports, a regional evening news programme, where he worked with Judy Finnigan and Richard Madeley among others.

1970年代から1980年代にかけては、夕方のニュース番組「Granada Reports」のメイン・キャスターを務め、ジュディ・フィニガンやリチャード・マデリーらと仕事をした。

He continued in this line of work even at the height of his success in the music industry.


He reported for ITV's current affairs series, World in Action in the early 1980s and hosted editions of After Dark, the UK's first open-ended chat show, first on Channel 4 and later BBC Four.

1980年代前半には、ITVの時事問題シリーズ「ワールド・イン・アクション」のレポーターを務め、チャンネル4、後にBBC Fourで放送された英国初のオープンエンド・チャット番組「アフター・ダーク」の司会を担当した。

Journalist Fergal Kinney wrote in 2021: “His appearances on Channel 4’s freewheeling late-night debate show After Dark...are exhilarating, pitched somewhere between a malevolent David Dimbleby and a slightly effete Jonathan Meades." Paul Morley's book From Manchester with Love: The Life and Opinions of Tony Wilson quotes Wilson as nearly falling asleep on the programme but waking up to hear one of the guests attacking him for naming his band Joy Division.

ジャーナリストのファーガル・キニーは、2021年に「チャンネル4の深夜の自由気ままな討論番組『アフター・ダーク』への彼の出演は、悪意のあるデイヴィッド・ディンブルビーと少し上品なジョナサン・ミーズの間のどこかに位置する、エキサイティングなものだ」と書いている。ポール・モーリーの著書『From Manchester with Love: ポール・モーリーの著書『From Manchester with Love: The Life and Opinions of Tony Wilson』には、ウィルソンが番組中に眠りそうになったが、ゲストのひとりが自分のバンドをJoy Divisionと名付けたことで彼を攻撃するのを聞いて目を覚ましたことが紹介されている。

In 1988, Wilson hosted The Other Side of Midnight, another Granada weekly regional culture slot, covering music, literature and the arts in general.

1988年、ウィルソンはグラナダの週刊文化番組「The Other Side of Midnight」の司会を務め、音楽、文学、芸術全般をカバーした。

Wilson co-presented the BBC's coverage of The Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert at Wembley Stadium with Lisa I'Anson in 1992.


He hosted the short-lived TV quiz shows Topranko! and Channel 4's Remote Control in the 1990s, as well as the Manchester United themed quiz, Masterfan, for MUTV.

1990年代には短命のTVクイズ番組Topranko!とChannel 4のRemote Controlの司会を務め、MUTVではマンチェスター・ユナイテッドをテーマにしたクイズ、Masterfanの司会も務めた。

In 2006 he became the regional political presenter for the BBC's The Politics Show.

2006年にはBBCのThe Politics Showの地域政治プレゼンターになった。

He presented a weekly radio show on Xfm Manchester – Sunday Roast – and a show on BBC Radio Manchester.

Xfmマンチェスターで毎週ラジオ番組「Sunday Roast」を、BBCラジオマンチェスターで番組を担当した。

In October he joined Blur bassist Alex James, Blue Peter presenter Konnie Huq and previously unknown presenter Emily Rose to host the 21st century version of the 1980s music programme, The Tube, for Channel 4 Radio which ran until 2 March 2007.

10月には、BlurのベーシストAlex James、Blue PeterのプレゼンターKonnie Huq、無名のプレゼンターEmily Roseと共に、チャンネル4ラジオで1980年代の音楽番組The Tubeの21世紀版の司会を務め、2007年3月まで放送された。

His final music TV show was filmed in December 2006 for Manchester's Channel M. Only one episode, entitled "The New Friday", was recorded before Wilson became ill.

ウィルソンの最後の音楽番組は、2006年12月にマンチェスターのチャンネルMで撮影されましたが、「The New Friday」と題された1つのエピソードだけが、ウィルソンが病気になる前に収録された。

Music career(音楽活動)

Wilson's involvement in popular music stemmed from hosting Granada's culture and music programme So It Goes.

ウィルソンのポピュラー音楽への関わりは、グラナダの文化・音楽番組『So It Goes』の司会から始まった。

Wilson, who intensely disliked the music scene of the mid-1970s which was dominated by such genres as progressive rock and arena rock, saw the Sex Pistols at Manchester's Lesser Free Trade Hall, in June 1976, an experience which he described as "nothing short of an epiphany".


He booked them for the last episode of the first series, probably the first television showing of their revolutionary British strand of punk rock.[citation needed] Wilson was the manager of many bands, including A Certain Ratio and the Durutti Column, and was part owner and manager of Factory Records, home of Happy Mondays, Joy Division and New Order – the band managed by friend and business partner Rob Gretton.


He also founded and managed the Haçienda nightclub and Dry Bar, together forming a central part of the music and cultural scene of Manchester.[citation needed] The scene was termed "Madchester" in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

また、ナイトクラブHaçiendaとDry Barを設立・経営し、マンチェスターの音楽・文化シーンの中心を形成した[citation needed] 1980年代後半から1990年代前半にかけてこのシーンは「マッドチェスター」と呼ばれるようになった。

He made little money from Factory Records or the Haçienda, despite the enormous popularity and cultural significance of both endeavours.


Both Factory Records and the Haçienda came to an abrupt end in the late 1990s.[citation needed] In 2000, Wilson and his business partners launched an early online music store, Music33.


A semi-fictionalised version of his life and of the surrounding era was made into the film 24 Hour Party People (2002), which stars Steve Coogan as Wilson.

彼の人生とその周辺の時代を半フィクション化したものが映画『24 Hour Party People』(2002年)になり、スティーブ・クーガンがウィルソン役で出演している。

After the film was produced, Wilson wrote a novelisation based on the screenplay.


He played a minor role (playing himself) in the film, A Cock and Bull Story (2005), in which his character interviews Coogan.


Wilson also co-produced the Ian Curtis biopic, Control (2007), being portrayed on this occasion by Craig Parkinson.


He died a few months before its release.


Wilson was a partner in the annual In the City and Interactive City music festivals and industry conferences, and also F4 Records, the fourth version of Factory Records, which was set up to be an online distributor for Wilson's long term protégé Vini Reilly, of the Durutti Column.



Wilson identified himself as a socialist and refused to pay for private healthcare on principle.


Wilson was also an outspoken supporter of regionalism.


Along with others including Ruth Turner, he started a campaign for North West England to be allowed a referendum on the creation of a regional assembly, called the "Necessary Group" after a line in the United States Declaration of Independence.


Although his campaign was successful, with the British government announcing that a vote would take place, this was later abandoned when North East England voted against the introduction of a regional tier of government.


Wilson later spoke at several political events on this subject.


He was also known for using Situationist ideas.



Wilson was married twice, first to Lindsay Reade and then to Hilary, with whom he had a son, Oliver, and a daughter, Isabel.


In 1990 he started a relationship with Yvette Livesey, a former Miss England and Miss UK, who was his girlfriend until his death in 2007.


Livesey has since co-operated with a biography of Wilson's life, called You're Entitled to an Opinion ..., written by David Nolan and published in 2009.

リヴジーはその後、ウィルソンの生涯を描いた伝記『You're Entitled to an Opinion ...』(デイヴィッド・ノーラン著、2009年刊)に協力している。


After Wilson developed renal cancer and had one kidney removed in 2007, doctors recommended he take the drug Sutent.


Manchester Primary Care NHS Trust refused to fund the £3,500 per month cost of providing the drug, while patients being treated alongside him at the Christie Hospital and living just a few miles away in Cheshire did receive funding for the medication.


A number of Wilson's music industry friends, including former Happy Mondays manager Nathan McGough, their current manager Elliot Rashman and TV stars Richard Madeley and Judy Finnegan, formed a fund to help pay for Wilson's medical treatment.


Wilson said: "This [Sutent] is my only real option. It is not a cure but can hold the cancer back, so I will probably be on it until I die. When they said I would have to pay £3,500 for the drugs each month, I thought where am I going to find the money? I'm the one person in this industry who famously has never made any money. I used to say 'some people make money and some make history', which is very funny until you find you can't afford to keep yourself alive. I've never paid for private healthcare because I'm a socialist. Now I find you can get tummy tucks and cosmetic surgery on the NHS but not the drugs I need to stay alive. It is a scandal."


Death and legacy(死と遺産)

In early 2007, emergency surgery was performed to remove one of his kidneys.


This forced the postponement of plans to create a Southern Hemisphere version of the In the City festival.


Despite the surgery, the cancer progressed and a course of chemotherapy was ineffective.


Wilson died of a heart attack in Manchester's Christie Hospital on 10 August 2007 aged 57.


Following the news of his death, the Union Flag on Manchester Town Hall was lowered to half mast as a mark of respect.


Probate documents reveal his estate was valued at £484,747 after tax.


That figure includes the value of his city centre flat on Little Peter Street.


The will, signed by Wilson on 4 July 2007, gave Yvette Livesey, 39, his girlfriend of 17 years, the proceeds from their home.


He also left her his share of six businesses.


His son Oliver and daughter Isabel shared the rest of his estate.


His funeral was at St Mary's RC Church, Mulberry Street, Manchester (The Hidden Gem) on 20 August 2007.

葬儀は2007年8月20日、マンチェスターのマルベリーストリートにあるセント・メリーズRC教会(The Hidden Gem)で行われた。

Among the music Wilson chose Happy Mondays’ "Bob’s Yer Uncle".

音楽は、ハッピー・マンデーズの "Bob's Yer Uncle "が選ばれた。

As with everything else in the Factory empire, Wilson's coffin was given a Factory catalogue number: FAC 501.

ファクトリー帝国における他のすべてのものと同様に、ウィルソンの棺にはファクトリーのカタログ番号が与えられている。FAC 501。

He is buried at Southern Cemetery in Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester.


His black granite headstone, erected in October 2010, was designed by Peter Saville and Ben Kelly and features a quotation, chosen by Wilson's family, from Mrs G Linnaeus Banks's 1876 novel The Manchester Man, set in Rotis serif font.


The quotation reads: "Mutability is the epitaph of worlds/ Change alone is changeless/ People drop out of the history of a life as of a land though their work or their influence remains."


The main square of the HOME/First Street development in Manchester, which opened in 2015, is named Tony Wilson Place.

2015年にオープンしたマンチェスターのHOME/First Street開発地のメイン広場は、Tony Wilson Placeと名付けられている。
