May 26th『えいごdeバスケonline』デイリースケジュール
Hey guys! hope you are being safe with your family. It's a new day and we have some new exciting drills you can try at home!!
OK, Let's Begin! それでは始めよう!
Good Job!(ぐっじょぶ)
よくできました!をえいごではGood Job!と言います。友だちといっしょにパスをして点を決めたときはGood Job!とお互いをほめてあげてね!
朝のドリル : " Good Job ! "と5回言ってから始めよう!ドリルが終わったら自分じしんにGood Jobと言うのもわすれないで!
Ball Handling:
Piano Dribble! Today we are going to dribble with each of our fingers. We will go from our thumb, to our Index Finger, to our Middle Finger, to our Ring Finger and finally to our Pinky Finger. Dribble the ball with each finger using your right hand and then to your left hand. The best way to do this drill is to do it with an English Song. Sing along as you Dribble! Check out Ryoko’s video to see how!
昼のドリル : " Good Job ! "と5回言ってから始めよう!ドリルが終わったら自分じしんにGood Jobと言うのもわすれないで!
Dribbling: (Get into basketball stance!)
Today you need a basketball and someone to show you a colored card or to put up numbers with their hands. Dribble forward with your right hand and high five your friend/mom/dad etc. Then say the color in English. Next, dribble backwards, do a crossover and dribble forward again with the other hand and do the same. Do it 10 times! Check out Shailly’s video to see how!
ドリブル : まずはバスケットボールスタンス!
今回はバスケットボールを準備して、色のついたカードか、指で数字を誰かにみせてもらって行うドリルです。前進しながら右手でドリブル、家族か友だちとHigh Five、次にえいごで色を声に出して言いましょう。できたらドリブルでまっすぐ下がって、クロスオーバーでドリブルする手を入れかえてまた前進。High Fiveとえいごを言ってドリルを続けてね。10回やってみよう!シェリーのビデオをさんこうにしてね!
夕方のドリル : " Good Job ! "と5回言ってから始めよう!ドリルが終わったら自分じしんにGood Jobと言うのもわすれないで!
Shooting: (Get into basketball stance!)
Today you need 2 cones and some tape. Place the cones on the ground with 2 pieces of tape between the cones in your shooting stance. First you will shoot the ball up and catch it. After you catch it, go around the cones and return to your shooting stance. Footwork is important in this drill. After you do this, you will move on to more advanced moves such as wrapping the ball around your waist and letting the ball bounce once! Check out Chris’s video to see how!
シュート練習 : まずはバスケットボールスタンス!
Great work guys! That's all for the day.
Remember, repetition is the key! you can do the drills as much as you like by yourself, or with your family! See you next time!