
May 7th『えいごdeバスケonline』デイリースケジュール


Hey guys! hope you are being safe with your family. It's a new day and we have some new exciting drills you can try at home!!

OK, Let's Begin! それでは始めよう!


Rock, Paper, Scissors(ろっく、ぺぇいぱー、しぃざーず)は世界中でやっている遊びだよ。みんなは”じゃんけん”として知っているよね。ただ遊ぶだけじゃなくてお友達と何かをきめるのにも使えるね。しっかりおぼえて世界中で使って友達をふやそう!
それじゃいくよー!Rock, Paper, Scissors, 1-2-3 Go!



朝のドリル : 家族と"Rock, Paper, Scissors"と言いながら5回じゃんけんをしてから始めよう!

Dribble: (Get into basketball stance!)
First, get into Basketball Stance. Today we are going to put the ball through our legs in a figure 8 formation. When you are doing this always keep your head up. If this move is difficult, start by rolling the ball in a figure 8 formation through your legs. When you have mastered those, move on to the advanced move of moving while you move the ball! Check out Shailly’s video to see how!
ドリブル : まずはバスケットボールスタンス!


昼のドリル : 家族と"Rock, Paper, Scissors"と言いながら5回じゃんけんをしてから始めよう!

Passing: (Get into basketball stance!)
Chest Passing by yourself. First stand in front of a wall. Get into good basketball stance and chest pass the ball to the wall. When the ball returns, make sure you catch it with 2 hands. Do this 10 times. The important point in this drill is to try and hit the same spot on the wall everytime!! Check out Hide’s video to see how!
パス: まずはバスケットボールスタンス!


夕方のドリル : 家族と"Rock, Paper, Scissors"と言いながら5回じゃんけんをしてから始めよう!

Shooting: (Get into basketball stance!)
Rock, Paper, Scissors. This game is known all over the world and today it will help you with your shot. Using your legs we will do Rock and Paper. For Rock, Put both feet together. For Paper, put your legs apart horizontally. After you do Rock and then Paper, return to your shooting position and shoot the ball straight up. Check out Chris’s video to see how!
シュート: まずはバスケットボールスタンス!
せかいじゅうで知られているRock, paper, scissorsのゲーム。今回は足でグーとパーを作ってみんなのシュートじょうたつにやくだつよ!バランスをくずさず、すばやくシュートスタンスにもどれるかな?シュートはバランスがとってもだいじ。うまくスタンスに戻れないとまっすぐボールは飛ばないよ。


Great work guys! That's all for the day.
Remember, repetition is the key! you can do the drills as much as you like by yourself, or with your family! See you next time!

