
中・高 Week 5-1: How many national holidays in June? (前)



【展開例】 生徒自身がお互いの考えを伝え合う。

今回のトピックは「How many national holidays are there in June?」です。教師は話題を提示し、生徒同士の対話を促していきます。

T: Now, we are in June. Personally, I like June very much because it is the best fishing season. What month do you like the best?

 - What month do you like the best?  Why?

T: S1, what month do you like the best?
S1: Well, I like September the best.
T: Would you tell me why you like September the best?
S1: I like September the best because I was born in September.


What ... do you like the best? という質問は生徒も慣れていて扱いやすいものですが、答える際に必ず同時に理由を言わせて、意見に併せて理由を言う習慣をつけさせるべきでしょう。

Then, what do you think of when you hear the word June?

- What do you think of when you hear the word “June?”

S2: what do you think of when you hear the word “June?”
S2: I think of the rainy season.
T: You like rainy weather?
S2: Of course. I don’t.
T: What does your partner think of when she hears the word “June?”
S2: She thinks of “June bride.”

What do you think of when you hear the word ...? という質問は以前にも取り上げました。このような、日常会話ではよく使われるけれど英語のテキストなどにはほとんど出てこない表現はSmall Talkのなかで度々用いるとよいと思います。


T: By the way, how many days are there in a year? Yes, three hundred sixty five days.Then, S3, how many days are there in June?
S3: There are 30 days in June.
T: Yes. Then, how many national holidays are there in June? Actually, there is no national holiday in June. This year, there is no national holiday in October and December either. Health and Sports Day moved from October to July. The Emperor’s Birthday moved from December to February. Then, what month do you think has the most holidays, I mean Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays, this year? S3, what month do you think has the most holidays?
S3: I think May has the most holidays.
T: That’s true. This year, May has thirteen holidays. Then, what month do you think has the fewest holidays this year?

- What month do you think has the fewest holidays this year?

T: S4, what month do you think has the fewest holidays this year?
S4: I think June has the fewest holidays.
T: What month does your partner think has the fewest holidays?
S4: He thinks December has the fewest holidays.
T: Both of you are right. June and December have the fewest holidays this year. There are only eight holidays in June and December this year.

ペアでさせたWhat month do you think has the fewest holidays this year? という質問は、2つの点でややチャレンジングなものになっています。1つめは、do you think が挿入されていることです。What month has the least holidays? にdo you thinkが挿入されてこのかたちになっていることを説明しておくべきでしょう。日常のコミュニケーションでもよく用いられる表現なので慣れておく必要があります。2つめは、the most の逆のthe fewestを用いることで質問が一番祝日の多い月を訊くものから一番祝日の少ない月を訊くものに変わっていることです。このような質問を用いてやりとりすると、文法知識の復習になると同時に定着が促されます。特に、このような数を表す表現は定着させづらいものなので、Small Talkのような場面で度々使わせておく必要があります。


今回は「How many national holidays are there in June」をトピックとした展開例をご紹介しました。これを例として、自分のクラスでの展開例を考えてみてください。次回は、このやり取りについて、さらに展開例を示しながら、この活動の意図と目的について考えます。