
WISHING11/12/22 外面(そとづら)マスクが全く役に立っていない証拠Evidence that the masks are not helping at all





 英国でも日本でもオミクロンのシェアが60から90%に急上昇したのは2022年1月第1週で、英国のほうが3日早く立ち上がった。どちらの国においても、1月末にはオミクロンが99%以上に達し、現在ほぼ100%のシェアを維持している (1108)。

一方、日本の場合、オミクロン期を明確に区切ることができ、その累積感染者数は、 1月4日から現在までで17万773件だった。

このように、コロナがほぼ全部オミクロンになってからは、インドアでも全員がマスクをしていない英国と、アウトドアでも全員がマスクをし続けていた日本とで、実はオミクロン感染件数に明らかな違いはない (1108)。


 英国では、日本よりもはるかに多いアルファやデルタによる自然感染者が出ていた。しかし、オミクロン以前の自然感染によるオミクロン感染防止効果は19% (95%CI: 0~27%)にすぎない (1109)。さらに、オミクロンの進化とともに再感染リスク(40〜50/10万リスク人年、参考:脳梗塞は250/10万リスク人年)は高止まりし、英国における再感染件数は全感染件数の6%以上にも上る (1110) (1111)。



 また、ワクチン免疫力による抑止効果の違いもないものと考えられる。ワクチンキャンペーン時期が英国と日本とではずれているため、人口あたりのワクチン接種件数は、2022年1月上旬は、英国:日本=1.2:1、3月末1:1、8月末0.9:1で推移した。しかし、10月末における最低1回接種率は、英国:日本=93%:81%、ブースター接種率は、英国:日本=60%:66% と2022年1月から10月までのワクチン接種の進行状況に明らかな違いは見られない (1112)(1108)。


 さらに、両国の人口密度は、英国:日本=277:330、主要都市であるロンドン:東京=5518:6000 であった (1113)。


 周知のごとく、英国ではマスク義務が1月に解除され、屋内公共スペースにおいてもマスクをしなくてよくなり、オミクロン期もずっとマスクレスであった (1114)。一方、日本人は、論理破綻した専門家の話を盲信し、すでに民族衣装としての地位を確立したマスクによる仮装行列を続けている。




そもそも、家庭こそが最も数の多い感染連鎖のネットワークの結節点であり、一度にたくさんの二次感染を起こす場所でもある。感染連鎖は家庭から始まり、地域社会で感染が減る状況になっても、そこは最後まで二次感染を起こし続ける結節点である (1115)。

家を一歩出て、どんなにマスクをつけたところで、結局感染拡大の最大のドライバーは家庭内である (1116)。




The true story is that masks, with or without, make no difference at all in the number of infected people. The UK and Japan are two island nations that are not dissimilar.

Oxbridge's Britain, which chicks even the U.S. in academia, is the world's leading nation in science and economics. Weighing the advantages against the disadvantages, in January 2022 it eliminated the requirement of masks in public places, even indoors. Japan, on the other hand, is the exact opposite.

  1. there was no difference in the number of people infected with Omicron in the UK, where everyone does not wear masks, and in Japan, where everyone wears masks

 In both the UK and Japan, the Omicron share jumped from 60 to 90% in the first week of January 2022, with the UK starting up three days earlier. In both countries, Omicron reached more than 99% by the end of January and now maintains nearly 100% market share (1108).

The cumulative number of infections per million population in the UK from January 1 to the present was 162,825, and from December 20, when the market share was 40%, to the present, it was 186,178. In Japan, on the other hand, the omicron period can be clearly delimited, and the cumulative number of cases from January 4 to the present was 170,773. (In the UK, there is a discrepancy between CFR and mortality from mid-August to the beginning of October, but the test-positive rate is still around 2-3%.)

Thus, after almost all coronas became omicrons, there is actually no obvious difference in the number of omicron infections between the UK, where not everyone wore masks even indoors, and Japan, where everyone continued to wear masks even outdoors (1108).

  1. the deterrent effect of natural immunity to infection prior to omicron in the uk is limited

 In the UK, there were far more cases of natural infection by alpha and delta than in Japan. However, the effectiveness of pre-OMICRON natural infection in preventing omicron infection was only 19% (95% CI: 0-27%) (1109). Furthermore, as omicrons evolved, the risk of reinfection (40-50/100,000 risk person-years; ref: 250/100,000 risk person-years for stroke) remained high, with the number of reinfections in the UK amounting to over 6% of all infections (1110) (111).

Thus, during the omicron stage, the additional effect of deterring infections from earlier natural infections is likely to be limited. The deterrent effect of infection by natural immunity prior to the omicron was not significant in the increase in the number of infections after the omicron period in the U.K. and Japan.

  1. no difference in vaccine immunity as a group

 There is no difference in the deterrent effect of vaccine immunity. Due to the difference in vaccine campaign timing between the U.K. and Japan, the number of vaccinations per population was 1.2:1 in the U.K. and Japan at the beginning of January 2022, 1:1 at the end of March, and 0.9:1 at the end of August. However, no clear differences were observed in the progress of vaccination from January to October 2022, with the minimum one-dose vaccination rate at the end of October being 93%:81% and the booster vaccination rate 60%:66% in the U.K. and Japan, respectively (1112)(1108).

  1. no impact of demographic differences

 Furthermore, the population densities of the two countries were as follows: UK:Japan = 277:330; major cities London:Tokyo = 5518:6000 (1113).

  1. Stop wearing external masks anyway, and recommend that everyone at home wear masks forever.

 As is well known, the mask requirement was lifted in the U.K. in January, and people no longer have to wear masks indoors in public spaces, and have been mask-free throughout the Omicron period (1114). The Japanese, on the other hand, blindly believe the stories of experts who have failed to follow their logic, and continue to hold masquerade parades with masks, which have already established themselves as a national costume.

Nevertheless, in the end, there was no significant difference in the cumulative number of infected persons.

When one thinks about it, this is an all too obvious result. In the first place, the home is the node of the most numerous network of infection chains and the place where many secondary infections occur at once. The chain of infection begins at home, and even if the number of infections decreases in the community, it is the node where secondary infections continue to occur until the very end (1115).

No matter how many masks are worn outside the home, it is the home that is the biggest driver of the spread of infection (1116).


People who truly believe and doubt that masks are effective should not remove their masks until they die in a family gathering.










