
WISHING 06/24/22 コロナの軽症化と引き換えに起きている風邪の重症化 Severe Colds in exchange for mild Corona

どうやら私たちは、コロナに対する免疫獲得によって、その重症化率と致死率の低下を手に入れたのと交換に、普通の風邪や感染症に対する免疫力を失ってしまっているようです (1022)(1023)。













コロナウイルスも他の呼吸器系ウイルスと同様に、ヒトの免疫力が上がれば、季節的に循環するパターンに陥り、いわゆる「感染力」が低下するという予測もあります。逆に、ヒトの免疫力が下がることによって、普通の風邪ウイルスの季節性はなくなり、「感染力」が高まることが想定されます。おそらくウイルスは本来、季節の壁を乗り越えることが容易にできる可能性があります (1023)。

病原体をマスクで遠ざけ続けることで、感染を封じ込め致死率を下げることができると考えるのはあまりにも短絡的な誤りで、病原体とほどよく接し続けて免疫力を維持できるからこそ、病原体を封じ込め続けることができるのです。インフルエンザ・ワクチンでも同様ですが、次世代ワクチンも含めて、コロナ・ワクチンだけで集団免疫を維持するには限界があります  (1024)。 コロナの今の感染状況はむしろ理想的な環境だと考えられます。逆説的ですが、コロナを駆逐しきってはなりません。ウイルスをこのまま市中で循環させ、接触させ続けることによってはじめて、コロナを弱体化させ、理想的な水準に封じ込めることができると考えるべきです。コロナと共存するというのは、そういうことです。


Apparently, we have lost our immunity to ordinary colds and infections in exchange for acquiring immunity to coronas and thus obtaining their reduced severity and fatality rates (1022)(1023).

Recently, shingles in adults and chicken pox in children after completion of the vaccine have increased simultaneously.

In the days when there was no vaccine for chickenpox, we always contracted chicken pox as children. Thereafter, we were unknowingly protected by the phenomenon of repeated immune recovery and natural healing throughout our lives due to the natural immunity booster caused by contact with humans infected with the chicken pox virus, our own children, and contacts of infected children.

However, as a result of the protection offered to children by the chickenpox vaccine, their parents are now less able to maintain immunity through the natural booster, and adults are more likely to reacquire the disease in the form of shingles. We are seeing shingles in people as young as 35 and 40 years old, a phenomenon that was not possible in the past.

The reason cold doctors seldom catch colds is because they are always in contact with cold patients, and the reason they never get coronas is because they are in contact with coronas patients every day.

Last month, Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital saw a spike in adenovirus, rhinovirus, RS virus, human metapneumovirus, influenza, and parainfluenza, all respiratory viruses. This spike in hospitalizations in May and June is quite unusual.

Rhinovirus, the cause of the common cold, rarely causes hospitalizations; the spike in RSV hospitalizations is usually in the winter months; RSV suddenly spiked in the summer of 2021, with an epidemic in May and June of this year. Influenza increased in the summer of 2021 and this spring, although the Yamagata strain of influenza may have been made extinct by the corona epidemic.

Changes in the seasonality of common respiratory virus epidemics are occurring, and predictable epidemic cycles are completely out of whack. And even though it is a common cold, it is more virulent and much more persistent than before.

This change in seasonality and virulence is believed to be primarily due to the fact that we are now exposed to few common respiratory viruses and are more vulnerable to viral recrudescence.

Humans have evolved along with pathogens. And regular contact with pathogens usually allows our immune memory system to resume its response to prevent severe infections. Pathogens are not just bad guys. Boosters by the pathogens themselves are essential to the maintenance of the human immune system.

The moment we no longer encounter the virus on a regular cycle, this natural balance is upset. If too much time passes and we are exposed to the virus again, we are no longer able to defend ourselves against even what was originally just a common cold, leading to an unseasonal surge of infections at the population level and alarmingly virulent infections at the individual level. The grand experiment of a pandemic has shown that the booster effect of a real virus also expires after two years. And the deterrent effect of the vaccine booster effect on infection does not last any longer, consistent with the results of previous studies.

As we learned through studies during the pandemic, when cells in the nasal cavity detect a virus, they switch on their antiviral defenses and block other viruses. This is the viral interference action by the innate immune system. This process was suppressed by social distance and masking in the winter of 2020-2021.

Normally, children under 5 years of age have viruses in their noses on average 26 out of 50 weeks of the year and develop innate immunity in the respiratory mucosal environment. However, babies born in the last two years have failed to have such a symbiotic state of viral presence in the nasal cavity during this critically important period of respiratory system development. It is believed that their immune development defects may lead to more severe illness and sequelae and an increase in asthmatic children in the future due to common cold viruses such as RS virus and rhinovirus.

Some predict that coronaviruses, like other respiratory viruses, will fall into a seasonal cyclical pattern as human immunity improves and their so-called "infectivity" declines. Conversely, it is also assumed that as human immunity declines, the seasonality of ordinary cold viruses will disappear and their "infectivity" will increase. Perhaps viruses may inherently be able to overcome seasonal barriers more easily (1023).

It is a complete fallacy to think that keeping pathogens away with masks will contain infections and reduce lethality; it is only by maintaining immunity through moderate contact with pathogens that we can continue to contain them. As is the case with influenza vaccines, there are limits to maintaining population immunity with corona vaccines alone, including next-generation vaccines (1024). The current infection situation for corona is considered rather ideal. Paradoxically, the corona must not be completely eradicated. It is only by allowing the virus to continue to circulate and come into contact with the community that we can weaken the corona and bring it to an ideal level of containment.

What appears to be a peaceful state of affairs in the real world is, without exception, a very delicate equilibrium. In the real world, Darth Vader will never disappear. No, if it were gone, we would be forever unable to enjoy the fruits of the second and third films. Mosquitoes and cockroaches will never disappear. If we continue to tie youth down, to make them so tight that we will not tolerate the slightest mischief, we will lose the animal spirit of the young. But it is also a universal phenomenon that people do not realize until they are crushed that what they have lost is even greater than what they have gained by continuing to avoid them as just bad guys based on shallow thinking.




