多分、自分は〇〇に近い物質なのかも。maybe I'm similar to ○◯ written in English and Japanese〜交換留学日記#28〜
These days, I realized some prices get increased: for instance, the last time I went shopping, then the price was €2, but today was €2.3.
This month, I'm on my way to saving money, so frustrating well, but it can't be helped, hopefully, it will plummet right away!!
こんちゃ! 今回もよろしくお願いします!
Hello, I’m happy to meet you this time!
Today, I'd like to describe my annoyance through this article.
Recently, my motivation was getting worse, so I tried to analyze myself objectively.
まず、何が起きているか。日本の授業に出るために、朝活習慣を形成するために22時に就寝することを始めました。Apple Watchの振動で毎朝起きれるのですが、正直、モチベーションが低くなっているのが現状なんですよね、、笑
First, what's wrong with me? Recently, I left off to stay up late and began to sleep around 10 P.M to make sure to attend a Japanese class at 5:30 every Tuesday. Thanks to Apple Watch's vibration, for now, I can get up punctually, but to be honest, I got bored now.
At first, I believed it was a kinda missing Japan, but it wasn't. Or do I have mental health? but the answer was no.
I just realized maybe, I'm merely in a burnout symptomatic group due to finishing my graduate thesis, two reports, and presentation. It's like a feeling of emptiness, I guess.
Looking back on my memories, I have experienced similar events like job hunting and the admission exam to university. In other words, my personal feature is similar to iron because it can be cold and hot easily.
I should stay positive!!
I must be focused on my tasks so far, I tried hard absolutely.
Judging from my memories, I expect this feeling will end up disappearing soon, so, now, I shouldn't try to get rid of this feeling, and do a rave by myself.
The contents of Ikigai are a kinda book, the ikigai is something that can forget my worrying and annoying, my ikigai is to try to achieve my clarify goal, of not eating delicious foods and listening to music.
Just so you know, staying with a goal and having little stress is taking effect to deal with aging according to this book.
about time見ていた時Google翻訳に頼りっぱなしだった頃を考えると、大分前進しました!!
Though this ikigai is written in English, I can read it without assistance.
This May, I left counting on Google Translate to understand what actors or actresses say in English in "About Time" In light of this progress, my English came a long way definitely!!
僕が昔好きだったファンキー加藤さんのMy Voice の歌詞に
I remembered a phrase
"You can suffer from something because you are progressing "
sang by Funky Kato who I was fond of once.
というフレーズを信じてみます! この歌詞を思い出したら僕のピュアな初恋を思い出しました!ここではお話しませんが!(訳しません😂)
Now, many friends are traveling around European Countries. However, I'm up in the air because I should have been on an excursion to Amsterdam as a class.
That's all today's my note!!
Have a nice day!!