
#7 スロベニア移住まで英語日記「実は24年から禁酒してます!もうすぐ1ヶ月です」

Good morning. My name is Daiki Bito. I live in Tokushima Prefecture.

Actually, I have been growing lavender for the first time since last year and have been mixing white ash and red ball soil into the field since last week to improve the soil.

Last year, I let most of them die during the rainy season, probably due to root rot. This time I want to make dried flowers and potpourri.

I've gone off topic from the title at the beginning, but I don't have any money at all to go to Slovenia, and I haven't yet established a means of earning money from home or in person, so I will proceed with a personal journal for a while.

Sorry if you came to this article thinking it might be Slovenia-related.

But I am translating my diary into English every day, so I hope that will give you a break. Please think of it as a pillow talk.

'Actually, I have been sober since January 4, '24.'

I know you may be thinking that I have been abstaining from alcohol since New Year's Day, but I have decided that the New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are the days when I drink alcohol, so I'm going to exclude those days.

The reason I started blogging on "note" is because I started it for a friend of mine who got to know Hiroki Odo through Facebook.

As a self-confessed heavy drinker, you may wonder why such a guy is sober and why he has been able to stay sober for almost a month.

I hope that this article will be of some help to readers who want to quit drinking but have been frustrated many times!

I have been trying to quit drinking and then failing after a few days.

I gave up trying to quit drinking by the righteous method when I had failed so many times. The further I got away from alcohol, the more I craved it.

Some people might be able to make it work that way, but it was impossible for me.

After thinking about it, the method that has lasted the longest so far is to drink a good non-alcoholic beer.

No, there is no such beer. At least the non-alcoholic ones in the supermarket weren't good!

I certainly thought so too. Until I find out this beer!

That beer is Krausthaler!

I think it's good, but tastes vary widely.

Try a small number of bottles first. I bought a set of 24 bottles out of the blue, but I'm sure there are beers available in smaller quantities if you look for them.

I didn't find any at the supermarket. You might be able to find it if you look for it, but it might be faster to buy it on the Internet considering the effort to search for it.

My personal taste impression is, "I've never had such a good beer for about 110 yen.

It is cheaper than the cheapest happoshu around. If I had to force myself to drink cheap beer, I'd be happier with a non-alcoholic Krausthaler!" I thought.

That's why I started drinking non-alcoholic Kraussthaler when I wanted to drink alcohol.

I drink it when I really want to drink alcohol.

But it says it is non-alcoholic, it does contain some alcohol, as it was written that pregnant women should refrain from drinking it.

So, if you drink about 5 cans because it is non-alcoholic, you may get a DUI. Please be careful.

This is the end of my english dialy for now.

See you tomorrow.
