
【bybit】APIラッパー【Inverse Perpetual】【Python】

bybitで自動売買などをするためのAPIラッパー(BTCUSDなどInverse PerpetualのAPIラッパー)を公開します。

なお、今回もこのソースコードはこちらのニッケルメッキ先生が公開しているbitFlyer APIのラッパークラスの記事をとても参考にしています。




bybit.py [bybit APIのラッパークラス]
sample.py [ラッパークラスを用いたサンプルプログラム]


・Inverse Perpetual のAPIラッパーとなります。


2021/01/24 新規公開


「USDT Perpetual」を作るモチベーションになります!よろしくお願いします。


# bybit.py

import aiohttp
import asyncio
import async_timeout
import json
from aiohttp import WSMsgType
import traceback
import time
from datetime import datetime
import hmac
import hashlib
from requests import Request

class Bybit():

   # 定数
   TIMEOUT = 3600               # タイムアウト
   EXTEND_TOKEN_TIME = 3000     # アクセストークン延長までの時間
   SYMBOL = 'BTCUSD'            # シンボル[BTCUSD]
   URLS = {'REST': 'https://api.bybit.com',
           'WebSocket': 'wss://stream.bybit.com/realtime',
   PUBLIC_CHANNELS = ['trade.' + SYMBOL,
                      'orderBookL2_25.' + SYMBOL,
                      'instrument_info.100ms.' + SYMBOL,

   PRIVATE_CHANNELS = ['position',

   # 変数
   api_key = ''
   api_secret = ''

   session = None          # セッション保持
   requests = []           # リクエストパラメータ
   heartbeat = 0

   # ------------------------------------------------ #
   # init
   # ------------------------------------------------ #
   def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret):
       # APIキー・SECRETをセット
       self.api_key = api_key
       self.api_secret = api_secret

   # ------------------------------------------------ #
   # async request for rest api
   # ------------------------------------------------ #

   def set_request(self, method, access_modifiers, target_path, params):
       if access_modifiers == 'public':
           url = ''.join([self.URLS['REST'], target_path])
           if method == 'GET':
               headers = ''
               self.requests.append({'method': method,
                                     'access_modifiers': access_modifiers,
                                     'target_path': target_path, 'url': url,
                                     'params': params, 'headers':{}})

           if method == 'POST':
               headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
               self.requests.append({'method': method,
                                     'access_modifiers': access_modifiers,
                                     'target_path': target_path, 'url': url,
                                     'params': params, 'headers':headers})

       if access_modifiers == 'private':
           url = ''.join([self.URLS['REST'], target_path])
           path = target_path

           timestamp = int((time.time()) * 1000)
           if method == 'GET':
               url = ''.join([url, '&api_key=', self.api_key])
               url = ''.join([url, '&timestamp=', str(timestamp)])

               params['api_key'] = self.api_key
               params['timestamp'] = timestamp
               sign = ''
               for key in sorted(params.keys()):
                   v = params[key]
                   if isinstance(params[key], bool):
                       if params[key]:
                           v = 'true'
                       else :
                           v = 'false'
                   sign += key + '=' + str(v) + '&'
               sign = sign[:-1]
               signature = self.get_sign(sign)
               url = ''.join([url, '&sign=', signature])

               headers = ''

               self.requests.append({'url': url,
                                     'method': method,
                                     'headers': headers,
                                     'params': params,

           if method == 'POST':
               headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}
               params['api_key'] = self.api_key
               params['timestamp'] = timestamp
               sign = ''
               for key in sorted(params.keys()):
                   v = params[key]
                   if isinstance(params[key], bool):
                       if params[key]:
                           v = 'true'
                       else :
                           v = 'false'
                   sign += key + '=' + str(v) + '&'
               sign = sign[:-1]

               signature = self.get_sign(sign)
               signature_real = {'sign': signature}
               body = json.dumps(dict(params,**signature_real))
               self.requests.append({'url': url,
                                     'method': method,
                                     'headers': headers,
                                     'params': body,

   def set_headers_for_private(self, timestamp, sign, params):
       headers = {'api_key': self.api_key,
                  'symbol': self.SYMBOL,
                  'timestamp': timestamp,
                  'sign': sign,
       if len(params) > 0:
           headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
       return headers

   def get_payload(self, params):
       signature_payload = ''.join(['{}'.format(json.dumps(params))]).encode('utf-8')

       return signature_payload

   def get_sign(self, sign):
       signature = hmac.new(self.api_secret.encode('utf-8'), sign.encode('utf-8'), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

       return signature

   async def fetch(self, request):
       status = 0
       content = []

       async with async_timeout.timeout(self.TIMEOUT):
               if self.session is None:
                   self.session = await aiohttp.ClientSession().__aenter__()
               if request['method'] is 'GET':
                   async with self.session.get(url=request['url'],
                                               headers=request['headers']) as response:
                       status = response.status
                       content = await response.read()
                       if status != 200:
                           # エラーのログ出力など必要な場合

               elif request['method'] is 'POST':
                   async with self.session.post(url=request['url'],
                                                headers=request['headers']) as response:
                       status = response.status
                       content = await response.read()
                       if status != 200:
                           # エラーのログ出力など必要な場合

               elif request['method'] is 'PUT':
                   async with self.session.put(url=request['url'],
                                               headers=request['headers']) as response:
                       status = response.status
                       content = await response.read()
                       if status != 200:
                           # エラーのログ出力など必要な場合

               elif request['method'] is 'DELETE':
                   async with self.session.delete(url=request['url'],
                                               headers=request['headers']) as response:
                       status = response.status
                       content = await response.read()
                       if status != 200:
                           # エラーのログ出力など必要な場合

               if len(content) == 0:
                   result = []

                       result = json.loads(content.decode('utf-8'))
                   except Exception as e:

               return result

           except Exception as e:
               # セッション終了
               if self.session is not None:
                   await self.session.__aexit__(None, None, None)
                   await asyncio.sleep(0)
                   self.session = None


   async def send(self):
       promises = [self.fetch(req) for req in self.requests]
       return await asyncio.gather(*promises)

   # ------------------------------------------------ #
   # REST API(Market Data Endpoints)
   # ------------------------------------------------ #
   # Orderbook
   # 確認済
   def orderbook(self):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/public/orderBook/L2/?symbol=', self.SYMBOL])
       params = {}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Query Kline
   # 確認済
   def kline(self, interval, from_timestamp, limit=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/public/kline/list?symbol=', self.SYMBOL, '&interval=', str(interval), '&from=', str(from_timestamp)])
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', str(limit)])
       params = {}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)
   # Latest Information for Symbol
   # 確認済
   def ticker(self):
       target_path = '/v2/public/tickers'
       params = {'symbol': self.SYMBOL}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)
   # Public Trading Records
   # 確認済
   def trading_records(self, from_id='', limit=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/public/trading-records?symbol=', self.SYMBOL])
       if len(str(from_id)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&from=', str(from_id)])
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', str(limit)])

       params = {}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)
   # Query Symbol
   # 確認済
   def symbols(self):
       target_path = '/v2/public/symbols'
       params = {}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)
   # Liquidated Orders
   # 確認済
   def liq_records(self, from_id='', limit='', start_time='', end_time=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/public/liq-records?symbol=', self.SYMBOL])
       if len(str(from_id)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&from=', str(from_id)])
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', str(limit)])
       if len(str(start_time)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&start_time=', str(start_time)])
       if len(str(end_time)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&end_time=', str(end_time)])
       params = {}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)
   # Query Mark Price Kline
   # 確認済
   def mark_price_kline(self, interval, from_timestamp, limit=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/public/mark-price-kline?symbol=', self.SYMBOL, '&interval=', str(interval), '&from=', str(from_timestamp)])
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', str(limit)])

       params = {}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Query index price kline
   # 確認済
   def index_price_kline(self, interval, from_timestamp, limit=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/public/index-price-kline?symbol=', self.SYMBOL, '&interval=', str(interval), '&from=', str(from_timestamp)])
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', str(limit)])

       params = {}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)
   # Query premium index kline
   # 確認済
   def premium_index_kline(self, interval, from_timestamp, limit=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/public/premium-index-kline?symbol=', self.SYMBOL, '&interval=', str(interval), '&from=', str(from_timestamp)])
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', str(limit)])

       params = {}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)
   # Open Interest
   # 確認済
   def open_interest(self, period, limit=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/public/open-interest?symbol=', self.SYMBOL, '&period=', str(period)])
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', str(limit)])

       params = {}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)
   # Latest Big Deal
   # 確認済
   def big_deal(self, limit=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/public/big-deal?symbol=', self.SYMBOL])
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', str(limit)])

       params = {}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Long-Short Ratio
   # 確認済
   def account_ratio(self, period, limit=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/public/account-ratio?symbol=', self.SYMBOL, '&period=', period])
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', str(limit)])

       params = {}
       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='public',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # ------------------------------------------------ #
   # REST API(Account Data Endpoints)
   # ------------------------------------------------ #
   # Place Active Order
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # side	            true	    string	    Side
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # order_type	    true	    string	    Active order type
   # qty	            true	    integer	    Order quantity in USD
   # price	            false	    number	    Order price
   # time_in_force	    true	    string	    Time in force
   # take_profit	    false	    number	    Take profit price, only take effect upon opening the position
   # stop_loss	        false	    number	    Stop loss price, only take effect upon opening the position
   # reduce_only	    false	    bool	    What is a reduce-only order? True means your position can only reduce in size if this order is triggered
   # close_on_trigger	false	    bool	    What is a close on trigger order? For a closing order. It can only reduce your position, not increase it. If the account has insufficient available balance when the closing order is triggered, then other active orders of similar contracts will be cancelled or reduced. It can be used to ensure your stop loss reduces your position regardless of current available margin.
   # order_link_id	    false	    string	    Customised order ID, maximum length at 36 characters, and order ID under the same agency has to be unique.
   def order_create(self, side, order_type, qty, price='', time_in_force='', take_profit='', stop_loss='', reduce_only=False, close_on_trigger=False, order_link_id='' ):
       target_path = '/v2/private/order/create'
       params = {
                   'side': side,
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL,
                   'order_type': order_type,
                   'qty': qty,
                   'time_in_force': time_in_force,

       if len(str(price)) > 0:
           params['price'] = price
       if len(str(take_profit)) > 0:
           params['take_profit'] = take_profit
       if len(str(stop_loss)) > 0:
           params['stop_loss'] = stop_loss
       if len(str(reduce_only)) > 0:
           params['reduce_only'] = reduce_only
       if len(str(close_on_trigger)) > 0:
           params['close_on_trigger'] = close_on_trigger
       if len(str(order_link_id)) > 0:
           params['order_link_id'] = order_link_id

       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)
   # Get Active Order
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # order_status	    false	    string	    Queries orders of all statuses if order_status not provided. If you want to query orders with specific statuses, you can pass the order_status split by ',' (eg Filled,New).
   # direction	        false	    string	    Search direction. prev: prev page, next: next page. Defaults to next
   # limit	            false	    integer	    Limit for data size per page, max size is 50. Default as showing 20 pieces of data per page
   # cursor	        false	    string	    Page turning mark. Use return cursor. Sign using origin data, in request please use urlencode    
   def order_list(self, order_status='', direction='', limit='', cursor=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/private/order/list?', 'symbol=', self.SYMBOL])
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       if len(str(order_status)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&order_status=', order_status])
           params['order_status'] = order_status
       if len(str(direction)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&direction=', direction])
           params['direction'] = direction
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', limit])
           params['limit'] = limit
       if len(str(cursor)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&cursor=', cursor])
           params['cursor'] = cursor

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Cancel Active Order
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # order_id	        false	    string	    Order ID. Required if not passing order_link_id
   # order_link_id	    false	    string	    Agency customized order ID. Required if not passing order_id
   def order_cancel(self, order_id='', order_link_id=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/order/cancel'
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       if len(str(order_id)) > 0:
           params['order_id'] = order_id
       if len(str(order_link_id)) > 0:
           params['order_link_id'] = order_link_id

       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Cancel All Active Orders
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   def order_cancelall(self):
       target_path = '/v2/private/order/cancelAll'
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Replace Active Order
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # order_id	        false	    string  	Your active order ID. The unique order ID returned to you when the corresponding active order was created
   # order_link_id	    false	    string	    Customised order ID, maximum length at 36 characters, and order ID under the same agency has to be unique.
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol.
   # p_r_qty	        false	    string	    New order quantity. Do not pass this field if you don't want modify it
   # p_r_price	        false	    string	    New order price. Do not pass this field if you don't want modify it
   # ================================================================
   def order_replace(self, order_id='', order_link_id='', p_r_qty='', p_r_price=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/order/replace'
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       if len(str(order_id)) > 0:
           params['order_id'] = order_id

       if len(str(order_link_id)) > 0:
           params['order_link_id'] = order_link_id

       if len(str(p_r_qty)) > 0:
           params['p_r_qty'] = p_r_qty

       if len(str(p_r_price)) > 0:
           params['p_r_price'] = p_r_price

       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Query Active Order (real-time)
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # order_id	        false	    string	    Order ID. Required if not passing order_link_id
   # order_link_id	    false	    string	    Agency customized order ID. Required if not passing order_id
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # ================================================================
   def order(self, order_id='', order_link_id=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/private/order?', 'symbol=', self.SYMBOL])
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       if len(str(order_id)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&order_id=', order_id])
           params['order_id'] = order_id
       if len(str(order_link_id)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&order_link_id=', order_link_id])
           params['order_link_id'] = order_link_id

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Place Conditional Order
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # side	            true	    string	    Side
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # order_type	    true	    string	    Conditional order type
   # qty	            true	    string	    Order quantity in USD
   # price	            false	    string	    Execution price for conditional order. Required if you make limit price order
   # base_price	    true	    string	    It will be used to compare with the value of stop_px, to decide whether your conditional order will be triggered by crossing trigger price from upper side or lower side. Mainly used to identify the expected direction of the current conditional order.
   # stop_px	        true	    string	    Trigger price
   # time_in_force	    true	    string	    Time in force
   # trigger_by	    false	    string	    Trigger price type. Default LastPrice
   # close_on_trigger	false	    bool	    What is a close on trigger order? For a closing order. It can only reduce your position, not increase it. If the account has insufficient available balance when the closing order is triggered, then other active orders of similar contracts will be cancelled or reduced. It can be used to ensure your stop loss reduces your position regardless of current available margin.
   # order_link_id	    false	    string	    Customised order ID, maximum length at 36 characters, and order ID under the same agency has to be unique.
   # ================================================================
   def stop_order_create(self, side='', order_type='', qty='', price='', base_price='', stop_px='', time_in_force='', trigger_by='', close_on_trigger='', order_link_id=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/stop-order/create'
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       if len(str(side)) > 0:
           params['side'] = side

       if len(str(order_type)) > 0:
           params['order_type'] = order_type

       if len(str(qty)) > 0:
           params['qty'] = qty

       if len(str(price)) > 0:
           params['price'] = price
       if len(str(base_price)) > 0:
           params['base_price'] = base_price
       if len(str(stop_px)) > 0:
           params['stop_px'] = stop_px
       if len(str(time_in_force)) > 0:
           params['time_in_force'] = time_in_force
       if len(str(trigger_by)) > 0:
           params['trigger_by'] = trigger_by
       if len(str(close_on_trigger)) > 0:
           params['close_on_trigger'] = close_on_trigger
       if len(str(order_link_id)) > 0:
           params['order_link_id'] = order_link_id

       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Get Conditional Order
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # stop_order_status	false	    string	    Queries orders of Untriggered,Active,Deactivated statuses if stop_order_status not provided. If you want to query orders with specific statuses, you can pass the stop_order_status split by ',' (eg Untriggered,Active)
   # direction	        false	    string	    Search direction. prev: prev page, next: next page. Defaults to next
   # limit	            false	    integer	    Limit for data size per page, max size is 50. Default as showing 20 pieces of data per page
   # cursor	        false	    string	    Page turning mark. Use return cursor. Sign using origin data, in request please use urlencode
   # ================================================================
   def stop_order_list(self, stop_order_status='', direction='', limit='', cursor=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/stop-order/list'
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       if len(str(stop_order_status)) > 0:
           params['stop_order_status'] = stop_order_status

       if len(str(direction)) > 0:
           params['direction'] = direction

       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           params['limit'] = limit

       if len(str(cursor)) > 0:
           params['cursor'] = cursor

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Cancel Conditional Order
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # stop_order_id	    false	    string	    Order ID. Required if not passing order_link_id
   # order_link_id	    false	    string	    Agency customized order ID. Required if not passing stop_order_id
   # ================================================================
   def stop_order_cancel(self, stop_order_id='', order_link_id=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/stop-order/cancel'
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       if len(str(stop_order_id)) > 0:
           params['stop_order_id'] = stop_order_id

       if len(str(order_link_id)) > 0:
           params['order_link_id'] = order_link_id

       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Cancel All Conditional Orders
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # ================================================================
   def stop_order_cancelall(self, stop_order_id='', order_link_id=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/stop-order/cancelAll'
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Replace Conditional Order
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # stop_order_id	    false	    string	    Your conditional order ID. The unique order ID returned to you when the corresponding active order was created
   # order_link_id	    false	    string	    Customised order ID, maximum length at 36 characters, and order ID under the same agency has to be unique.
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol.
   # p_r_qty	        false	    integer	    New order quantity. Do not pass this field if you don't want modify it
   # p_r_price	        false	    string	    New order price. Do not pass this field if you don't want modify it
   # p_r_trigger_price	false	    string	    New conditional order's trigger price or TP/SL order price, also known as stop_px. Do not pass this field if you don't want modify it    
   # ================================================================
   def stop_order_replace(self, stop_order_id='', order_link_id='', p_r_qty='', p_r_price='', p_r_trigger_price=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/stop-order/replace'
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL
       if len(str(stop_order_id)) > 0:
           params['stop_order_id'] = stop_order_id

       if len(str(order_link_id)) > 0:
           params['order_link_id'] = order_link_id
       if len(str(p_r_qty)) > 0:
           params['p_r_qty'] = p_r_qty
       if len(str(p_r_price)) > 0:
           params['p_r_price'] = p_r_price
       if len(str(p_r_trigger_price)) > 0:
           params['p_r_trigger_price'] = p_r_trigger_price
       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Query Conditional Order (real-time) 未実装
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # stop_order_id	    false	    string	    Order ID. Required if not passing order_link_id
   # order_link_id	    false	    string	    Agency customized order ID. Required if not passing order_id
   # ================================================================
   def stop_order(self, stop_order_id='', order_link_id=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/private/stop-order?', 'symbol=', self.SYMBOL])
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       if len(str(stop_order_id)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&stop_order_id=', stop_order_id])
           params['stop_order_id'] = stop_order_id
       if len(str(order_link_id)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&order_link_id=', order_link_id])
           params['order_link_id'] = order_link_id

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # My Position
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol.
   # ================================================================
   def position_list(self):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/private/position/list?', 'symbol=', self.SYMBOL]) 
       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Change Margin
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # margin	        true	    string	    margin
   # ================================================================
   def change_position_margin(self, margin=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/position/change-position-margin'

       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL
       if len(str(margin)) > 0:
           params['margin'] = margin
       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Set Trading-Stop
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # take_profit	    false	    number	    Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel TP
   # stop_loss	        false	    number	    Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel SL
   # trailing_stop	    false	    number	    Cannot be less than 0, 0 means cancel TS
   # tp_trigger_by	    false	    string	    take profit trigger price type,default: LastPrice
   # sl_trigger_by	    false	    string	    take profit trigger price type,default: LastPrice
   # new_trailing_active false	    number	    Trailing stop trigger price. Trailing stops are triggered only when the price reaches the specified price. Trailing stops are triggered immediately by default.
   # ================================================================
   def trading_stop(self, take_profit='', stop_loss='', trailing_stop='', tp_trigger_by='', sl_trigger_by='', new_trailing_active=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/position/trading-stop'

       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL
       if len(str(take_profit)) > 0:
           params['take_profit'] = take_profit
       if len(str(stop_loss)) > 0:
           params['stop_loss'] = stop_loss
       if len(str(trailing_stop)) > 0:
           params['trailing_stop'] = trailing_stop
       if len(str(tp_trigger_by)) > 0:
           params['tp_trigger_by'] = tp_trigger_bymargin
       if len(str(sl_trigger_by)) > 0:
           params['sl_trigger_by'] = sl_trigger_by
       if len(str(new_trailing_active)) > 0:
           params['new_trailing_active'] = new_trailing_active
       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Set Leverage
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # leverage	        true	    number	    Leverage. 0 means Cross Margin mode - any other value means Isolated Margin mode
   # ================================================================
   def leverage_save(self, leverage=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/position/leverage/save'

       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL
       if len(str(leverage)) > 0:
           params['leverage'] = leverage

       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # User Trade Records
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # order_id	        false	    string	    OrderID. If not provided, will return user's trading records
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Contract type. Required
   # start_time	    false	    int	        Start timestamp point for result, in milliseconds
   # page	            false	    integer	    Page. By default, gets first page of data
   # limit	            false	    integer	    Limit for data size per page, max size is 200. Default as showing 50 pieces of data per page
   # order	            false	    string	    Sort orders by creation date
   # ================================================================
   def execution_list(self, order_id='', start_time='', page='', limit='', order=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/private/execution/list?', 'symbol=', self.SYMBOL])

       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL
       if len(str(order_id)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&order_id=', order_id])
           params['order_id'] = order_id
       if len(str(start_time)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&start_time=', start_time])
           params['start_time'] = start_time
       if len(str(page)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&page=', page])
           params['page'] = page
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', limit])
           params['limit'] = limit
       if len(str(order)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&order=', order])
           params['order'] = order

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Closed Profit and Loss
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # start_time	    false	    int	        Start timestamp point for result, in seconds
   # end_time	        false	    int	        End timestamp point for result, in seconds
   # exec_type	        false	    string	    Execution type
   # page	            false	    integer	    Page. By default, gets first page of data. Maximum of 50 pages
   # limit	            false	    integer	    Limit for data size per page, max size is 50. Default as showing 20 pieces of data per page.
   # ================================================================
   def closed_pnl_list(self, start_time='', end_time='', exec_type='', page='', limit=''):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/private/trade/closed-pnl/list?', 'symbol=', self.SYMBOL])

       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL
       if len(str(start_time)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&start_time=', start_time])
           params['start_time'] = start_time
       if len(str(end_time)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&end_time=', end_timestart_time])
           params['end_time'] = end_time
       if len(str(exec_type)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&exec_type=', exec_type])
           params['exec_type'] = exec_type
       if len(str(page)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&page=', page])
           params['page'] = page
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, '&limit=', limit])
           params['limit'] = limit

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Get Risk Limit
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # ================================================================
   def risk_limit_list(self, start_time='', end_time='', exec_type='', page='', limit=''):
       target_path = '/open-api/wallet/risk-limit/list?'

       params = {}

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Set Risk Limit
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # risk_id	        true	    integer	    Risk ID.
   # ================================================================
   def risk_limit(self, risk_id=''):
       target_path = '/open-api/wallet/risk-limit'

       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       if len(str(risk_id)) > 0:
           params['risk_id'] = risk_id

       self.set_request(method='POST', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Get the Last Funding Rate
   # 確認済?
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # ================================================================
   def prev_funding_rate(self):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/private/funding/prev-funding-rate?', 'symbol=', self.SYMBOL])

       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # My Last Funding Fee
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # ================================================================
   def prev_funding(self):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/private/funding/prev-funding?', 'symbol=', self.SYMBOL])

       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Predicted Funding Rate and My Funding Fee
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # ================================================================
   def predicted_funding(self):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/private/funding/predicted-funding?', 'symbol=', self.SYMBOL])

       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # API Key Info
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # ================================================================
   def api_key_info(self):
       target_path = '/v2/private/account/api-key?'

       params = {}

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # LCP Info
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # symbol	        true	    string	    Symbol
   # ================================================================
   def lcp_info(self):
       target_path = ''.join(['/v2/private/account/lcp?', 'symbol=', self.SYMBOL])

       params = {
                   'symbol': self.SYMBOL

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # ------------------------------------------------ #
   # REST API(Wallet Data Endpoints)
   # ------------------------------------------------ #

   # Get Wallet Balance
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # coin	            false	    string	    currency alias. Returns all wallet balances if not passed
   # ================================================================
   def wallet_balance(self, coin=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/wallet/balance?'

       params = {}

       if len(str(coin)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'coin=', coin])
           params['coin'] = coin

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Wallet Fund Records
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # start_date	    false	    string	    Start point for result
   # end_date	        false	    string	    End point for result
   # currency	        false	    string	    Currency type
   # coin	            false	    string	    currency alias
   # wallet_fund_type	false	    string	    Wallet fund type
   # page	            false	    integer	    Page. By default, gets first page of data
   # limit	            false	    integer	    Limit for data size per page, max size is 50. Default as showing 20 pieces of data per page
   # ================================================================
   def wallet_fund_records(self, start_date='', end_date='', currency='', coin='', wallet_fund_type='', page='', limit=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/wallet/fund/records?'

       params = {}

       if len(str(start_date)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'start_date=', start_date])
           params['start_date'] = start_date
       if len(str(end_date)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'end_date=', end_date])
           params['end_date'] = end_date
       if len(str(currency)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'currency=', currency])
           params['currency'] = currency
       if len(str(coin)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'coin=', coin])
           params['coin'] = coin
       if len(str(wallet_fund_type)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'wallet_fund_type=', wallet_fund_type])
           params['wallet_fund_type'] = wallet_fund_type
       if len(str(page)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'page=', page])
           params['page'] = page
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'limit=', limit])
           params['limit'] = limit

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Withdraw Records
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # start_date	    false	    string	    Start point for result
   # end_date	        false	    string	    End point for result
   # coin	            false	    string	    Currency type
   # status	        false	    string	    Withdraw Status Enum
   # page	            false	    integer	    Page. By default, gets first page of data
   # limit	            false	    integer	    Limit for data size per page, max size is 50. Default as showing 20 pieces of data per page
   # ================================================================
   def wallet_withdraw_list(self, start_date='', end_date='', coin='', status='', page='', limit=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/wallet/withdraw/list?'

       params = {}

       if len(str(start_date)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'start_date=', start_date])
           params['start_date'] = start_date
       if len(str(end_date)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'end_date=', end_date])
           params['end_date'] = end_date
       if len(str(coin)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'coin=', coin])
           params['coin'] = coin
       if len(str(status)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'status=', status])
           params['status'] = status
       if len(str(page)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'page=', page])
           params['page'] = page
       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'limit=', limit])
           params['limit'] = limit

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # Asset Exchange Records
   # 確認済
   # ================================================================
   # Request Parameters
   # parameter	        required	type	    comments
   # ================================================================
   # limit	            false	    integer 	Limit for data size per page, max size is 50. Default as showing 20 pieces of data per page
   # from	            false	    integer	    Start ID. By default, returns the latest IDs
   # direction	        false	    string	    Search direction. Prev: searches in ascending order from start ID, Next: searches in descending order from start ID. Defaults to Next
   # ================================================================
   def wallet_exchange_order_list(self, limit='', from_id='', direction=''):
       target_path = '/v2/private/exchange-order/list?'

       params = {}

       if len(str(limit)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'limit=', limit])
           params['limit'] = limit
       if len(str(from_id)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'from_id=', from_id])
           params['from_id'] = from_id
       if len(str(direction)) > 0:
           target_path = ''.join([target_path, 'direction=', direction])
           params['direction'] = direction

       self.set_request(method='GET', access_modifiers='private',
                        target_path=target_path, params=params)

   # ------------------------------------------------ #
   # WebSocket
   # ------------------------------------------------ #
   async def ws_run(self, callback):
       # 変数
       end_point_public = self.URLS['WebSocket']

       while True:
               async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                   async with session.ws_connect(end_point_public,
                                                 receive_timeout=self.TIMEOUT) as client:

                       if len(self.PRIVATE_CHANNELS) > 0 and self.api_key != '' and self.api_secret != '':
                           result = await self.auth(client)
                           await self.subscribe(client, 'private', self.PRIVATE_CHANNELS)

                       if len(self.PUBLIC_CHANNELS) > 0:
                           await self.subscribe(client, 'public', self.PUBLIC_CHANNELS)

                       async for response in client:
                           if response.type != WSMsgType.TEXT:
                               print('response:' + str(response))
                           elif 'error' in response[1]:
                           elif 'subscribed' in response[1]:
                           elif '"success":true' in response[1]:
                               # heartbeat用タイム
                               self.heartbeat = time.time()+30.0
                               data = json.loads(response[1])
                               await self.handler(callback, data)
                           if self.heartbeat < time.time():
                               self.heartbeat = time.time()+30.0
                               await self.ping(client)

           except Exception as e:
               await asyncio.sleep(10)

   # 購読
   async def subscribe(self, client, access_modifiers, channels):
       params = {"op":"subscribe", "args":channels}
       await asyncio.wait([client.send_str(json.dumps(params))])

   # 認証
   async def auth(self, client):
           timestamp = int((time.time()+10.0) * 1000)
           signature = hmac.new(self.api_secret.encode(), ''.join(['GET/realtime', str(timestamp)]).encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

           params = {
                       'op': "auth",
                       'args': [self.api_key, timestamp, signature]
           await asyncio.wait([client.send_str(json.dumps(params))])
           result = None

           return result

       except Exception as e:

   # ping
   async def ping(self, client):
       params = {'op': 'ping'}
       await asyncio.wait([client.send_str(json.dumps(params))])

   # UTILS
   # コールバック、ハンドラー
   async def handler(self, func, *args):
       return await func(*args)
# sample.py

import asyncio
import traceback
from time import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from collections import deque

from bybit import Bybit

class Sample():
   SYMBOL = 'BTCUSD'            # シンボル[BTCUSD]
   # ---------------------------------------- #
   # init
   # ---------------------------------------- #
   def __init__(self, api_key, api_secret):
       self.bybit = Bybit(api_key=api_key, api_secret=api_secret)

       # タスクの設定およびイベントループの開始
       loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
       tasks = [
   # ---------------------------------------- #
   # bot main
   # ---------------------------------------- #
   async def run(self):
           await self.main()
           await asyncio.sleep(0)
   async def main(self):
           ## Orderbook
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Query Kline
           #self.bybit.kline(1, from_timestamp, 2)
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           # Latest Information for Symbol
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Public Trading Records
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## Query Symbol
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Liquidated Orders
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Query Mark Price Kline
           #self.bybit.mark_price_kline(1, from_timestamp, 2)
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## Query index price kline
           #self.bybit.index_price_kline(1, from_timestamp, 2)
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## Query premium index kline
           #self.bybit.premium_index_kline(1, from_timestamp, 2)
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## Open Interest
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## Latest Big Deal
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## Long-Short Ratio
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           # Place Active Order
           #self.bybit.order_create(side='Buy', order_type='Limit', qty=10, price=30000, time_in_force='GoodTillCancel',)
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           #order_id = response[0]['result']['order_id']
           #await asyncio.sleep(5)

           ## Get Active Order
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Cancel Active Order
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Cancel All Active Orders
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Replace Active Order
           #self.bybit.order_replace(order_id=order_id, p_r_qty=20)
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Query Active Order
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## My Position
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Change Margin
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Set Leverage
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## User Trade Records
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Closed Profit and Loss
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Get Risk Limit
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Set Risk Limit
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## Get the Last Funding Rate
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## My Last Funding Fee
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## Predicted Funding Rate and My Funding Fee
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## API Key Info
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## LCP Info
           #response = await self.bybit.send()

           # Get Wallet Balance
           response = await self.bybit.send()

           ## Wallet Fund Records
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Withdraw Records
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           ## Asset Exchange Records
           #response = await self.bybit.send()
           await asyncio.sleep(10)

       except Exception as e:

   # リアルタイムデータの受信
   async def realtime(self, response):
       # websocketから配信される情報を表示
       if response['topic'] == 'trade.' + self.SYMBOL:
           # trade
       if response['topic'] == 'orderBookL2_25.' + self.SYMBOL:
           # orderBookL2_25
       if response['topic'] == 'instrument_info.100ms.' + self.SYMBOL:
           # instrument_info
       if response['topic'] == 'position':
           # private position
       if response['topic'] == 'execution':
           # private execution
       if response['topic'] == 'order':
           # private order
       if response['topic'] == 'stop_order':
           # private stop_order

# --------------------------------------- #
# main
# --------------------------------------- #
if __name__ == '__main__':

   api_key = ''        # api_keyを入力
   api_secret = ''     # api_secretを入力

   Sample(api_key=api_key, api_secret=api_secret)




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