
Translators Unite: The Big Rewards Reveal!

It's only been a little over a year since DLsite launched "Translators Unite", and the service has steadily grown, with over 3,500 registered translators who have access to over 16,000 works for translation!

What is Translators Unite?
Translators Unite is a service that connects translators with doujin creators who want to share their work in other languages.
By buying works from their original creators, translators can quickly begin translation online. Completed translations are released for sale, with a portion of sales going to the translator.


If you were wondering just how much translators earn through participating in Translators Unite, today's your lucky day! Read on and learn!

Over 500,000 yen!? The Big Rewards Reveal

(Apr. 2022 - Jan. 2023)

*Total number of translators who have completed at least one translation
*As of January 2023

Some translators who translated over 100 works managed to net themselves over 500,000 yen!
As the number of translations is only an average, there are actually also a few translators who earned tens of thousands of yen translating relatively few works.

But what kind of works sold the most...?

Top 5 Translations by No. of Sales

(Apr. 2022 - Jan. 2023)

If we look at the different retail sections, for Otome and BL works, mangas were the most popular translations, while in the R18 section audio came out on top. Some works sold over 1,000 copies, showing there is a clear demand from international users.

Find details on the best-selling works in the All Ages section here!

So there you have it - a glimpse into the possible rewards translators may get with Translators Unite.

If you haven't registered as a translator, you can find details below, so have a look! You can also check which works are available for translation.

Information for readers about translated works

If you want to check works that have already been translated, see below!

▼English works       ▼Simplified Chinese works
[ All Ages works ]        [ All Ages works ]
▼Traditional Chinese works  ▼Korean works
 [ All Ages works]        [ All Ages works ]
