
新しいブラウザが登場!AI搭載のMicrosoft Edgeがヤバイ!-通信量が少なくて便利!Microsoft Edgeの魅力とは?





そもそも、元々Chromeを使っている状況でedgeを使おうと思ったきっかけが生成AIである。ご存じのとおり、2022年末に突如とOpen AIが発表し、瞬く間に世間に広がったChat GPT。





第3、Microsoft Rewardを貯めることでポイ活できるから
ところが、EdgeでBingを使用して検索を行うと、Microsoft Rewardというポイントが貯まっていく。






When it comes to smartphone browsers, I think many people have the perception that if it's an iPhone, it's Safari, and if it's Android, it's Chrome. Personally, I have been using Android for a long time and have mainly been using Chrome. There was a time when I used Opera to save data usage, but only for a while. However, the browser I have been using recently is Microsoft Edge, and the search engine I use is Bing, not Google. The main reasons why I switched from Chrome, which I have been using for a long time, can be summarized in three points. First, the reason I thought of using Edge in the first place is because of the AI assistant called Copilot (powered by Bing). As you may know, Chat GPT, the AI assistant that OpenAI suddenly announced at the end of 2022, quickly spread to the world. Edge was the browser app that quickly made this AI assistant available for free. At the time of its release, it was called Bing, but now it has an enhanced version called Copilot. As of February 2024, to my knowledge, Edge is the only browser app that has an AI assistant. Recently, Google's AI assistant, Bard, changed its name to Gemini and improved its features, but Gemini cannot generate images, while Copilot can generate images for free. From the perspective of AI assistance, Microsoft is undoubtedly leading Google. Second, the data usage is less compared to Chrome. This may be subjective, but ever since I switched from Chrome to Edge, the data usage has significantly decreased. From my experience, I think Edge can browse with less than two-thirds of the data usage of Chrome. By the way, Chrome used to have a feature called Data Saver, but it didn't save as much data as it claimed, and currently, the feature itself has been removed. Third, you can earn Microsoft Rewards points for various activities. Many people may use Google's search engine, but no matter how much you search on Google, it doesn't really benefit the users. However, when you use Bing with Edge, you can accumulate points called Microsoft Rewards. I think, based on my experience, you can accumulate around 2,500 points per month with average smartphone usage of 20-30 times. And when you reach 5,250 points, you can exchange them for an Amazon gift card. You can accumulate points automatically just by searching normally, and use those points to purchase whatever you like. In this situation, there is almost no reason to use Google anymore. For these reasons, I switched from Chrome to Edge about a year ago, and Edge is well-designed as a browser app, with almost no disadvantages compared to Chrome, and it seems even more user-friendly than Chrome. It may also have good compatibility with Word and Excel. In any case, if you are currently using Chrome, I highly recommend downloading the Edge app and making the switch.

