
My design journey in-brief | 私のデザインジャーニー

こんにちは、現在、ユーザベースでUI/UXデザイナーとして働いている、Nirmal Fernando(ニルマール・フェルナンド)です。ここでは、私のストーリーを紹介します。


子供の頃、私はテレビや紙媒体の広告に大きな関心を持っていました。新聞広告を見るために雑誌をたくさん集めました。また、紙を切ってCDカバーを作ったこともあります。また、大学時代の友人の集合写真を印刷して背景を切り取り、クレヨンで別の背景を描き直したりもしました。何年か経ってから、私がAdobe Photoshopを使ってデジタルでやっていることは、まさにこのことだと気づきました。

2003年に学校を卒業した後、3D Max、Maya、ビデオ編集のコースに入学しました。私の夢は、デザイナーとしてテレビ局に入社することでした。当時は、3Dアニメーションの需要が高く、熟練した業界のプロは数えるほどしかいませんでした。この分野の初心者である私は、自分のポートフォリオを充実させるために、サウンドトラックとアニメーションを制作しなければなりませんでした。そして、自分のポートフォリオCDをテレビ局やプロダクションに送り、自分を社員候補として売り込むのです。このようにして、私はデザイナーとしてのキャリアをスタートさせました。



ジュニアデジタルアートディレクターからデジタルアートディレクターになるまで、私はさまざまな代理店で多くの経験を積みました。 ジュニアデザイナー、開発者、コピーライターのチームマネジメントをしながら、スリランカの主要なブランドをリードしました。この経験は、この業界を学び、理解するための多くの機会を与えてくれました。また、私はマルチタスカーであり、新しいことを学ぶために「ノー」と言うことはほとんどない人間だという評価を得ました。



この機会に、この素晴らしい会社に参加する機会を与えてくれたCDOをはじめとする日本とスリランカの経営陣、そしてSaaS Design Divisionのチームメンバーに感謝しています。


Hi, I'm Nirmal Fernando, currently working as a UI/UX designer in UZABASE, Inc., and here is my story.


My childhood and present days are connected with things I loved to do. During my years in school, I was very much involved in many creative projects. And they were not only limited to art. I wrote short stories, scripts, directed school dramas and plays, participated in art competitions, etc. But as I continued my studies, there was a certain point where I ended up at a crossroad – should I choose art, or should I choose music? I picked music lessons while saying goodbye to art. It's a decision that I regret to this day, one which I would change if I can travel back in time. To be fair I did enjoy studying music and playing musical instruments. But art has always been my true passion.

As a kid, I had quite an interest in TV and print advertisements. I collected plenty of magazines just to see the press ads. I also remember making CD covers with paper cuttings. I used to print some of my college friends' group photographs, cut out their backgrounds and then redrew a different background in crayons. Years later, I realised that this is exactly what I am currently doing digitally when using Adobe Photoshop.

After completing school in 2003, I enrolled on courses in 3D Max, Maya and video editing. I dreamed of joining a Television station as a designer. Back then, there was much demand for 3D animation with only a handful of skilled industry professionals. As a beginner in the field, I had to create my soundtracks and animations to beef up my portfolio. Then I sent my portfolio CDs to tv channels and production houses to pitch myself as a potential employee. And this is how I began my career as a designer.

It was a slightly unconventional career start compared to other designers as I began mine with 3D animations and video editing. But after I completed some graphic design courses, I started my journey as a print designer. Eventually, I worked in several different companies and industries, gaining a heap of work experience, not just limited to design, but also related to printing methods, print processes, related software and machines. For example, I learnt that graphic designing for newspaper publications and preparing designs for fabric are completely different methods.

With time I also realised that the design industry is rapidly changing towards digital and that I should also adapt myself accordingly. So, I started to seek employment in digital agencies, and in 2010 I changed my role from a print designer to a digital designer. This decision indeed turned out to be the best decision I have ever made in my career.

From a Junior Digital Art Director to a Digital Art Director, I gained a lot of experience in different agencies., handling some of the leading brands in Sri Lanka while managing a team of junior designers, developers, and copywriters. This experience opened up so many opportunities to learn and understand the industry. I also developed a reputation as a multitasker and a person who would rarely say 'no' to learning something new.



As a result, I began to learn UI and UX, and while working as a UI/UX designer, I got the opportunity to join Uzabase. As I look back and compare with my previous places of employment, UB is on a different level, driven by great values. From day one, working at UB shaped my career, not just as a designer but also as an industry professional. Showing respect and trust towards each other are some of the values that I have witnessed there.


Designing is something that you can learn. But to develop a good work ethic, you must be in an organisation that practices such values. Influenced by the Japanese culture, UB does not force its employees in any way but instead creates the ideal environment that helps us adapt to its culture without effort.

I take this opportunity to thank the UB management in Japan and Sri Lanka, including my chief design officer, for giving me this opportunity to be a part of this team and also the other members in the SaaS design division.

