
S’ACCAPAU + Gaggancollaboration dinner前編 ~Part 1~ Report2017.08.07 @S'ACCAPAU



Like attracts like and two sommeliers have made a pact to work together. This connection happened naturally because they are so similar, but it was like a lightning bolt from out of the blue because they were not expecting it.

Gaggan, a Bangkok restaurant famously known as the best restaurant in Asia, and S’ACCAPAU are going to hold a “collaboration dinner.”

Mr. Seju Yang, chief sommelier at S’ACCAPAU was chosen as one of the “World’s 50 Best Sommeliers.” When he went to Australia for the award ceremony, he got to know Mr. Kojic Vladimir, chief sommelier at Gaggan.






「日本?毎月のように来てるよ。もう70回めくらい。JAPAN LOVES ME!(ニヤリ)」

They both enjoy natural wine and became good friends right away. Since
Mr. Vladimir planned to visit Japan in August, it was natural that they started talking about holding their collaboration event in Japan.

At first, Mr. Yang had “Somjam” in mind.

Somjam is a special event which is held occasionally at S’ACCAPAU.
Mr. Yang invites sommeliers from other restaurants to discover wine-pairings together. It’s just like a jam session between musicians.
Mr. Yang and Mr. Vladimir were thinking about doing something together at Somjam. One day, Mr. Yang got a phone call from Mr. Vladimir. He said, “Gaggan Anand (owner and chef at Gaggan) wants to join us.”

Mr. Vladimir continued, “I asked Gaggan for one day off for the collaboration dinner, then he said, ’Damn it! Seriously? Why didn’t you ask me to join you? Why are you going to do it without me?’”
Mr. Vladimir’s calm tone of voice made the story sound even funnier.

On the day of the collaboration dinner, I had a chance to interview
Mr. Gaggan Anand and Mr. Vladimir.

“Yes, I come to Japan almost every month. This might be my 70th visit. Japan loves me!” Mr. Gaggan Anand said laughing.





As you might have already noticed, Mr. Gaggan Anand is one of a kind. He was born in Kolkata, India. He had his first culinary training at the age of 21 in both Italian and French cuisine restaurants. He also gained cooking experience at
“el Bulli” in Spain, which is known as a legendary restaurant where you can never book a table. Gaggan’s original dishes, based on Indian cooking methods, are heavily influenced by el Bulli.

“I have a keen sense of smell. I do not like the strong smell of fish. I cannot eat canned tuna. I tend to smell something chemical in most wines. But, with natural wine I don’t smell any odor. I feel the deep aroma and flavor of natural ingredients instead. At the same time, I can see the possibilities of this new type of wine. If there is a chef who persists in well-known, expensive Chateau but ignores natural wine, it might mean that he denies gastronomic thought.”

In terms of wine, Mr. Anand had left the choices entirely to his sommeliers. He says, “I have been a bystander, as if I was sitting on a bench, just watching.” But once he got to know the world of natural wine, he decided he would rather be deeply involved. That’s why he wanted to join the collaboration dinner.

“Japan is amazing. A lot of people are interested in natural wine and there is a good selection in Japan. It is different in Singapore, Hong Kong and other Asian countries. People there are still attracted by luxury brand wines, just like they love Hermes or Chanel, and do not consider any other options.”



In order to organize their collaboration dinner, Mr. Yang and Mr. Vladimir have been messaging back and forth almost every night. They’ve shared information such as the ingredients of each dish that they plan to serve. They selected wine-parings by using their imagination inspired by their experiences. They are also prepared to deal with any situation change.
Mr. Vladimir said, “I select wine-pairings for 25 different dishes at Gaggan. Each dish includes various types of textures or flavors. The dishes are often changing. I must be flexible, therefore I do not have any standard rule for choosing wine.”

Mr. Anand continues, “I agree. For tonight, we already have a plan that our executive chef Rydo created. I also have my own ideas. Let’s see how it goes. It is me who always deviates from the plan.” He called Mr. Rydo Anton and
Mr. Tabuchi, executive chef at S’ACCAPAU, and started a chat session between them.



“Do you have Japanese dashi? I want to use some.”
“We have katsuo (bonito) and konbu dashi.”
“How about citrus fruits?”
“We have yuzu and sudachi.”

Mr. Anand even wanted to go shopping at the last minute. Mr. Yang was very surprised because the collaboration dinner would start soon, but he took Mr. Anand to a local grocery store anyway.The chefs from Gaggan and S’ACCAPAU are busy preparing in the kitchen.


Their event will start in one hour. Are they ready!?
(To be continued…)


ガガン・アナンド / Gaggan Anand


Born in Kolkata, India
Anand’s youth passion was in music and later he pursued his career as a chef.
Anand trained at numbers of highly acclaimed restaurants including “Red”, modern Indian cuisine in Bangkok, and legendary “El Bulli” in Spain.
Anand opened “Gaggan” in Bangkok in 2010.
“Gaggan” continuously awarded for the No.1 restaurant in Asia by Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants from 2015 to 2017.
“Gaggan” ranked No.7 on World’s 50 Best Restaurant in 2017.







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