
Forfeiting Remaining Unused Paid Leave

I've made the decision to leave the company where I've been employed for over a decade, and after considerable effort, I finally secured a new position.

I recently informed my supervisor of my intention to resign, and we've agreed on a departure date. At the same time, I've realized that I still have a significant amount of accrued paid leave remaining with my current employer.

It seems imprudent to let go of this hard-earned benefit. Feeling the need to rejuvenate before embarking on the challenges of a new role, I recognize that utilizing all of my accrued paid leave may be impractical due to the need to transition my responsibilities.

Therefore, I find myself in the position of having to leave some paid leave unused as I transition to my new role. Nevertheless, I'm genuinely excited about taking this new step forward and feel well-prepared for the future.





