
My Decision Without Regret

I have made the decision to resign from my current job due to difficulties in my relationship with a certain supervisor, a decrease in motivation towards work, and subsequently submitted my resignation letter after getting a great offer from a company.

However, despite several days passing since submitting the resignation letter, there was no communication whatsoever from the supervisor or the HR department. I attempted to inquire about the progress of my resignation with the supervisor multiple times, but received no response.

After several days, there were finally signs of progress in the resignation process. However, it was only then that I received communication from the supervisor, explaining the reasons why my resignation letter was slowly being accepted. My supervisor expressed that they had no intention of accepting my resignation, as they highly valued my abilities and wished for me to remain with the company.

Feeling surprised and dismayed, I reaffirmed my conviction that my decision was the right one. I felt a stronger determination to embark on the next stage in a different workplace, and my resolve to approach new challenges with a positive mindset grew even stronger.





