

最近、アニメ好きの友達の影響で、私もアニメを見始めました。 昨日は約束のネバーランドを一気に見ちゃいました。意外と面白くてはまりそうです。皆さんはおすすめのアニメありますか?

Hello this is Chima.
I started to watch anime recently because my friends like it. Yesterday I watched the whole series of The Promised Neverland. Surprisingly it was interesting so I'm likely to be into anime. Do you have any recommendation?
By the way, I introduce french home cooking this time too. I heard from my french friend that there was delicious cuisine using reblochon cheese that was made only in Savoie. I went to the supermarket but I couldn't find that cheese. Finally I found it at the cheese shop in the department store. It was 1600yen for quarter (160g). It's expensive but I bought it for authentic taste. It is called tartiflette only when reblochon cheese was used. It's rich, creamy, and really delicious. It is worth trying!

じゃがいも 250g
ベーコン 50g
玉ねぎ 50g
ルブロションチーズ 1/4(約160g)
にんにく 1かけ
牛乳 200cc


Tartiflette recipe
Ingredients (for 1-2 people)
250g of potato
50 g of diced bacon
50 g of onion
1/4 reblochon cheese
1 garlic clove
200cc of milk

Direction (It takes approximately 50 min.)
①Peel and dice the potatoes. Slice the bacon, mince the onion and garlic. Cut the cheese crosswise.
②Put sun flower oil into the pan, and stir the potatoes until it becomes soft. Add the garlic, onion, and bacon and stir them more.
③Preheat the oven to 200°C.
④Place 1/2 of them into the gratin pan, put half cheese, and drip milk on it. Place the rest of them and put cheese on it.
⑤Place the pan in the oven for 20minutes.
It's ready😆

#おうちごはん #料理 #世界のごはん #タルティフレット #フランス #cooking #tartiflette #france
