
Weekly question #1 What habit do you want to form in 2024?

I think I'm doing a good start of the English schedule book (英語手帳) this year. It's my first time to use it.

Weekly question: What habit do you want to form in 2024?

I would like to continue this English schedule book throughout this year. It's always difficult to continue something everyday. Therefore, it will become a good habit for me to study and review English.

The words and phrases may be familiar to me, but I use the English English dictionary to look them up. I am not good at memorizing words from the wordbook. I repeat the words out loud or write them down, but I have a hard time to remember them. I need to use it more.

This schedule book will help me remind to use the words. In addition, I could review how to use them. Although some words are already familiar to me, I look them up in the dictionary and find other ways to use them. It is also a good practice to make sentences myself. These activities will encourage me to remember the words.

Thank you for reading my note. I hope I can continue this challenge everyday.



