
Becoming a fan of 英語手帳

I have started using 英語手帳 this year and 10 days have passed. Only 10 days! But I'm already a fan of this schedule book. And I regretted not using it earlier. I knew about it from when I was updating my posts on Twitter (X). However, I was using a regular schedule book and didn't have enough interest in it. 

英語手帳 already gives me motivation to study English and use the daily phrases everyday. In addition, it was a good idea for me to update my sentences by posting short posts and regular articles. 

About the weekly question, I use my actual schedule book to write down the main idea or the direct answer. On this note, I try to write what I think about the main idea in detail. Then, it will become an essay. It's a good practice for me to write about random topics. Other than updating my usual articles, the question's theme gives me more ideas for writing this note.

Another reason is that I'm excited to look through each page of the schedule book. Daily phrases may be getting unfamiliar in some pages when I look a little ahead. There are also sayings written at the bottom of the page. These sayings will keep me motivated to continue. 

This is just a start, but I probably will buy 英語手帳 next year. I will continue as much as possible, and enjoy studying English.





