
Weekly question #2 Do you often put off things you know you should do?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: Do you often put off things you know you should do?

Yes, I put off reading books. It's not mandatory to read, but I do want to make time to read.

I have been using the tablet to read Kindle books about an year. I bought the new tablet in order to read ebooks at that time. I also subscribe to the Kindle Unlimited.

My reading environment is better than before. However, there are so many books you can read from the subscription. I select the one I want to read, though it's sometimes difficult to make time for reading them. Some of the books are left in my Kindle's bookshelf and waiting to be read. 

Thesedays, I read more English news on websites and I also read the magazine on Kindle, CNN English Express. This magazine is useful to understand the current news. The latest volume you can read from Kindle Unlimited is December 2023.

I would like to make more time reading novels in English. There are also paperbooks that I want to read. Harry Potter series are in my room but I haven't reread them for a while. My parents in law give me some English books every year. I really appreciate them for it. 

My Kindle's bookshelf has the Peter Rabbit series as below. I have read it many times, since the paperbooks of the series are at my parents' house. However, I always want to reread it once in a while. 

There are more books I want to read other than the ones I mentioned above. It will be endless, so that's all for today.



