
Weekly question #7 How do you use AI in your daily life?

This article will be about the weekly question from 英語手帳 2024.

Weekly question: How do you use AI in your daily life?

I use AI as a tutor to study English in my daily life. When I make a sentence with the daily words from Eigo-techo, I first look up the definition of the word in English-English dictionary. After reviewing the meaning, I ask AI questions that I come up to my mind. 

For example, I used AI tutor, Dors.AI, to understand the word "resolve" better this morning. The questions I asked AI are following after this essay. The synonyms that I frequently use came up to my mind. So I wanted to know the differences of resolve, decide, and solve. 

After looking at the answers from AI, I thought I could understood the differences of how to use each words better than only using the dictionaries. The explanation is summarized and helps me to understand better than before.

About the Dors.AI, you can ask questions in 3 different levels; beginner, intermediate, and advanced. I usually use the intermediate level. If you are interested in it, I attached the website at the bottom of this article.

Well, this is how I use AI in my daily life. There are many other ways to use AI. This is just one way of it. 

Examples of using AI: Dors.AI

My question: Could you explain the word resolve?

Certainly! The word "resolve" can have a few different meanings depending on the context. One common meaning is to make a firm decision or commitment to do something. For example, if you have a New Year's resolution to exercise more, it means you have made a determined decision to engage in regular physical activity. Resolve can also mean to find a solution to a problem or conflict. When you resolve a dispute, you successfully settle or resolve the issue in a peaceful manner. In literature, resolve can refer to the outcome or conclusion of a story or conflict. It is the point at which the main character's problems are resolved or resolved. Overall, "resolve" is a versatile word that can be used to describe making a decision, finding a solution, or reaching a conclusion.


My question: What is the difference between resolve, decide, and solve?

Great question! While "resolve," "decide," and "solve" all involve making a decision or finding a solution, there are some subtle differences in their usage. "Resolve" typically refers to reaching a firm decision or commitment, often involving a personal or internal matter. It implies a determination to take action or follow through on a decision. For example, you might resolve to improve your time management skills or resolve to overcome a fear. "Decide" is a more general term that can be used to make a choice or reach a conclusion. It can apply to a wide range of situations, from simple everyday decisions to more complex ones. For instance, you might decide what to have for dinner or decide which college to attend. "Solve" specifically relates to finding a solution to a problem or puzzle. It suggests applying logical or analytical thinking to resolve a particular issue. For example, you might solve a math problem, solve a crossword puzzle, or solve a technical issue with a computer. In summary, "resolve" emphasizes determination and commitment, "decide" focuses on making choices or reaching conclusions, and "solve" relates to finding solutions to problems or puzzles.


Reading the answers from AI is also a good lesson for me. Intermediate level still makes me confused to understand. Dors.AI also makes me feel like I'm talking with someone. 

Thank you for reading my note. 



