Concisely and clearly

I wanted to review my skills of writing business emails and read the book below by Kindle unlimited. I thought it had useful expressions I could use. Moreover, the most important thing I realized was to write the main topic concisely and clearly to the recipient.

When I try to write sentences in English, I first think in Japanese. Usually in Japanese, we say like "お世話になっております". In the book one of the example for it was "I hope this email finds you well". It means that I hope this email is read by you or reached you alright.

These greetings may be useful, but sometimes you don't really need to say it. If you already know the recipient well from before, you probably don't need to say it and it's better to start with what you really want to tell him or her.

For example, if you want to meet up and have a meeting, you only need to ask them their schedules and the main reason for the meeting. I tend to think in Japanese first and translate it to English. So the sentences are in English but it sometimes sounds like Japanese or it's not in natural English.

Even when I'm writing now, I think the sentences in Japanese in my head and translate it. How can your English come out naturally all the time. I'm not a native English speaker, so it's difficult to be like that.

I also think that I don't need to be like a native speaker because I know I can't be like one. Although I study with my utmost effort, I can't be a native speaker. However, I can try my best to gradually achieve my goal someday. 

When I also write this note, I will try to stick to the main topic as much as possible and make my opinions clearly. 



